Is there a way to report him, and shut him off? like isn't what he doing illegal, he claimed that putting "hard" dates stressed him out, so he doesn't do that, but cmon there is some sort of deadline per update, at least these sites should force that on these people, especially with the amount of money this clown is making. Also, his cucked forces come on here so often to see what we put up about his antics, then reinforce his beliefs "he's doing the best he can". I remember he had a bad kidney stone, but the dude makes enough to quit working, and I get sick, but this dude then said he was going to drink. Making what he s "sick" with worse. Idk I gave up on this game a long time ago, I paid for a release a while back, and he kept claiming it was 3 parts, and he never release part 2 or 3. then released it 5 months later like he was throwing it out to us like "fine you see what I do for you" and slapped a 5-month late