1 teaser every couple of months and most of the recent 'work' is just redoing already made scenes. He puts out a new image every few months to keep people invested. I think there's been 2 or 3 actual updates in the last 3.5 years. That's abandoned by any normal person's definition. But so long as there are enough clowns like you they can get away with it
I Do Love when *Online Trolls* call someone with any opposite opinion to theirs a silly name.
I'd clearly expressed that I'm not in any wayy affiliated with the developer and have only played the game itself in the past. I was simply checking on the games progress, to see in fact if there had been any updates, *BECAUSE* I haven't been "waiting around for it"; so, when seeing the "Abandoned tag, I looked at the games' Discord channel and saw recent posts and talks of work being made.
AND Again, I Truly DON'T Care IF the Game gets any new content because I enjoyed what I HAD played and haven't played it since...
I'm really confused by some peoples need to bash anyone else's opinion??
It's Not Like I called Anyone an IDIOT for waiting and continuing to hope for an update.
I simply stated it seems odd to label it one way without any clear indication from the Developer.
However, I also acknowledged the frustration some may feel, about paying for the game's development, while still waiting for any progress, because I have never paid a dime for it myself.
Get over yourself, fam.
Figure out that you don't need to bash someone, in order for your own words to maintain any merit.