
Sep 8, 2017
Fix is on its way with the next patch release if you wanted to apply it faster yourself edit HTML and replace:
<<if $Stats.Traits("Sophisticated") lt 1 || $Stats.Traits("Confident") gt 1>>
<<if $Stats.Traits.Sophisticated.value lt 1 || $Stats.Traits.Confident.value gt 1>>
Yeah, I think I have no idea what I'm doing and editing the HTML is totally beyond me


New Member
Oct 16, 2018
Had a look and search through this thread, and it seems like the following hasn't been reported yet:

When picking the nerd route and going for the conference, the pages take forever to load. I get the UI straight away, but the content may take minutes to load. Also, my browser starts using way more resources, up to 4-5 GB of RAM. Both in Edge as well as in Chrome. Seems like a memory leak of some kind. Think it kicks in once I pass the costume picking page. Closing the game and loading a save after the costume picking clears the leak and I'm able to continue without issue.

Added the save.


Sep 29, 2019
I think this pretty much sums up the only issue I have with the game. I'm fine with the game not "gamifying" things and tempting me to min-max or deviate from roleplaying to achieve a desired result, it's just that there are quite a few choices in the game that look like flavor text but actually have impact later on. There's encouraging players to RP and then there's making them stumble around in the dark.
Basically this. To be able to roleplay a character, I need to be able to understand what impact decisions might have.

I do understand that the devs want to see their vision of the game come true, but the key word here is "game". It is not real life. Real life is what it is. Once things have happened, they've happend. This is why RL is shyte and why we are here to distract ourselves. There is no do over and save scumming. THIS being a game means that we have a somewhat more or less clear idea of where the story might be going or the direction in which we want our characters to progress. Nobody is against obstacles, hurdles or things not turning out how we wanted them to, but at least I would like to know where I went wrong. Currently the game doesn't give me that kind of feedback on most things. While we can't change this, if it happened in real life, in a video game this leads to save scumming or giving up. Either way, it leads to frustration.

Again, I love how the game looks so far and I want the devs to keep doing what they've been doing, but ambiguity doesn't leave much room for error.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2017
I decided to explain my grade of confusion in a detailed way.

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Now I've been around this forum for quite a while, played / checked a lot of games I found here, some I liked a lot, some not. But this is the very first one where I am totally lost about its mechanics.

The way of character creation in the game is my absolute favourite, technically. But it is fair to say that I don't get it at all.

If anyone would be willing to clarify some of the many questions I hid in the spoiler I would be grateful.


Aug 31, 2016
Exactly what you might think: Things that are inherently risky, self-destructive, or - and this is important - that would lead a normal person to behave that way. For example, having your mother hate you results in some (justified!) lashing out, but the ways that a child or teenager can express that are limited, so it often ends up as a kind of senseless defiance that is pretty self-destructive. As such, having your parents together with your mother hating you gives +1 risky.

Here is a non-exhaustive list:
  • Parents together and mother hates you.
  • Parents separate.
  • Picking the "slutty" personality type.
  • Picking the "rebel" clique.
  • Several of the first vignette options (split into three here but I don't know if there's a reason for it):
    • Going joyriding
    • Shooting guns
    • Doing drugs
    • Picking Romans 12:2 as your favorite bible verse (lol)
    • Saying you were enthusiastic for a party because you weren't supposed to be at one
    • Choosing to give the peeper a show when staying at home
    • Getting sexed or jacked in when joining a gang
    • Picking striker for the soccer position
    • Asking what was in the coolers at the tailgating party
  • And some of the second vignette options:
    • Picking "keeping me high" as the goal in the SILO club
    • Matching the grin of Raymond when vandalizing Ava's stuff
    • Picking "and the drugs" when taking the house party option
    • When stealing from target (bad move), choosing to ignore security and continue
    • When volunteering with the convicts, let your goodwill buy some protection
    • Pick hurdles as your gymnastic contest of choice
  • Third set:
    • Steal the cow for your vandalism
    • Send a message to the man for vandalism
    • Stay home
    • When in a gang and dealing drugs, take the risk and deal from all corners
    • When skinny dipping, tread water until the guys leave
    • Chill with the TA instead of hanging with The Boys
    • Spend your part time job money on a burner phone
  • Cheating on your final exams in high school.
  • Using the fact that you've been sleeping with a high school authority figure to blackmail them into helping you on your finals.
There are more options later, but that covers most of the way through the end of high school.

You need a cheerleading success score of 6+ to make the team, or 5+ if you're not blonde and willing to change - see the next post. Points can be obtained by:
  • Having a Learning score of 5+
  • Knowing at least two different dance styles (from extracurricular dance lessons as a kid)
  • Having a performance score of 3+
  • Having the Pliant Limbs sexual skill
  • Being shorter than average (note that being taller than average loses you a point, as you're hard to toss around)
  • If your combined Risky score and Confidence traits is 9+
  • If your Coordination skill is 3+
  • If your attractiveness is 5+
is it actually possible to be a cheerleader without being short in this case? I couldn't seem to get learning score up while getting two dance style + performance 3 at the same time. Choices for risky just arent for me and I dont think it is reasonable to force them on cheerleaders. Spent my whole weekend on this but I guess I will just start a short character this time.


Nov 24, 2017
I haven't gone through all the permutations of what is and isn't possible yet, so I can't say for sure. I suspect it's impossible to be a cheerleader if you're tall and blond, since that gives a -1 penalty in addition to not opening up the "dye your hair and we'll take you" path that non-blonde Claires have.


Sep 8, 2017
I think some of these are pretty obvious if you think about it a little. I don’t know if English is native to you, so maybe that’s part of the problem.

“Sixth choice "I always considered him..."
an abusive prick - instable family?
loving and attentive - stable family?
only a memory - ???
present - ???”

abusive means he’s abusive. That’s pretty clear. If you’re familiar with the impact of abusive parenting you can imagine the result. “Present” I take to mean they’re but distant. An uninvolved parent. So they were together but it wasn’t a loving household

“Next choice, number eight, growing up - all four options are extremely different, "revolving door of 'dads' in her life" / "they stuggled too, and we made it" / "she did not not how to handle him..." / "Mom realized she did not want me" - big differences, obviously, but which choice might bring which outcome? No idea, sorry.”

this one also seems pretty clear to me. Mom had a lot of boyfriends so it’s an unstable family environment. Like that old movie “Eight Mile.” Mom didn’t want Me is also pretty clear. I don’t understand the confusion

I decided to explain my grade of confusion in a detailed way.

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Now I've been around this forum for quite a while, played / checked a lot of games I found here, some I liked a lot, some not. But this is the very first one where I am totally lost about its mechanics.

The way of character creation in the game is my absolute favourite, technically. But it is fair to say that I don't get it at all.

If anyone would be willing to clarify some of the many questions I hid in the spoiler I would be grateful.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: ray3dave
Apr 12, 2022

Take a Peek. We insist!!


Author’s Corner - So, I wanted to take you on a journey of how I decide to write what I write.

  1. Prior to a new version, I ideate (fancy word for think) and plan out the general ideas and beats that I plan for an arc. This usually includes a basic structure of passages and a note about what they might contain. Sometimes these get little ‘ooh, reference X here’ or ‘Traitcheck Y’.
  2. Once I dig into the writing, I approach the passages that interest me most, or that are most necessary – these are usually the intro or outro since I like knowing exactly where I’m coming from or where I’m heading. Then I take my notes and expand on them. Two criteria that are integral to the writing are these: what choices are being made and what traits or skills cause content variations. If neither are there any choices or variations, it shouldn’t be written. IMHO. There are a couple exceptions to this, but those are the railroad sections that are designed to build background, give context, or other information that is uniform and necessary across all playthroughs (think the Prologue re: Mom or Act I with Nate).
  3. Now, I actually start writing. It’s usually pretty free-form with some revisions and rewrites if I find a better way of saying things, but ultimately comes from a core ‘idea’ that needs to get conveyed. Usually all the writing is done in the code (thanks Fict and Mira for fixing my errors here! It’s a bear) since it’s easier for me to understand where the continuity breaks will be because of checks or decisions.
  4. This is where things get pretty complicated because now I write versions based on those choices or variations. In some areas, this can be – essentially – four or five (or more) passage length compositions. While I do try and be efficacious and if I *can* simplify, I will – if a couple choices go the same route, I’m not going to make things harder for myself – but I usually want to give some flavor or color to each, even if that means slight stat changes.
  5. Once the writing is done, I make notes about how the different paths might affect where Claire is going or how she’s entering the next passage. This is most efficiently done with variables that I can check in the future, but every single one of those that exists means it needs to be used sometime in the future, preferably more often than not and that makes future writing more complicated.
  6. With notes and framework complete, I look to the next passage and continue the process.

I hope that was interesting to you all. A little insight to how the story is being made, sausage and all. If you’re curious about specific portions of the current story, or any of the process above, I’d love to hear your questions and answer them!

If you’re interested in being a content contributor, I’d love to have you. There are many ways to add your ideas and writing to the game: there are the vignettes that already exist and could be easily added to HS, College, Gap Year. There could be other arcs as well – a new arc for a Clique in HS, experience in College or Gap Year. And with 0.5 there will be scenario arcs with the open-world system which will operate like mini-adventures or missions for Claire to ply her fledgling spycraft.

Status: Grinding on a lot of updates
0.4 Sneak peek - A little taste for you before a big release.
  • Workout Outfit - Mmmm bring on those yoga pants and stretches. Can’t forget to stretch.
  • Towel ‘Outfit’ - At first was thin but now covers all the bits.
  • Normal Prom Dress
  • Workout College Arc - Gotta burn that freshman 15
  • Backpacker Gap Year Arc - Too cool for school here ya go.
  • Casting Couch Scene extended and made easier to access - Who doesn’t love a cum stained black leather couch, amirite?
  • Ability to play through the game as a bisexual or lesbian more easily
    • Hookups now take into account sexuality
    • ‘Fuck Flavor’ now takes into account gender of the hookup
  • Ability to play through the game as a virgin more easily - Who wants to do this anyway, its supposed to be fun and full of sex.
  • Lowered Test Scores and bar for college entry – more player agency - Made it easy for yall. Kidding College is for sexploration.
  • Fixing Prom bug where Claire would always cry - Poor Claire we fixed her woes.
  • Clarity to the Cliques and how the MC feels about being a part of them
  • Changed how ‘spoiled’ Claire is made - More parenting styles so she ain’t a spoiled Bitch! You’re welcome.
  • Hookups not chosen in High School are options in College - Missed a hookup we go yo back. Nail em in College.
  • Formatting and Pacing Improvements
  • UX Improvements like outfit preview at Prom and TwitchCon!
  • UI Improvements like the Hair Salon!
Upcoming: 0.4 All that and a bag of chips
We did all that and there’s still more for us to offer you…for the low, low price of your soul…kidding(?)

  • The initial implementation of our Dossier - Not a Stats sheet people. Reference guide for character information,
  • Three additional College arcs and a dozen or so Backpacker arcs for additional flavor to that Gap Year section. - Whaaa more action before the action. You got it.
- Our first home-brewed animated sex scene! - It’ll have you cumming for more.

(sneak peek mayyybe soon, if you’re good enough)

And the next big content release (0.5)? Content
  • If your Claire went on a Gap Year, she can either head to College or into Act I and the main game to search after Mom.
  • College Claires will find their way to Manila- No Vanilla in Manila
  • 'Drop Out' Claire – already in Manila – will dig into the exploration and semi-sandbox world that is the main game and access to the first four or five story arcs.
Technical Goals We Want to Present to the Game/Community
  • Semi-Open World system for the Main Game
  • Intended: Implementation of a Dossier system and Character Interaction Bar
  • 5 Quick-Start Claires so that you can skip character creation and HS - We know you want to get to the good shit.
  • Expansion on first implementation of the Dossier system
  • Implementation of the Arousal System — making it both easier and harder at times for Claire to jump into or avoid sex during the Main Game - We want it easier…duhhhh
  • Implementation of the Fertility System — Claire could be risking herself, her mother and the world if she isn't careful about how she partakes in intercourse! - Preggo and saving the world is there such a hero, Cue Claire Extraordinaire!!!
Oh, and I’m sure your curious how the HD assets are going.


Our intentions are to have the HD assets for our subscribers only and a selection that can be made with a toggle in-game.


We're celebrating the release of 0.4 with a lottery! Instructions:

  • Play through your current version of the game, either 0.3.2F or 0.4, depending on your sub level.
  • Finish a playthrough that you consider your 'canon' Claire.
  • Post your playthrough save in our new #⁠saves channel on our Discord and in the Lottery thread.
Rules: Limit 1 entry per person. Duration: Saves must be posted by midnight Eastern US on November 5th (10ish days from this posting) Winner: Drawn from those who submit saves, I'm giving free top-tier access for the remainder of '23 via Substar or Patreon, depending on your preference.

Get on our Discord (clearly) and give us your thoughts!!!


Mar 17, 2019
I think some of these are pretty obvious if you think about it a little. I don’t know if English is native to you, so maybe that’s part of the problem.

“Sixth choice "I always considered him..."
an abusive prick - instable family?
loving and attentive - stable family?
only a memory - ???
present - ???”

abusive means he’s abusive. That’s pretty clear. If you’re familiar with the impact of abusive parenting you can imagine the result. “Present” I take to mean they’re but distant. An uninvolved parent. So they were together but it wasn’t a loving household

“Next choice, number eight, growing up - all four options are extremely different, "revolving door of 'dads' in her life" / "they stuggled too, and we made it" / "she did not not how to handle him..." / "Mom realized she did not want me" - big differences, obviously, but which choice might bring which outcome? No idea, sorry.”

this one also seems pretty clear to me. Mom had a lot of boyfriends so it’s an unstable family environment. Like that old movie “Eight Mile.” Mom didn’t want Me is also pretty clear. I don’t understand the confusion
Even if some choices seems obvious, that doesn't do anything to help the ongoing issue. But also, just because one person thinks something is obvious it's not always obvious to others because everyone's irl experiences are different. Like, I've never seen Eight Mile, so I have no idea what you're referencing.
Your example doesn't seem very obvious to me, and I do speak English natively.

"Abusive Prick" is blatant the parent is abusive. But how does it affect the game? I went playing into this game blind the first time and had absolutely no idea what it might do. It was only after reading the forum I knew of stability/instability and what it is intended to do.

Unfortunately, the keyword "stability" is also vague enough in and of itself that it could mean a number of things. Are we talking about mental stability? Instability in that the family move frequently and Claire keeps losing the friends she makes? Instability doesn't inherently translate into rebelliousness either. The results of abusive parenting expresses itself in many different ways, acting out is only one. Many children actually become more passive and quiet out of fear of angering the abuser. Anger towards an abuser isn't always explosive, but it can also be silent and/or underhanded.

The devs are dealing with some rather abstract concepts and trying to quantify them to a handful of values. It's not easy to do, and they know it. It's a good thing they're open to feedback.
Last edited:
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Reactions: ray3dave


Sep 29, 2019
Our intentions are to have the HD assets for our subscribers only and a selection that can be made with a toggle in-game.
Thank you very much for the toggle option. I genuinly prefer the pixel art.

Then follows my favourite scree, choice of traits, choice number eighteen. Doesn't lack clarity, BUT what differnce does it make which I pick? All of them seem helpful the same. The "Actor-level Bone structure" leaves me wondering a bit, but nevermind.
I am guessing, but I always thought that the bone structure would be helfpul for acting related paths. After all some of the choices do hint at certain professions. The smoky voice probably helps with the singing career, fitness with anything athletic, the legs with modeling, etc. Quite frankly, what I can't figure out is the striking eyes option as well as the ineffable charm and great smile. I mean, I get what it means, but as to what that actually does in the game or where this comes up again, is puzzling. So far I don't think I have seen a dialogue that refers to either one.

You brought the hometown up: I know how LA has unique options that are related to the beach and I would assume NY also has some special flavour, but what do Seattle, Birmingham and the middle of nowhere stand for? Granted, the town in the middle of nowhere option is obvious, but how does it differ from the others? Quite frankly, as a European, I thought Alabama was considered to be the middle of nowhere. Has anyone noticed a difference between these towns?

This for example is something that I don't think needs aditional information or feedback in the game, but I am still wondering as to why Seattle and Alabama are actual options.
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Reactions: ray3dave


Sep 8, 2017
Thank you very much for the toggle option. I genuinly prefer the pixel art.

I am guessing, but I always thought that the bone structure would be helfpul for acting related paths. After all some of the choices do hint at certain professions. The smoky voice probably helps with the singing career, fitness with anything athletic, the legs with modeling, etc. Quite frankly, what I can't figure out is the striking eyes option as well as the ineffable charm and great smile. I mean, I get what it means, but as to what that actually does in the game or where this comes up again, is puzzling. So far I don't think I have seen a dialogue that refers to either one.

You brought the hometown up: I know how LA has unique options that are related to the beach and I would assume NY also has some special flavour, but what do Seattle, Birmingham and the middle of nowhere stand for? Granted, the town in the middle of nowhere option is obvious, but how does it differ from the others? Quite frankly, as a European, I thought Alabama was considered to be the middle of nowhere. Has anyone noticed a difference between these towns?

This for example is something that I don't think needs aditional information or feedback in the game, but I am still wondering as to why Seattle and Alabama are actual options.
Seattle gives you some outdoor choices like hiking. Birmingham is a big american football town so there's sports stuff. Small town america is stuff like cow tipping and shooting guns.

Samuel Hidayat

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019

Take a Peek. We insist!!

View attachment 3044968

Author’s Corner - So, I wanted to take you on a journey of how I decide to write what I write.

  1. Prior to a new version, I ideate (fancy word for think) and plan out the general ideas and beats that I plan for an arc. This usually includes a basic structure of passages and a note about what they might contain. Sometimes these get little ‘ooh, reference X here’ or ‘Traitcheck Y’.
  2. Once I dig into the writing, I approach the passages that interest me most, or that are most necessary – these are usually the intro or outro since I like knowing exactly where I’m coming from or where I’m heading. Then I take my notes and expand on them. Two criteria that are integral to the writing are these: what choices are being made and what traits or skills cause content variations. If neither are there any choices or variations, it shouldn’t be written. IMHO. There are a couple exceptions to this, but those are the railroad sections that are designed to build background, give context, or other information that is uniform and necessary across all playthroughs (think the Prologue re: Mom or Act I with Nate).
  3. Now, I actually start writing. It’s usually pretty free-form with some revisions and rewrites if I find a better way of saying things, but ultimately comes from a core ‘idea’ that needs to get conveyed. Usually all the writing is done in the code (thanks Fict and Mira for fixing my errors here! It’s a bear) since it’s easier for me to understand where the continuity breaks will be because of checks or decisions.
  4. This is where things get pretty complicated because now I write versions based on those choices or variations. In some areas, this can be – essentially – four or five (or more) passage length compositions. While I do try and be efficacious and if I *can* simplify, I will – if a couple choices go the same route, I’m not going to make things harder for myself – but I usually want to give some flavor or color to each, even if that means slight stat changes.
  5. Once the writing is done, I make notes about how the different paths might affect where Claire is going or how she’s entering the next passage. This is most efficiently done with variables that I can check in the future, but every single one of those that exists means it needs to be used sometime in the future, preferably more often than not and that makes future writing more complicated.
  6. With notes and framework complete, I look to the next passage and continue the process.

I hope that was interesting to you all. A little insight to how the story is being made, sausage and all. If you’re curious about specific portions of the current story, or any of the process above, I’d love to hear your questions and answer them!

If you’re interested in being a content contributor, I’d love to have you. There are many ways to add your ideas and writing to the game: there are the vignettes that already exist and could be easily added to HS, College, Gap Year. There could be other arcs as well – a new arc for a Clique in HS, experience in College or Gap Year. And with 0.5 there will be scenario arcs with the open-world system which will operate like mini-adventures or missions for Claire to ply her fledgling spycraft.

Status: Grinding on a lot of updates
0.4 Sneak peek - A little taste for you before a big release.
  • Workout Outfit - Mmmm bring on those yoga pants and stretches. Can’t forget to stretch.
  • Towel ‘Outfit’ - At first was thin but now covers all the bits.
  • Normal Prom Dress
  • Workout College Arc - Gotta burn that freshman 15
  • Backpacker Gap Year Arc - Too cool for school here ya go.
  • Casting Couch Scene extended and made easier to access - Who doesn’t love a cum stained black leather couch, amirite?
  • Ability to play through the game as a bisexual or lesbian more easily
    • Hookups now take into account sexuality
    • ‘Fuck Flavor’ now takes into account gender of the hookup
  • Ability to play through the game as a virgin more easily - Who wants to do this anyway, its supposed to be fun and full of sex.
  • Lowered Test Scores and bar for college entry – more player agency - Made it easy for yall. Kidding College is for sexploration.
  • Fixing Prom bug where Claire would always cry - Poor Claire we fixed her woes.
  • Clarity to the Cliques and how the MC feels about being a part of them
  • Changed how ‘spoiled’ Claire is made - More parenting styles so she ain’t a spoiled Bitch! You’re welcome.
  • Hookups not chosen in High School are options in College - Missed a hookup we go yo back. Nail em in College.
  • Formatting and Pacing Improvements
  • UX Improvements like outfit preview at Prom and TwitchCon!
  • UI Improvements like the Hair Salon!
Upcoming: 0.4 All that and a bag of chips
We did all that and there’s still more for us to offer you…for the low, low price of your soul…kidding(?)

  • The initial implementation of our Dossier - Not a Stats sheet people. Reference guide for character information,
  • Three additional College arcs and a dozen or so Backpacker arcs for additional flavor to that Gap Year section. - Whaaa more action before the action. You got it.
- Our first home-brewed animated sex scene! - It’ll have you cumming for more.

(sneak peek mayyybe soon, if you’re good enough)

And the next big content release (0.5)? Content
  • If your Claire went on a Gap Year, she can either head to College or into Act I and the main game to search after Mom.
  • College Claires will find their way to Manila- No Vanilla in Manila
  • 'Drop Out' Claire – already in Manila – will dig into the exploration and semi-sandbox world that is the main game and access to the first four or five story arcs.
Technical Goals We Want to Present to the Game/Community
  • Semi-Open World system for the Main Game
  • Intended: Implementation of a Dossier system and Character Interaction Bar
  • 5 Quick-Start Claires so that you can skip character creation and HS - We know you want to get to the good shit.
  • Expansion on first implementation of the Dossier system
  • Implementation of the Arousal System — making it both easier and harder at times for Claire to jump into or avoid sex during the Main Game - We want it easier…duhhhh
  • Implementation of the Fertility System — Claire could be risking herself, her mother and the world if she isn't careful about how she partakes in intercourse! - Preggo and saving the world is there such a hero, Cue Claire Extraordinaire!!!
Oh, and I’m sure your curious how the HD assets are going.

View attachment 3044969

Our intentions are to have the HD assets for our subscribers only and a selection that can be made with a toggle in-game.


We're celebrating the release of 0.4 with a lottery! Instructions:

  • Play through your current version of the game, either 0.3.2F or 0.4, depending on your sub level.
  • Finish a playthrough that you consider your 'canon' Claire.
  • Post your playthrough save in our new #⁠saves channel on our Discord and in the Lottery thread.
Rules: Limit 1 entry per person. Duration: Saves must be posted by midnight Eastern US on November 5th (10ish days from this posting) Winner: Drawn from those who submit saves, I'm giving free top-tier access for the remainder of '23 via Substar or Patreon, depending on your preference.

Get on our Discord (clearly) and give us your thoughts!!!
Finally, a redhead that actually looks red instead of pink/strawberry/whatever mess we have now.
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Lead Developer of Blue Swallow
Game Developer
Jan 25, 2020
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

If anyone would be willing to clarify some of the many questions I hid in the spoiler I would be grateful.
So I've gone through your post and I've made some changes to hints and pop-ups early on to give a bit more explanation to players. Thank you for the feedback.

I've also put responses in, above, to some of the ones I did *not* put hints in and why.
May 2, 2022
> Oh, I did get this error on the (University) cheerleading path, is that what's wrong?
Yeah, I think I have no idea what I'm doing and editing the HTML is totally beyond me

When picking the nerd route and going for the conference, the pages take forever to load. I get the UI straight away, but the content may take minutes to load.
Sammie, Mhuahaha - replace your html with the attached one and these bugs will be fixed for you. They were reported on our discord earlier and fixed already - will be released with upcoming 0.3.3P release that should be out in 10 days or so.

(this attachment contains hotfix for high school nerd TwitchCon and Cheerleader paths)


Sep 8, 2017
Sammie, Mhuahaha - replace your html with the attached one and these bugs will be fixed for you. They were reported on our discord earlier and fixed already - will be released with upcoming 0.3.3P release that should be out in 10 days or so.

(this attachment contains hotfix for high school nerd TwitchCon and Cheerleader paths)
Thanks, so I can't figure out how to get some of the other options on the cheerleading path. It looks like there are ways to hook up with the team. My Claire is about as slutty as possible, with a 19 body count coming out of high school. Weirdly on another play through she only had 16 but chose to have a gangbang with her friends. But for cheer, I can't get a sex option


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2017
I see people mentioning the stats they have achieved during playthroughs. Being the guy for the not so clever basically uninformed questions I dare to ask - what do you need to do to see the stats?

It must be something embarrassingly obvious, as many out here tell stats by numbers - but I never saw that.


Jan 29, 2021
you basically need to read the code in the html tight now. But in 0.4 the first stage of a dossier will be added, but it is not planned that you have all numbers in the clear there.
3.90 star(s) 39 Votes