The said questions are the choices I plan to give to the player.
The ratio is 0.5+x : 0.5+y
Where x,y is the amount the patrons vote for. Patrons want more sub -> I work a few weeks longer on this path. Patrons want more dom -> I work a few weeks longer on this path.
The fetish filter is mainly for scenes where you have no option. Example: Beating Karen. You can decide if you want to beat her or not. Therefore no filter.
Some fetishes are more extreme than others. Example: Piss or eating hair. Even the option could disgust some players. That's why I filter out this option. Even if it is only a question.
So the filters are for all paths. They filter out specific content. (You'll never have a disadvanteg if you deselct a fetish. There is just a scene missing or a different image used.)
If you are in the dom path, you'll always have the option to prevent any actions done to you. If you are in the sub path you won't have this option, so you need the filters.
In short:
Dom: You do the fetish to others or you witness anybody doing fetish to somebody else (not you). Others doing fetish to you, only with question if you allow this.
Sub: They can to with you what they want. Sometimes there is a option to prevent this but most of the time it's not possible.
Switcher: Mix of both and there are more options to prevent things that are done to you.
It's even possible to deactivate fetishes and activate them later on in the game. Deactivate all fetishes in chapter 1, activate them in chapter 2 dom path. No problem.
Hmm, seems reasonable. I don't particularly like devs who rely on patron votes too much, but few more weeks is reasonable enough (There's nothing wrong with it being done in reasonable amounts, just sometimes devs lose the identity of the game catering to patrons. As long as it's still your game & not changed beyond recognition, patron votes are a really good patron benefit option. Your system seems good, especially if you do not have any intentions of giving up on either path if the vote starts becoming one-sided)
I just finished Chapter 1, with & without fetish enabled & get what you mean. It's basically a skip system, which is not good.
But most of it has choices (flip the pancake or not, wear the clothes or not) so that's good.
Only 2 scenes are unavoidable - the doctor & karen scenes. For those 2, I suggest you give a choice & write some alternative scenes.
Because, if you skip the doctor scene, where does she get the syringe full of cum? Or karen's black screen with 'you were humiliated' has no impact compared to the actual scene.
Since it's only 2 scenes it won't take a lot of work, which is why I am suggesting the change.
For the doctor scene, you could give a choice to refuse to get on the chair, which leads to an alternate scene of the MC jerking into a cup (from which the doctor takes it into the syringe).
For Karen scene, MC can barely refuse the demands, which will lead to her kicking & hitting the MC. At the end you get a choice to turn your head away from the piss, at which karen kicks you unconscious (replacing the sexual/fetish abuse with just abuse/brutality).
If you are in the dom path, you'll always have the option to prevent any actions done to you. If you are in the sub path you won't have this option, so you need the filters.
After chapter 1 dom path gets choices, while the sub path doesn't.
So I say remove the fetish menu from chapter 1, instead give the warnings in the choices (Flipping the pancake choice would warn you about the fetish that would follow, getting on the doctor's chair would warn you about anal, syringe, etc.)
Eg: "Flip the pancake (leads to hair eating)"
Then enable the fetish system in the sub & switch paths where it would be needed, keeping it as an in-game menu instead of on the main menu.
Currently, having the fetish menu thrust at you at the beginning of the game is confusing. Just implement it from the beginning of sub & switch paths where it is needed & would act like 'limits' or 'safewords'. (Explain how you won't get choices to avoid stuff being done to you, so you get to set the limits through the fetish menu in the phone)
Hope this helps