There's a bunch of them over on e-hentai but the most recent one I can find was updated in 2019. Not sure if that really matters considering the game wasn't properly updated until October of last year and there's been 2 other updates since then. One in Jan and the one from 2 days ago. Doubt a ton more was really added considering it seems like they are/were rewriting the story.
As an addendum to this I actually gave the game a shot. It's certainly different! The sprites are quite a bit higher quality, along with some of the cgs. And it seems the plot has been sorta cut back? Like aside from the beginning the weird "reality" sub-plot seems to be gone (though I didn't do every ending so maybe I'm wrong). Along with that god-awful war strategy minigame that I could never beat. While only a few of your choices seem to matter, there's an in-game sorta graph for what you have/haven't seen through your playthroughs, along with a way to unlock certain more out of the way cgs. Grammar and punctuation still aren't great but I can at least generally understand what's being said. There's a guide on under BlackHoops if you wanna give it a go yourselves.