The "continuation of the BB story" seems interesting, but... the face and body of the characters has changed sooooo much, it would have been better if the models used in this MOD were as original as possible, I even got scared by Ann's "new features", her breasts have decreased in size in this Mod and the nipples seem to me to be just circles :FeelsBadMan::'
I know that creating this amount of images should not be easy, so I recognize the work of the artist. But as I said, the face and body of the characters has changed a lot, it has greatly altered my conception of this game, which is why I stopped playing this MOD in beggining (Ann's dancing for Max).
I really hope that this criticism is seen as positive feedback, I would like to play this new story but with the "original" characters, not this new conception (Ann's smile got really bad and even Max's D... decreased in size x'D)