Collection Pinup BlendGuardian Collection [2024-05-01] [Blend Guardian]

May 26, 2020
Dude, you are constantly asking for updates everywhere subscribe yourself at least once and post pics here
Im a estonian student bro, these 5$ are my food budget for 3 days. I can stop eating for 3 fucking days to pay some dudes patreon or I can just ask some strangers online to upload his content. World isn't all rainbows and ponies friend, so keep your judgment to yourself.
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Feb 2, 2021
Im a estonian student bro, these 5$ are my food budget for 3 days. I can stop eating for 3 fucking days to pay some dudes patreon or I can just ask some strangers online to upload his content. World isn't all rainbows and ponies friend, so keep your judgment to yourself.
I'm not telling you to pay every month. But also spam (is there something new? when is the update?) not necessary. When something appears this will definitely be published.
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Reactions: ice-bugcat


Sep 15, 2018
Getting this message when opening the link from yesterday:

" Dieser Datei-/Ordnerlink wurde uns gemeldet, weil er Darstellungen des Missbrauchs von Minderjährigen oder Propaganda für extremistische Gewalthandlungen enthält. Der zugehörige Benutzeraccount wurde gesperrt. Die Benutzerdetails, einschließlich der IP-Adresse, wurden an die zuständigen Behörden weitergeleitet. "

I hope this link wasn't uploaded by the poster...

This file / folder link has been reported to us because it contains depictions of abuse of minors or propaganda for acts of extremist violence. The associated user account has been blocked. The user details, including the IP address, have been forwarded to the relevant authorities.