I did not fucking expect that black souls would ever get a video esay of all things, if anyones curious do tell me your thoughts on the video.
-He should have probably split up the vod into two or at least seperate BS1 & BS2. I watched the video but still 2 hours is a lot!
-The shitposts cut ins are to fronloaded
-Missed opporturnity to make a Bloodborn joke at a very specific instance
-For some reason unknown to me a lot of these people have to mention this Limbus Company game and i still dont get the reference or reason
-Fumbled the japanese SEN-Insight-Sanity pun
-No Touhou at all (Or maybe i zoned out because of the vod lenght)
Cool things:
-The voice acted bits are charming and a nice touch
-Actual decent research about the fairy tale & wonderland themes
-Put the effort into giving a broad backround explanation about Carrrolll
-Later half of the vod is very well edited
-He did make one BB joke and for that +1
-Wasnt embaressed to show how many sidequests he screwed over or missed
-Pretty much on point for a basic summary
-Didnt claim like some other tubers its a freeware game(For the love of degeneracy thank you)
-Seemingly played RRW and had the same chuckle at that one CG
Was nice to watch....but still 2 freaking hours