Big Brother: Walkthrough & FAQ Thread

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Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Status for the moment (ver 0.12)
- Olivia : few visits in home, she is a girlfriend, but nothing more
- mom : night bj (with or without cum problems), watching porn (with or without cum problems), bj when shoping, bj in bath
- Kira nothing new, just ask about night training with Lisa
- Lisa night handcuffed, assfuck in kitchen, punishing with bj or without, bath morning bj, shoping bj
- Alice bj when watching tv, blog sex sessions, when archanofobia sometimes sex, shoping bj
- clinic few visits, she gets naked, cum, over and over
- Kate sex with me or bj lisa in Lisa room
- stopped in coffe, cant speak, can take coffe nothing more
1. cant start education (no catched by mom when bj tv with Alice and not catched by Alice when bj from mom) - i know before i should assfuck Lisa, so i did everytime
2. cant see kira ask about lotion to help in massaging
3. no progress with new job
4. no progress with punishing Kate

just stucked
Itsy bitsy spider......

Put spider in Alices bed , eventually you get to sleep with her in her bed. Then after that, talk to Lisa, ask if she like to peek.... Put spider in bed of Alice again to sleep with her....

This was the missing stuff that finally got me on the right track to trigger new stuff.


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
In the" blog" opportunity i have reached "I talked with Alice about her blog and tried to tell her she could advertise lingerie. Amazingly, she agreed. Now I just have to buy her some lingerie, so she'll be able to build a new audience and attract some advertisers" but in the online store i can't buy any set of lingerie!

General Weebus

New Member
Aug 28, 2017
While it's not 100% accurate order, the hints of v12 "CAUGHT" story plot are like this. Remember, you cannot chase 1 scene at a time, each is entangled. And all caught story plot happen ONLY in front of TV during evening.

1. Lick Alice 1 - get caught by mom
2. Mom Suck 1 - get caught by Alice
3. Alice Punish Max & Lisa 1 - get caught by mom
4. Lick Alice 2 - get caught by mom
5. Mom Suck 2 - get caught by Alice
6. Alice Punish Max & Lisa 2 - get caught by mom

For Mom Suck & Lick Alice, event ends when the one who caught sit on the couch and talk.
For Alice punish, mom convinced by alice to allow the punishment happen.

Do not repeat one type ... for example just pursue the Alice punishment. Keep the event rolling. Try to save at 18:00 and reload if event not happening. But usually, if you hit the right event, the next event will be happening.

Sorry for asking but i couldnt find it. How do i getting punished by alice?


Jan 3, 2018
you get punished by alice if u fuck lisa in her butt. Either with Kira as sexed or in the kitchen when you unlocked that and her mood is high


New Member
Jan 3, 2018
hi is there any possibilty to have an ending with ann??can max fuck her in the game or is he limited to bj and hj


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
Wait I'm lost now Mom gets a new job? I downloaded the saves and I don't know what is it only she comes with a red butt. Why tho?

How much grind for the lessons to happen? I got to the point in my playtrhough hwere Lisa tells me about her plan to ask mom for lessons but that option never appears...

Jarvis Adams

New Member
Aug 22, 2017
I'm as far into 0.12 as I think I can get...
  1. Lotion oral with Ann - check
  2. Sex ed with Ann and Lisa - check
  3. Spider sexytimes with Alice - check
  4. Clinic visits with Alice - check
  5. Nighttime fun with Kira and Lisa - check
  6. Olivia girlfriend (not the original path, the new 0.12 one) - I can't get it to proc. Whenever I click "School" under "Leave The House", nothing happens. Is there something else I need to do? I've probably cycled through 4 months of loop trying to see if I needed to proc anything. I've had the initial conversation with Lisa about how she's finally friends with Olivia, but that's it.


New Member
May 16, 2017
  1. Lotion oral with Ann - check
  2. Sex ed with Ann and Lisa - check
  3. Spider sexytimes with Alice - check
  4. Clinic visits with Alice - check
  5. Nighttime fun with Kira and Lisa - check
  6. Olivia girlfriend - I can't get it to proc. Whenever I click "School" under "Leave The House", nothing happens. Is there something else I need to do? I've probably cycled through 4 months of loop trying to see if I needed to proc anything. I've had the initial conversation with Lisa about how she's finally friends with Olivia, but that's it.
My situation is the opposite:
  1. Lotion oral with Ann - NO
  2. Sex ed with Ann and Lisa - NO
  3. Spider sexytimes with Alice - NO
  4. Clinic visits with Alice - NO
  5. Nighttime fun with Kira and Lisa - NO
  6. Olivia girlfriend - YES
How to get first 5 points, there are no dialogs :(


Jan 3, 2018
btw how do I hide the hud or can I change the button? cause the displayed button does not work which is probably because I dont have a us keyboard


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
- then get caught by mom with Alice and Lisa ... well ... Can you explain ? All the others are done but with Alice and Lisa ?? I try but nothing happens (evening in Alice's room or night in my room, no mom around ...)
Alice and Lisa means you have sex with lisa in the lounge after meal evenings, then talk to Alice when she looks TV. You may need to get punished several evenings to get caught by mom


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2017
I got to the end of 0.12 with this 0.11 save. Guaranteed to be not corrupted or bugged.

It's not my save though, so credit goes to whomever made it. Unfortunately I can't remember.
I use this save and complet game, suggest that to use.
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