Using the console command, I was able to talk to her about her blog. However, after talking to her, the blog opp. didn't appear. I also do use a cheat mod but I only cheated money AFTER getting credit for the club dress and bikini and I only ever add a maximum of $200 dollars anyway.
Cheat Mod doesn't affect any of the Opportunity Events.
I think there is a branch in deciding if you want to help her with the Blog. And in case when She doesn't want your help.
Now, this closes the opportunity permanently. Which is not right.
label dinner_after_punishment:
$ renpy.block_rollback()
$ seat_Dinner()
if day == 1:
jump dinner_first
elif day == 2:
jump dinner_2
elif day == 3:
jump dinner_3
elif day == 4:
jump dinner_4
jump typical_dinner
jump after_dinner
I found this code, which means.. Before Dinner time, the game checks if anyone needs to be punished, and then this tracks the normal dinner event.
After Day 4.. it goes to "typical dinner".. so its usual Ann talk and then everyone leaves.
Now, the Alice Blog event is tied with "Day 2"
if talk_var['blog'] < 2:
jump dinner_2.blog2
Now, this could become a major issue and flaw. As we could miss out lot of events based on it.
OnlyFunz maxbishup I Started over and blog still doesn't show up. I decided to start over again and this time I chose different dialogue choices at first breakfast and then Alice mentions blog (there was no indication that different dialogue choices can lead to Opps. and you'll lock yourself out of an opp. if you don't know any better) but after talking to her about her blog more, the Blog Opp. still didn't show (I didn't use cheats this time).
I think since this opportunity is tied with the second day dinner event, its not able to invoke at late point of the game. (As i have explained above)
Use your old save and try this Console command:
Now, tell me what the progress is.. Are you able to see the Blog Opportunity now?
(If you are able to see it, then you should head to your Laptop and learn about Blog in the Search bar)