Did I miss these or are they not in the game yet (or will not be)
Spider night image (#2) and Lisa changing (#7) are in the game. The one with Lisa is selected randomly, the other one requires Alice wearing that outfit and you placing a spider in her bed. The picture is one of the possible pics displayed when you ask her to show you something. Also #4 looks like one of the random changing images, maybe it's not used yet.
The First one is most likely one to come in a future update. In the original, at some point Alice would let you massage her front side (skill 'erotic massage'). My best guess is that we will see the same here.
# 4 looks like a missed opportunity to give Alice her outfit in time. #6, #8, #9 look like they are part of the according unfinished opportunities. However, I am the kissing scene with Lisa might have happened already. I am unsure how far the kissing lessions went. My brain might mix up my memories of this game and the original one.
I didn't pay attention to what Max does to Kira at night, so I can't say if #10 to #12 are currently used, but they are included in the game files.
It does make sense that so far we haven't seen #1 yet. The dev seems to pay a lot more attention to a certain continuity than the original one, opportunities are interconnected. Only now that Alice starts to feel comfortable around Max (couch events) it makes sense that she allows something like this.