The "Poly" part of my user name, in part, comes from "Polygons" Working with CAD / 3D modeling since before some of you were born, I've made well over 100,000 3D models. When you've done it a lot, it gets easier. Learning tips and tricks, and making tools to speed thing along, helped the industry get where it is today.
Sometimes I spent weeks making a scene for a movie, and it really pisses me off that all that effort is now sitting on a shelf. It was only used once in a movie, in one or two short scenes, and then cast aside. As a creator, putting the child up for adoption ($), I have no say how they raise my baby, but I think some adoptive parents can be cruel. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my children grow-up, following their careers, getting postcards from them when they go to interesting places.
Like any other Job, modeling isn't for everyone. Most of you probably like characters with skin, wireframe porn is my fetish.
Making models, isn't easy. Don't expect a noob game dev to do it, these days. There are millions of models out there, and no need to make your own toilet, when you can get one from toilet depot.
Artists, VNovelists, and game devs use the models to make art, and illustrate their stories. They do their thing.
To say a game developer is "milking" because he's not spending his time making models, is one of the stupidest things, I've read on this site, and there are some doosies here. If you need a 3D tire, for your game car, download a fucking tire from the 3500 tire models available out there. Making tire model number 3501 isn't necessary. inb4 65,001 teapots
The noob dev is focused on telling his story, he grabs the first model he sees, and uses it. So we the players, playing these games see these models being used over and over again. They all live in the same house, drive the same car, and use the same shower. Devs don't need to model their own, but they do need to visit the mall, instead of all buying the blue light special from D-mart.