My bad with Caitlin, I thought that I had already uploaded her. Paloma HD is not needed I think, you can add a bit of Voluptuous and/or Bigger Breasts Morphs to your Ann. Dat Paloma ass though...You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Thanks a lot for the duf's, this saves a lot of time fiddling around with morphs and searching for the right ones. By the way, I tried Ann's scene and there were 2 chars missing, don't really know if i've missed them on the mega download or they aren't available there yet so here they are in case anyone wants them too:You must be registered to see the linksandYou must be registered to see the links. I'll check later if more resources are missing.
Check my spreadsheet.Im slowly getting there. Does any one know what morph in bubbas morph folder goes with who. Ive been searching this forum and have only came across the one for Anne
I had uploaded some time ago a texture mod.Hey guys, great work on the assets, I just can't seem to find a skin to give Ann a nice shaved lookusing genesis 8 female. Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
Thank you Bubbas, I have that one, but the colour doesn't match my Gen 8 Female, I got it sorted though, I ended up photoshoping the mats I did have, took a while but I'm pretty happy with the resultI had uploaded some time ago a texture mod.
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Here's the direct link:
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I can't remember if I have used the default shader or another one. Apply the Cathy materials first, then mine and celtic's shader last. G3 textures work with G8 as well most of the times.
I usually use "Saving as a Scene Subset"Another quick question if I may, how do you save a character preset to include everything, for some reason if I set up my Ann and save as character preset, when I go to load her she has no hair?
Thank you
He he I didn't knowBest approach is the subset as FunFuction mentioned. For clothing use "Save as wearable(s) Preset" and select what you want to save from the scene. That way you can use the outfit on a different character automatically.