Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Game Artist
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
Eric: Ah, now this is living. Without that brat here, all these beauties are mine
Ann: Master, could we go another round please?
Eric: Hmm, honestly Ann ever since you got pregnant your sexual appetite has skyrocketed
Ann: Don't you love having a sex addicted woman, after all you managed to get my girls pregnant as well.
Eric: Very Well, then come please your Master. Just be careful as these two are fast asleep
Ann: Yes Master, even our child seems to be craving some sex
Eric: Well hurry up & please your Master & Our Child Eric's Dream.png


Nov 22, 2020
Eric: Ah, now this is living. Without that brat here, all these beauties are mine
Ann: Master, could we go another round please?
Eric: Hmm, honestly Ann ever since you got pregnant your sexual appetite has skyrocketed
Ann: Don't you love having a sex addicted woman, after all you managed to get my girls pregnant as well.
Eric: Very Well, then come please your Master. Just be careful as these two are fast asleep
Ann: Yes Master, even our child seems to be craving some sex
Eric: Well hurry up & please your Master & Our Child View attachment 973069

МС395 We hope you will share with us the details leading up to this accomplished, ultimate goal. :)


Active Member
May 28, 2017
il y en a une derrière vous
there’s one behind you
image 361.jpg

j'ai appris que tu te retrouves sans logement Kira! bonsoir Vicky. tu peux nous servir et après tu pourras retourner au bar, on aura plus besoin de toi
I hear you’re out of housing, Kira! Good evening, Vicky. you can serve us and then you can go back to the bar, we won’t need you anymore
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Kira échangea quelques mots avec Vicky qui après son service au salon privé redescendit aux bars
Kira exchanged a few words with Vicky who after her service in the private lounge went down to the bars

nous avons un problème! le gang de la ville voisine fait une extension chez nous. ils ont rachetés les studios de Mr Cheng et maintenant il se concentre sur nous en recrutant nos hommes et en essayant de racheter nos établissements. Nous avons perdu certains quartiers. Certains de nos associés a subi du chantage et est obligé de nous quitter. Pareille pour la procureure de la ville qui redouble d'efforts pour nous coincer.
We have a problem! The gang from the nearby town is making an extension at us. They bought out Mr Cheng’s studios and now he’s focusing on us by recruiting our men and trying to buy out our properties. We have lost some neighbourhoods. Some of our associates have been blackmailed and are forced to leave us. The same goes for the city attorney, who is redoubling her efforts to catch us.
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notre agence c'est fait pirater, Max a demandé à Bill d'installer un logiciel espion pour connaitre notre pirate. on a pu prévenir nos clients. Nos plus important client nous a confirmé qu'ils ont été approchés et on subit un chantage pour rompre nos contrats avec eux. Certains nous restent fidèles et vont jouer le jeu de nos adversaires et nous communiquerons toute information utile
our agency got hacked, Max asked Bill to install spyware to know our hacker. we were able to warn our customers. Our most important clients have confirmed to us that they have been approached and we are being blackmailed to break our contracts with them. Some remain loyal to us and will play the game of our opponents and we will communicate any useful information
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on ne va pas transformer les rues en bain de sang ce n'est pas notre façon de faire. je pense qu'il faut connaitre notre ennemi. Teagan tu as déjà pensé à une stratégie
We’re not gonna turn the streets into bloodshed, that’s not our way. I think we need to know our enemy. Teagan, you’ve already thought of a strategy
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oui! Raven et Kate vont vous expliquer nos premières mesure
yes! Raven and Kate will explain our first steps

ils veulent racheter nos établissements où en prendre les contrôles on va les laisser faire et commenceront pas nos établissements les moins rentables. So on devra les lister et trafiquer leurs chiffres d'affaires pour gonfler le prix de vente. le but c'est dès les affaiblir monétairement
They want to buy out our establishments or take the controls we’re going to let them do and start our less profitable establishments. So we’ll have to list them and tamper with their sales figures to inflate the selling price. the goal is to weaken them monetarily
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ils veulent recruter notre personnel. j'ai convaincu nos plus fidèles d'accepter de travailler pour eux . cela nous permettra de les infiltrer et de recueillir des information crucial sur notre ennemi
they want to recruit our staff. I convinced our most loyal to accept to work for them. this will allow us to infiltrate them and gather crucial information about our enemy
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tu en pense quoi Bill
What do you think Bill

j'ai finalisé la vente du studio de Mr Cheng. Il m'a dit que les deux seuls contrats qu'il a dû modifier étaient ceux d'Anne et Kira. je crois que connaitre les réelles motivations de notre ennemi nous permettront de savoir qui il est et de mieux le combattre.
I finalized the sale of Mr. Cheng’s studio. He told me that the only two contracts he had to change were those of Anne and Kira. I believe knowing the real motivations of our enemy will allow us to know who he is and better fight him.

je dirais à nos hommes de creuser dans cette direction
I would tell our men to dig in that direction
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nous allons nous faire oublier pour le moment en attendant plus d'informations sur notre ennemi. Raven, Kate, on compte sur vous. on se retrouvera plus tard
We’re going to make ourselves forgotten for the moment while we wait for more information on our enemy. Raven, Kate, we’re counting on you. we’ll meet up later
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Teagan, Raven et Kate Quittére le salon privé
Teagan, Raven and Kate Leave the Private Room


je suppose que tu rentes pas tout de suite Kira
I guess you’re not coming back right now, Kira

Peut-être pas ce soir. je vais aller prendre un verre aux barres
Maybe not tonight. I’m gonna go get a drink at the bars

avec la serveuse Vicky. on a remarqué ses yeux brillant en te regardant
with waitress Vicky. we noticed her bright eyes looking at you
image 370.jpg

Pendant que Bill et So rentrent à la maison, Kira alla rejoindre Vicky au bar. ils discutèrent un peu, puis Kira demanda à Vicky si elle connaissait un hôtel
While Bill and So go home, Kira went to join Vicky at the bar. they talked a bit, then Kira asked Vicky if she knew a hotel

je doute que tu trouves un hôtel à cette heure Kira. Voici les clés de mon appartement, prend mon lit et ne m'attend pas pour dormir je vais rentrer tard
I doubt you’ll find a hotel at this hour, Kira. Here are the keys to my apartment, take my bed and don’t wait for me to sleep

merci ma chérie, tu me sauves,. je te ferais ton petit déjeuner à ton réveille
thank you my darling, you save me,. I’ll make you your breakfast when you wake up
image 371.jpg

la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later


Game Artist
Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
We hope you will share with us the details leading up to this accomplished, ultimate goal.
Of Course, you won't see it in any renders but I can tell you how Eric achieves this dream.

After shipping Max off to Military Camp, Eric quickly marries Ann & they go on a month long Honeymoon during which she is gradually influenced into a sex slave by Eric. After their honeymoon Ann is totally submissive to Eric & will do anything he asks.

They return to the Villa & Eric sets his eyes on Alice & begins to corrupt her, eventually dragging her into his bedroom where she is made to please her mother while he has sex with her. Like Ann, Alice becomes submissive to him & starts to call him daddy.

Eric then sets his eyes on Lisa, starting slowly by teaching her the basics & letting her watch him & Ann have sex during which time Ann becomes pregnant. After a couple of weeks Ann encourages Lisa to lose her virginity to Eric & one night Eric takes Lisa. Ann works towards helping Eric further corrupt her daughters.

By the time Ann is 3 months pregnant, Alice has become pregnant. Eric then proceeds to make the girls wearing collar with chains to their nipples. The girls have fully submitted to his will. During this time Ann has developed an immense craving for Sex.

After graduating from High School Lisa becomes pregnant. Eric has achieved his dream goal, only one thing remains to find & corrupt Kira


May 6, 2017
Eric: Ah, now this is living. Without that brat here, all these beauties are mine
Ann: Master, could we go another round please?
Eric: Hmm, honestly Ann ever since you got pregnant your sexual appetite has skyrocketed
Ann: Don't you love having a sex addicted woman, after all you managed to get my girls pregnant as well.
Eric: Very Well, then come please your Master. Just be careful as these two are fast asleep
Ann: Yes Master, even our child seems to be craving some sex
Eric: Well hurry up & please your Master & Our Child View attachment 973069
Nipple rings and chains FTW!


Nov 22, 2020
Of Course, you won't see it in any renders but I can tell you how Eric achieves this dream.

After shipping Max off to Military Camp, Eric quickly marries Ann & they go on a month long Honeymoon during which she is gradually influenced into a sex slave by Eric. After their honeymoon Ann is totally submissive to Eric & will do anything he asks.

They return to the Villa & Eric sets his eyes on Alice & begins to corrupt her, eventually dragging her into his bedroom where she is made to please her mother while he has sex with her. Like Ann, Alice becomes submissive to him & starts to call him daddy.

Eric then sets his eyes on Lisa, starting slowly by teaching her the basics & letting her watch him & Ann have sex during which time Ann becomes pregnant. After a couple of weeks Ann encourages Lisa to lose her virginity to Eric & one night Eric takes Lisa. Ann works towards helping Eric further corrupt her daughters.

By the time Ann is 3 months pregnant, Alice has become pregnant. Eric then proceeds to make the girls wearing collar with chains to their nipples. The girls have fully submitted to his will. During this time Ann has developed an immense craving for Sex.

After graduating from High School Lisa becomes pregnant. Eric has achieved his dream goal, only one thing remains to find & corrupt Kira
MC395 You really amazed me.
The classic said: "brevity is the sister of talent," which illustrates your answer as much as anything. In one teaser (preview), one render (in fact - the conclusion) and a dozen lines of text, you have managed to fit, almost - a whole branch of the story of the volume of a full-fledged MOD. We have a preamble, prologue, plot, story development, its climax and epilogue, and all in a dozen lines and two renders.
Amazing. You are my hero. (y)
Deep gratitude for your responsiveness and pardon my Google English.

Translated with (free version)


Nov 22, 2020
In the school's bathroom...

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Dear Givine, I admire your work. You can make serious branches or, at least, excellent, full-fledged scenes on almost 8 out of 10. The latest Raiders is a prime example.
I can only weep that I don't know how to work with DAZ
With gratitude for your work and apologies for my English.
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes