Overall the 6.08 version plays pretty well. I didn't find a single crash bug in this version. The only issues I had with it is:
1. Even when at war with Eric it doesn't seem possible to avoid him having his way with the girls, even if you beat him at everything. This may just be a matter of timing since his scenes are implemented, but the option to get rid of him isn't yet. I'm not sure what the "long war" option is supposed to look like either. Is that a branch off of the war path or the friend path?
I picked the war path in my game and beat Eric at all challenges, but he still ended up perving on Alice, giving lessons to Lisa, and getting blowjobs from Kira. Nothing I could do about it that I could find.
2. Some of the opportunities either don't have enough hint info in the opportunity page to know what to do or the grind is absolutely insane to get them. I'm at 16/17 in my game with most of the paths fully complete, but the ones that are not complete I have absolutely no idea what to do after weeks of in game flailing fruitlessly.
Also I don't know if this is a bug or whether it's intended but it seems like after awhile, Alice just completely ignores any deals she makes with Max when he catches her with cigarettes. Sometimes she'll start obeying them again if you cancel it and make a new one.