I can recommend everyone to play the game with the latest version from the beginning. Extensive changes and some adjustments have been made in version v0.08.0.05. I played all possible 6 paths (all 3 main paths have 2 possible sub-paths) with v0.08.0.03 before and through the changes again with v0.08.0.05 and v0.08.0.06 (in version v0.08.0.06 only some translation and gallery errors were fixed, no changes in the game). If you play from the beginning, you can experience everything new, texts and skills have been revised. Now it is easier at the beginning but later on much more difficult to increase the skills and what is important, now there is a limit to how high the skills can be increased by single events. When Max has reached the limit, the skills will not increase any further. Further increases will only be made in new updates with new events. This means that in the future you can add a maximum skill level at which some events can be triggered. This will make it impossible to trigger some events with cheat saves. Personally, I would be really happy if it was added to all events. Because only then can everyone experience the game as it was planned and really enjoy it. For anyone who gets problems with the game, there is excellent WT from Black Panther. With this, everyone should be able to finish the game without the slightest problems.