Decent art and concept, but this game desperately needs proofreading and proper scripting. Bugs like the load function pointing to the wrong savefile is unforgivable, especially after several versions with the same bug.
Well, that's the thing with a game currently in develoment... there will be a lot of errors and things that would need some tweaking. But time is an ally, for the most part, so all this things would and should be fixed and improved with time.
I apreciate the feedback tho.
I would like to thank Hontor for the contribution to this game!
Indeed!, Hontor was a lifesaver... I'm NO coder myself, I'm just and poor excuse of an artist with a few ideas and the motivation to try to get them out there. I use the tools I have at hand. That's why, Hontor offered his coding skills to help me out... WITHOUT ASKING ANYTHING IN RETURN... That's how good of a lad he is.
EDIT: So, just to clarify... Hontor Provided with some scripts to make my life easier, and to help the game have some of the feature that most of you wanted.
I couldn't do it myself, because, as said before... I know shit about coding... I Just know a little of how RPGM works to the point I could make a somewhat playable game... I'm getting better everyday, and some day I may even learn how to proper script.
Also, about the proofread, that is on the way, I have other people helping me with that...