Deleted member 482355
It came out faster than I could respond, so there's your answer! This pretty much always happens just so you know.where does it leak? lol asking for a buddy
It came out faster than I could respond, so there's your answer! This pretty much always happens just so you know.where does it leak? lol asking for a buddy
This does not work for me. Because Doyle then disappearsSleep with Doyle
This is from personal experience, but the scene auto-played after I went to sleep on the day I unlocked Vera's horse handy. The scene unlocked and I just waited in the chair until evening and went to sleep, then doyle woke mc up saying someone was in the stable.This does not work for me. Because Doyle then disappears
There's a walkthrough pdf on the first page, but this is what it says: "Sleeping Pill – Check the front gate in the morning once you check out Martha at night, talk to the merchant, leave, talk to Doyle, go the attic with Doyle, get the knife, sell it to the merchant and buy the sleeping pill."Could someone tell me where to find the sleeping pills? please
Pills After you spy on martha and she wakes up next evening check the large drawers back left side of her room (middle drawer) find proteien pills then next morning go to gate speak with Merchant then get Doyle andfollow instructions swap pillsCould someone tell me where to find the sleeping pills and the Master Key? please
The change log is in the O.P.Does anyone already know what's new in this update?
No need to restart. My 0.61 saves work perfectly.Would saveeditonline.com work to raise Depraved, arousal, guilt and trust?
I'm tired of restarting this game from the beginning, it takes way to long to get the points to 20+.