3.00 star(s) 96 Votes


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
The question on my part was not discussed. I just wanted to express my opinion that Eric exists only to prolong Max's involvement with the girls.
With the time consumed by Eric causing him to present more erotic scenes leaving the game with that flavor of revenge or not depends on the person. But from what I've seen, some people don't respect other people's opinions and want to put words where they don't! Assuming something that didn't happen at any time!
The fact that without Eric or with Eric this game is very good, because in my opinion it is, and always will be, one of the best games created, not by the story but by the images!

I understood that the reason he was mad at me is that in my country the word Naive has a different meaning than his country. In what is a quality here, in yours it can be interpreted as a defect!

For those who do not know the naive here in my country, it means being simple, frank and sincere!
But he misinterpreted me because of the different meanings of both countries!

However Eric is something necessary in or anyone else, to give time and development to the game. It's a feature as I've explained it many times!
Dude, you weren't the first and it won't be the last for trying to manifest, there is a huge number on this site that hates any type of "NTR" content, most games here tend to be quite vanilla, "the lucky MC who puts honey on his dick and makes any kind of girl fall into his lap". And that's what they want in any BB story, dumb girls, no mocking, girls without their own personality, without blackmailing each other, an MC who doesn't make any effort and a shallow story and uninteresting (Alice, here are some chocolates that don't even have 3% vol. alcohol so I can take off your pants and not try to abuse you because you're drunk and I'm a good little brother). In no time do I want a game where you have to grind, but at the same time be silly enough. So, I see here that "Eric" is being a smokescreen to hide the flaws that this game has, because since the arrival of this character he hasn't stopped talking about him. I followed this game from the beginning, I started to see it as a clone in version 0.2 and most of the time I didn't see almost anyone talking about the same dialogues, the same events, the same grind, nothing, it was just Eric there, Eric here. Is the game bad? no, some gameplay mechanics are fine, others, I just think, my opinion, not. But it's better than the DS, however, the exhaustion of always repeating the same progress remains the same, I just think it got a little worse here.

Anyway, I didn't refer my text to you, I just looked at the previous 2 pages and I still saw people arguing about Eric and his fate, so, as the developer is taking a long time to develop his game and I don't know if it's because of Eric's paths, just kill the character and turn the game into vanilla, where Max will fuck all the girls in the house and get them pregnant and finish the story. So I see this game is just being made fan to fan, nothing more than that. If the DS fan base itself didn't want "Eric" to come back in their Glamour game, here is no different. Most just want to see Max having sex with Ann, Alice, Lisa, Kira or any other girl, without the MC being bothered by some male NPC. Believe me, it's no use trying to express yourself saying that Eric is essential for the development of the story, because even though this is a porn game, many here are jealous of fictional characters.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
If the precence of Eric defines for some people if this game is worth playing or if it's all just shallow content with dumb girls, then I suggest looking for a game that actually gives you what you want. If you can live with Eric being gone at some point, you might be fine with this one.

ps: If you want repetitive grinds with repeating content, but a LOT of gilrs to go to bed with, try Glassix.
Once you played that, you will see Big Brother as a fountain of inspiration and fresh ideas.


Oct 8, 2018
This game simply needs an antagonist, just like any other. It doesn't matter who it will be, Eric, John, or even Pinocchio... Playing without an opponent is like playing Counter-Strike alone, it gets boring quickly.

p.s. Alexey does not need to ask patrons what he should do. He writes a story, do writers ask readers what they would like to read?
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Active Member
Jun 20, 2017
But you forget about money and salaries! By the way, in 2000, I played Counter-Strike alone.


May 30, 2018
author why stretch the game so much? this is stupid! I play for a whole month and there is no sex except for my aunt! The most terrible game I've ever played! I think the problem is money!
  • Thinking Face
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Oct 8, 2018
But you forget about money and salaries! By the way, in 2000, I played Counter-Strike alone.
Salary? Steve Jobs built an entire empire on the concept of "Users don't know what they want" and there is a queue in stores.

Have you played Counter-Strike even without bots? What were you doing there?


Jul 12, 2017
Говоря об игре "Big Brother" и многочисленных её клонах, большинство упускает один важный момент.
Представьте: Вы видите рекламу фильма, например, "Снайпер", где нарисован боец в камуфляже с винтовкой. Покупаете билет и смотрите фильм.
И что Вы видите? Главный герой за весь фильм делает всего пару выстрелов, но ни в кого не попадает, и всё время бродит по местности (даже не в обмундировании и безоружный), решая свои проблемы кулаками, причем часто не попадая даже по крупной цели. И у вдумчивого критика в итоге возникает вопрос, почему "Снайпер", а не "Сталкер"?
К чему это? Да к тому, что название, и по всей видимости, первоначальный замысел игры подразумевал игровую линию главного героя в роли "Большого Брата" - человека, следящего за каждым шагом определённых людей, и добивающегося своих целей именно посредством этого наблюдения. Даже будучи знакомым с современным "фольклором" англоязычного мира весьма поверхностно, можно уже иметь ассоциацию именно с этим характером (Большой Брат следит за тобой!).
Но даже в противостоянии с Эриком главный герой не использует предназначенного ему названием игры потенциала.
Наблюдая за оригинальной игрой с версии DS 0.2, я вижу полную непоследовательность как сюжетной линии так и игровой механики. Думаю, во многом это заслуга мажоритарных патронов.
В начале я увидел "песочницу", что меня весьма порадовало, но потом это практически превратилось в визуальную новеллу с элементами жесткого гринда, бессмысленного и неизбежного. Причем некоторые регулярные элементы поведения персонажей практически не менялись (или очень мало и медленно менялись) по мере развития отношений. И не отладив эти элементы автор (и авторы) ещё более усложняли игру, добавляя новых персонажей. Отдельные ветки сюжета прорабатывались, а другие оставались в зачаточном состоянии.
Это весьма прискорбно, учитывая первоначальную успешность игры.
В начале это был удачный выбор внешности и характеров персонажей. Затем - этот, не дающий покоя многим комментаторам, ход с добавлением персонажа Эрика, что сделало игру острее, и добавило сильный эмоциональный стимул игрокам. Появление Киры гораздо более спорный ход, несмотря на то, что такой характер необходим, она просто делала очень многие вещи вместо Макса, лишая игрока возможности самому предпринимать что-либо. И это явилось началом конца. С момента появления Киры Макс окончательно лишался возможности стать "Большим Братом", превращаясь окончательно в мальчика на побегушках: "надо поговорить с Кирой", "узнать у Анны её мнение" и ничего не мог сделать по своей воле.
"Другая история" также пошла по этому пути, хотя некоторые надежды всё ещё остаются.
Что хочется пожелать? Больше вариативности в игре. Пусть у Макса будут хотя бы три пути отношений с женщинами: путь обаяния, путь доминирования и путь манипуляций.
В отношении с Эриком должно быть также больше вариантов развития отношений. Противостояние с безусловным проигрышем (Макс отправляется в лагерь, а когда возвращается, видит что всё плохо, семья распалась, судьбы сломаны - месть, тюрьма, "Game over"), противостояние с временным проигрышем (когда он возвращается из лагеря, Эрик ещё не закончил свои дела и Макс продолжает бороться), противостояние с победой и изгнанием Эрика, игра на подчинение Эрика своим интересам (порабощение Эрика, если так можно выразиться), ну и путь наблюдения за действиями Эрика, с возможностью на всём его протяжении начать борьбу. Причем в игре на подчинение Эрика будет всегда существовать риск того, что Эрик просто уйдет (покинет игру по собственной воле). В отношениях с Кирой и Катей также должен присутствовать элемент конкуренции: Макс, пусть и не так драматично, должен бороться с ними за способность вести собственную игру.
Также просто необходимо (удалённо) ввести в игру богатых зрителей онлайн-камер, которые будут давать хорошо оплачиваемые задания, порою совершенно неприличные, распутные и безнравственные (вплоть до заданий на беременность и рождение детей). Торгуясь с ними Макс должен зарабатывать немалые деньги.
Касаемо игровой механики, могу посоветовать вернуть в игру и даже заново добавить показатели отношений женщин с Максом, такие как "Авторитет", "Привязанность (Отношения)", "Стыдливость (Раскрепощённость)", "Уровень отношений", кроме показателя "Настроение" необходим показатель "Сексуальное возбуждение". Это сделает поторение ежедневных событий более осмысленным.
When talking about the game "Big Brother" and its many clones, most people miss one important point.
Imagine: you see an advertisement for a movie, for example, "Sniper", which depicts a soldier in camouflage with a rifle. Buy a ticket and watch a movie. And what do you see? The main character for the entire film makes only a couple of shots, but does not hit anyone, and all the time wanders around the area (not even in uniform and unarmed), solving his problems with his fists, and often not even hitting a large target. And the thoughtful critic eventually raises the question, why "Sniper" and not "Stalker"?
What is it for? Moreover, the name, and apparently, the original concept of the game implied the game line of the protagonist in the role of "Big Brother" - a person who watches every step of certain people and achieves his goals precisely through this observation.
Even being familiar with the modern "folklore" of the English-speaking world very superficially, you can already have an association with this very character (Big Brother is watching you!).
But even in the confrontation with Eric, the main character does not use the potential intended for him by the name of the game.
Watching the original game since DS 0.2, I see a complete inconsistency in both the storyline and game mechanics. I think this is largely due to the majority patrons.
At the beginning I saw the "sandbox", which made me very happy, but then it practically turned into a visual novel with elements of a hard grind, meaningless and inevitable. Moreover, some of the regular elements of the characters' behavior remained practically unchanged (or very little and slowly changed) as the relationship developed. And without debugging these elements, the author (and authors) further complicated the game by adding new characters. Some branches of the plot were worked out, while others remained in their infancy.
This is unfortunate given the initial success of the game.
In the beginning, it was a good choice of the appearance and character of the characters. Then - this, haunted by many commentators, a move with the addition of the character Eric, which made the game sharper, and added a strong emotional stimulus to the players. The appearance of Kira is a much more controversial move, despite the fact that such a character is necessary, she simply did a lot of things instead of Max, depriving the player of the opportunity to do anything himself. And that was the beginning of the end. From the moment Kira appeared, Max finally lost the opportunity to become "Big Brother", turning completely into an errand boy: "we need to talk to Kira", "ask Anna her opinion" and could not do anything of his own free will. Another Story also took this path, although some hope still lingers.
What would you like to wish? More variability in the game. Let Max have at least three paths of relationship with women: the path of charm, the path of dominance, and the path of manipulation.
In relation to Eric, there should also be more options for the development of the relationship. A confrontation with an unconditional loss (Max goes to the camp, and when he returns, he sees that everything is bad, the family has broken up, destinies are broken - revenge, prison, "Game over"), a confrontation with a temporary loss (when he returns from the camp, Eric has not finished his affairs and Max continues to fight), confrontation with the victory and expulsion of Eric, the game of subordinating Eric to his interests (enslavement of Eric, so to speak), well, the way of observing Eric's actions, with the ability to start a fight throughout its duration. Moreover, in the game of submission to Eric, there will always be a risk that Eric will simply leave (leave the game of his own free will). In relations with Kira and Katya, there must also be an element of competition: Max, albeit not so dramatically, must fight with them for the ability to play his own game.
It is also just necessary (remotely) to introduce into the game rich viewers of online cameras, who will give well-paid tasks, sometimes completely indecent, dissolute and immoral (up to tasks for pregnancy and childbirth). Bargaining with them, Max must earn a lot of money.
With regard to the game mechanics, I can advise you to return to the game and even re-add indicators of women's relations with Max, such as "Authority", "Affection (Relationship)", "Shyness (Liberation)", "Relationship level", in addition to the "Mood" indicator, indicator "Sexual arousal". This will make your daily routine more meaningful.


Sep 4, 2017
IMO i still think Eric is just an expendable character. The game would work in the same way if he wasn't in the game, since the focus is the progressively corruption of the girls. There's no need for a challenger for that. It's a porn game folks.
Exactly, it is a game - there is a reason we're wasting hours on grinding it instead of just watching videos on pornhub or whatever. The gaming aspect matters. Eric is only one of the gaming elements wasted in the original game. For example the skill system was not used at all since about the middle of the game, same goes for money, items, shop. The whole spycam system was not used for anything other than giving passive income not needed anyway. I hope this remake will not drop its gaming systems turning into a linear kinetic novel like the original did, but improve them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Can we compeltely get rid of Eric now? I remember that the developer clearly promised that we can completely get rid of Eric at 0.6. If he held his promise I want to give the game a chance again


Oct 8, 2018
We need to give Alexey a great idea, in the branch where they get rid of Eric, you can just take renderings from the old game and the work will go much faster! :KEK:


Apr 9, 2021
We need to give Alexey a great idea, in the branch where they get rid of Eric, you can just take renderings from the old game and the work will go much faster! :KEK:
I will be for Max to be after Eric's muscular ass and thus show him what education in the military camp is worth ;) after Eric go out of this world :)
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2019
We need to give Alexey a great idea, in the branch where they get rid of Eric, you can just take renderings from the old game and the work will go much faster! :KEK:
What you don't seem to understand is, there may not be a branch were you don't get rid of Eric. Friendship with Eric ends poorly, no mater the branch.


Oct 8, 2018
What you don't seem to understand is, there may not be a branch were you don't get rid of Eric. Friendship with Eric ends poorly, no mater the branch.
Life always ends badly, there is nothing to change, the very process of life is important.
3.00 star(s) 96 Votes