Next year, maybe ?!!Ah yes, another update teaser that won't appear in the next update or in this year.
Next year, maybe ?!!Ah yes, another update teaser that won't appear in the next update or in this year.
using AI generated art is the upmost laziest thing you can useAs much as I don't like scammers, I gotta admit the dude is a great artist. He has skill, he's wasting his talent away with his laziness and constant lies. It's such a shame, this game would've been top-notch.
Now with the rise of AI art I just hope a fan picks up the game and continues it as this has been practically abandoned by the original creator.
2 years X 2 scenes = > 100kUSD ??? I don't see a single mistake in this mathematical expression...2 years for like 2 scenes? hell nah man bonestales you mistake.
Yes, this is a joke... today subscribers only on the SubscribeStar website: 1$x384+3$x157+10$x282+15$x67 = $4680 minus service fee 7% and minus bank transaction fees 3% = 4212 multiplied 24 month = 101088 $. It's just an arithmetic joke...Bruh stfu
Looks like a rework of the Basement Boobjob. Looks fine and dandy but ultimately reiterative. Would prefer actual progress to the story or at least the "Not Implemented" parts. This feels like a band-aid to a knife wound.View attachment 3364299
Next update Teaser
Bro, Hollow Knight was developed in 4-6 years, with 4 people, and a budget of 40-50k dollars, a game that lasts 50-80 hours, Bones in these 2 years has generated at least 80k dollars, from a game that has been in development for 7 years, a game that if you skip the text lasts less than 5 hours, a generic game that wouldn't be worth it if it weren't for its porn content, you tell me it's a simple game created in RPGM (no offense to good RPGM games, there are some, but this is not one of them) are they going to cost the same as a game developed, for example in Unity?reassure me.... you know that making a game in 2D takes more time than making it in 3D? especially with graphics and animations of this quality? Doc Bones doesn't have ten members in his team, like Kompas who don't release Summer Saga any faster... I'm not criticizing anyone, far from it, making a 2D game with a minimum of quality takes time !
make a 3D scene when you already have the models and the backgrounds, you can release a game very quickly... whereas in 2D... you have to make and redo the scenes and it takes a lot of time, like just the drawing just above (titsjob) a designer will spend more than a day working on it (less for a good one)
The gripe most people have is the amount of work done to make actual progress to the foundation already laid down YEARS ago. Of course there would be people criticizing him regardless of what he does, but right now the issue people have is that there's neither progress to the storyline nor implementation to the placeholders that have been there for years.reassure me.... you know that making a game in 2D takes more time than making it in 3D? especially with graphics and animations of this quality? Doc Bones doesn't have ten members in his team, like Kompas who don't release Summer Saga any faster... I'm not criticizing anyone, far from it, making a 2D game with a minimum of quality takes time !
make a 3D scene when you already have the models and the backgrounds, you can release a game very quickly... whereas in 2D... you have to make and redo the scenes and it takes a lot of time, like just the drawing just above (titsjob) a designer will spend more than a day working on it (less for a good one)
Exactly, there will inevitably be people who criticize you for anything, but most simply complain that they haven't seen REAL progress in years, and that, I personally believe, they do it to continue squeezing more money, can you tell me why? Delay of this update? , which by the way, is incomplete, it was because he was "sick", AND... Well, let's say it's true. But what about the previous delays? Did you also get sick in all the previous updates? Apart from the fact that he started developing another game without even finishing the main one...The gripe most people have is the amount of work done to make actual progress to the foundation already laid down YEARS ago. Of course there would be people criticizing him regardless of what he does, but right now the issue people have is that there's neither progress to the storyline nor implementation to the placeholders that have been there for years.
While I can commend that he's getting better at drawing and comparing some of the reworked scenes with the previous ones shows it, it serves no real purpose to rework scenes every few months that are good to being with and choose to stagnate new content. It would be like a game with broken mechanics that keeps reworking the few things that already work and neglecting core improvements that have had issues for plenty of time.
"Community: Oh hey, I wonder where the story is going!
Bones: Nah, nah, don't worry about it. Here, why not take a look at this new costume I got for you!
Community: Well, that's neat and all but um... what about this part that has been "Not Implemented" for years... is it coming soon?
Bones: Yeah, yeah. It might, eventually... but check this shit out! Now the animation is 1 frame more fluid!
Community: Uh huh..."
I'll say this again, I have a friend, who does drawing for a hobby. And he is able to code a rpgmaker game from scratch and animate at least 4 different scenes with full context before it happens.... in three weeks. THREE WEEKS and that is between him working his day job.reassure me.... you know that making a game in 2D takes more time than making it in 3D? especially with graphics and animations of this quality? Doc Bones doesn't have ten members in his team, like Kompas who don't release Summer Saga any faster... I'm not criticizing anyone, far from it, making a 2D game with a minimum of quality takes time !
make a 3D scene when you already have the models and the backgrounds, you can release a game very quickly... whereas in 2D... you have to make and redo the scenes and it takes a lot of time, like just the drawing just above (titsjob) a designer will spend more than a day working on it (less for a good one)
I thought it took a little longer, I suppose it also depends on the person, but regardless of that it is a good fact to start thinking about how Bones spends his time, procrastinating?...I'll say this again, I have a friend, who does drawing for a hobby. And he is able to code a rpgmaker game from scratch and animate at least 4 different scenes with full context before it happens.... in three weeks. THREE WEEKS and that is between him working his day job.
I fail to see the Doc, who probably has a lot more time on their hands, unable to release AT LEAST a monthly update and still earn a shitload more than my friend who still has to work a day job.
The way he took some shortcuts is to make an animation by simply making a looping animations (with climax animations) and let it play in RPGMaker. Thing about Doc is that he refuses to make looping animations BUT INSTEAD he chose to piece and piece the parts, like the eyes, nose, and mouth are separate from the faces that is also separate from the next that is separated from the torso so on and so forth. This causes a lot of more problem and Doc refuses to help himself because he would rather punish everyone rather than making the game more "friendly" to the engine he is using.I thought it took a little longer, I suppose it also depends on the person, but regardless of that it is a good fact to start thinking about how Bones spends his time, procrastinating?...