it doesn not update, it just says tell mom you'll punish her. I do not have to option to speak with her about thisAfter you make a mistake in her homework (whether it's an accident or not, you can saving it in advance rather than scroll through the days). And before Mom punishes her, you need to look at the walkthrough.
!can you help about this?TO GET LISA'S LAST "GET CAUGHT" REQUIREMENT!
Here is what I did exactly.
- At 2100 Sunday pickup your laptop (The button with 3 dots and 3 lines looks like a list button if that helps)
- Talk to Lisa (She will be in the room with you) you will have the option Laptop.
- Select all 3 show options because why not.
- Wait 1 hour to 2200. And go to Alice's Room (Alice is in the living room right now)
- Again click on the "List button" that you clicked on earlier in your room to get the options of "Lessons Lisa" and "Get laptop" Click on "Lessons Lisa" (I have no idea of what the other option does in the scheme of things as this quest goes.)
- Enjoy the show.
- Its not 2300 and Mom (Ann) and Lisa are in the bathroom. Go there and peek on them (You can knock so long as you say that Lisa called you in still)
- Once you peek on them (if you didn't knock) Lisa will signal for you to come in and you get to finally enjoy the scene.
PornGodNoob I have to admit that you are a frustratingly devious quest writer.
As for other questions.
For wine I bought the bottle and gave her 3 glasses of wine (Make a save at the start of the date and play around with choices because I just kinda stumbled on to the right choices for anal.)
For Alice you have to spend everything so I think its between $500-1000. Make sure you have done each porn shoot ten times perfectly so you are earning a few hundred in weekly shooting bonuses.
I got this the first time I tried it but what you can do is repeat it for every night for a week. Look for Lisa to go to the living room at I think 2200.!can you help about this?
you must give laptop to lisa and watch the lesson from alice's laptop. after that they will go to bathroom. don't knock the door. look inside until lise call you inside. and when she call you go inside.please help guys, im trying all the BJ with Lisa in the bathroom all weeks long but still can't trigger the scene, how did i wrong. thanks in advance
how do you get the bj in the morning?you must give laptop to lisa and watch the lesson from alice's laptop. after that they will go to bathroom. don't knock the door. look inside until lise call you inside. and when she call you go inside.
how did you do cunni event evening?
I need it tooSorry! Does Anyone have full SAVE GAME for v0.12!
go to bathroom at 7.00how do you get the bj in the morning?
where can I find the phoneYou will have to do mistakes until you make Max enter the room and pick up the phone instead of Ann picking it up. Have Max distract Ann with massage at that time.
Ann is not at home only on two days. Max should visit his room on those days. Before Ann returns at 0:00. Make sure that he has some money reserves before you progress his story. Or his weekly expenses should be lower than income from movies.hello could you help me? I do not know what to do.
Max will find it. Just make him distract Ann with massage.where can I find the phone