4.00 star(s) 176 Votes


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 4, 2018
The bad thing is that u actually make dates and u promised last year that u would stop making dates and yet u didnt so just stop giving dates just give an estimated produce time like it will take 3 months that is it, Its true u not a professional and u are not obligated to do anything, but u say u dont charge for ur work but u do cause patreons pay for early acess of the game so somehow they paying for ur work, u saying are extreamly flawed that is for sure cause u dont hve a great system u have a great issue with management of time which cause this delays and its being like this for quite awhile, but for me i already know the process and i dont complain alot cause im getting use to the delays and that is the one thing that makes me not patreon/subsc, even though i did some fan-art's to ur community has a gift for how much i enjoyed the game, i stopped pretty much cause there wasnt alot active people and felt like the draws and montages i did and future ones were just kinda waste of time even though i like doing them,

Now apart from the thing above, screw that...

Just try has hard u can to try to figure a system to improve uself more, make an agenda like im doing it improved work system, like today i do this and that in the other day this and that cause i feel like u pretty much doing everything random that is why it gets messy, try has much has u can to communicate about the updates u dont really need to say this update gonna hv this scene no, give simply info like in this update im going to do content with this characters and it will have interactions between this characters, if there is like easter eggs etc having info to keep people wondering and feel excited cause u keep everything hidden and u dont communicate and trello is not update has much and alot people dont follow that, people will avoid ur game and will think alot of thing like "its abandonned?" "is this game still around" and some people that been lost in time comeback and see a for this example a date and its delayed people will complain and that is the system and u cant change that but to improve ourselfs to do better.

Now for the F95 community im not Doc's white knight, i just like his games, if i need to be honest 100% with the devs i will cause if u kiss-ass the devs that have flaws they will never improve they will doing their stuff without realizing their mistakes or flaws, complimenting them for the content and how the update was on-time it will help the dev seeing "oh if i do this correctly people dont complain", i understand alot of u complaining even i was dissapointed cause i hv been waiting for a Manor update for along time, delays happen for me i only start to really complaing when its 2nd time delaying, in this case Doc only delayed a week we can wait that and beside for what i see on trello if its all this content going to be in the update its worth the wait.

(There is might be some erros on my writting, im writting this on my phone while im in the hospital waiting, nothing serious).

Oseo Bones

Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 10, 2017
If people are impatient it means that you have created something good. People use the internet to take off their frustations so don't take it too personal. Probably even if you do all the things correctly there will always be that guy that will criticize you and the way you work. Try to do your best and the majority of us will be happy.
But now the real question that is fixed in my head... Usually devs fap to their games? :HideThePain:
I personally do fap to my own material... Considere it a... "Quality test" if you will. Ha Ha!.

The bad thing is that u ...
I get it. That's what I meant by "I'm just a guy".... I don't have a "business model" nor do I pretend to have one. I appreciate everyone that supports me but I'm not "selling stuff", "Rewards" are not "Products", people that support me are NOT buying the game early, I don't sell the game... they get a reward for their support. That's how Patreon/SubscribeStar originally works, that's how I use it. You support a creator, the creator choses to reward you for your kindness. (I don't give extra content nor exclusive content for patreons/subscirbers).
If I wanted to sell the game I could just cut some content and place it on Steam, and again, if I wanted to make more money I'd make a STS-ish project.

I plan to do this thing until I stopped enjoying doing it. I don't considere this a job per se, even tho I know I pay my stuff thanks to it, but I can always do something else, never had a problem getting by before this and drawing boobs is not the only thing I can do irl. I just made a choice one day... never had issues quitting jobs, never got attached to them. I can always get another.
Now, I know all of this "I can quit whenever I want" stuff may sound like a threat, but it is not, I just want you all to understand that I'm doing this because I want to do it, my life don't depend on it and if all of this "business" shit gets out of hand I'll probably jump to somthing else. I'm not a guy motivated by money, even if I like to have it, like everybody else. But if the money brings the drama, I always end up quitting it. I prefer to live a modest life without bullshit than a rich one having to deal with said bull. (I'm uiltimatly a Nihilist, I don't have bigger expoectations of life).

But yeah, I will try to improve in the thing I'm bad at, I already said that. I like to improve as long as I enjoy it, but I'm not the obsesive type.

Oh!, and about you fanart... that is up to you.


May 11, 2017
After reading the 2 messages that Oseo bones send, they seem quite defensive and passive aggressive, which i guess isn't a strange response to criticism.
The "i can do other things than making porn you guys, i can quit anytime/moment you guys and work for some asshole instead" and the "i always end up quitting what i'm doing when drama gets involved" seems, just as you said, like a threat.

Personally i don't really think anyone should do something that causes them stress or mental/physical pain, so if that is the case then i actually do think quitting would be the healthiest and best option, but i do have a hunch that, that won't be happening anyways and was more a threat than anything else.

And i don't really know if a STS copy would do that well, as the main reason that Dark Cookie does so well (in my opinion), is due to him streaming and thereby showing progress nearly daily allowing people to see all the progress made live, if they so please.
If he stopped streaming and went silent on patreon as well for numerous months, then we both know he would start losing a lot of supporters.

Overall the messages just seem defensive and passive aggressive, and just like complaining about a porn game creator might indeed be stupid, so is willingly going into a forum that you know is going to have said complaining comments and then passively complain about them.
Which isn't going to do much.

No one is making you read the messages here instead of working on your game or doing a hobby or anything else you might like.
Reading the negative comments here and getting annoyed at them is not something that can be put on any other than yourself.

Now when it comes to how patreon works then giving rewards is obviously something that was designed so that creators could get more people to support them, be it by giving exclusive content, early access, insight into whatever the person is creating or some other thing like even meeting them in some cases.
Not that i think that there is anything wrong with that, as i actually think that is a fine model overall, but you must realize that there are a good part of your supporters that donate to get early access as well as possible news from the patreon feed.

Now don't see this as a personal attack as i think you might be a stellar guy outside of game making, and this is just aimed at what i see while observing the progress period before the release so it might not be true to your character, as i don't know you personally.

And to break of from the negativity, i actually do hope you turn your work habits around and start being more transparent on whatever your doing, and then get more supporters again.
The game is still good and the humor is good overall in the dialogue and your art is good as well.

(On a side note. I hope that whatever the reason is for you being at the hospital Exirock, that it isn't someone too serious, as hospitals are never nice places to visit.)


Nov 20, 2019
Oseo Bones

When you started to make this game, you released the game Monthly

Now the release schedule is 2 updates in a year!

Devs like you try to establish that erotic game devs don't have responsibility, can't be criticized, can't be taken serious.
Supporters have to pay but don't really have much to expect from h devs cause they working only on a sex game nothing more.

Nice try but that doesn't make any sense.

This i am sick excuse is overused and is not to be trusted.
Nearly every dev that is delaying there updates is using this excuse.
If it is really true that you have health problems and that disease don't let you work on the game anymore then pause the payments.

You have one advantage (when it comes to excuses) over the other bad devs like icstor, gumdrop & mr.zz

and this is that youre first game was kicked out from patreon.

Now you will say "How is this good for me ?"

It is good as an excuse for the huge delays you can always say "hey patreon kicked my game out i can't produce updates frequently cause of that".

It seems that you're pretty comfy with that situation.

Afterall you get money trough your second game on patreon and you know the people that are donating on that patreon site are donating mainly cause of the manor.

The second game doesn't have such hype like the first.

Youre not even trying to put manor back to patreon not even change the necro thing to be cool with the patreon guidelines.

Drawing boobs (for talented artists and yes you are talented) is much easier to do than going 40-60 hours a week working in a factory.

Last time you again failed to hold youre promise, you stated that you will stream weekly, what happen to that ?
right nothing again, nothing but empty words...
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2020
Post 2567 after many problems over nigely little bits missing and the annoyance of lazy people asking the same question over and over, my question : IS GOLEM98 A GOD OR WHAT!!!!
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Reactions: SomeDamnedDude


Nov 20, 2019
Thanks God that Ubisoft, Blizzard & Activision fanbase don't act that way if they did those companys didn't change anything.

But it's good to know if people criticizing a product or producer than it means there live depends on it.

Everyday we can learn something new...
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Jul 16, 2017
Thanks God that Ubisoft, Blizzard & Activision fanbase don't act that way if they did those companys didn't change anything.

But it's good to know if people criticizing a product or producer than it means there live depends on it.

Everyday we can learn something new...
True. However, there are 2 massive differences:
First, in both those you BUY a product. When you buy something, expectations are a bit different. Here, you aren't buying anything. You're supporting the developer. Or, in my case, playing it for free from the download links on this forum.
Second, you can hardly compare an individual to huge companies like those, can you?

At any rate, I understand criticism and I also see your point. But I think this has evolved from criticism to mere rambling about things that have been discussed over and over and over on this forum.

Just my opinion on the matter, there is no reason to argue over this. As I said, if you don't like the game or it's development... You can stop supporting it.


Apr 20, 2017
Guys guys guys... guuuuys... EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinions and the right to express them. So let everyone speak their minds. As I said before: As long as they are civil there's no harm in it... If that wasn't the case, the mods would take care of it. (I guess)

The only thing I will say in my "defense" is this:
I don't make promises (I just say dates that I don't meet because I'm that bad at dates. But I will stop doing that( for sure this time)). I'm NO professional developer, I'm NO professional artist. I'm NOT a company. I DON'T provide a service. I'm in NO obligation whatsoever to make the game if I just wanted to stop.
I'm just a guy that one day started making games. I DON'T have a perfect method and I'm extreamly flawed and I improvise a lot...
And YES, I make money out of it, not because I charge for my work, but because some fine folk decided to donate, and that way I can stay inside (i'm a known introvert) and avoid working shitty jobs for shitty people... and every Patreon/Subscriber can stop anytime they want and also keep getting the game when is public. I DON'T have plans to become popular or succesful as other developers, and if I just wanted to make lots of money, I would drop my current projects and make another STS rip-off (because I know I could make a good one).
I (mostly) enjoy this, but if I need or want to stop, I will without much thought. If people want to complain... be my guest, But don't you think even for a moment that I'm obligated to do anything I don't want to do.

Regardless, the way I see it, the ones "angry" enough to "talk that talk" are the first in line to download, play, and fap to the updates... Which I take as a compliment in itself.

PS: I don't actually "like"replying to this stuff, you know?... it takes part of the charm out of all of this of making porn games.
So, go ahead and call me a milker, a liar and what not. But, if it was me... if I was SO ANGRY just because I wanted to fap to a porn game, I would really (really) try to rearrange my priorities, because there would be something very wrong with me.

Well... shit, this got longer than I expected. So again, let people talk if they want... it won't change anything.
I will try to improve in the things I'm lacking, but again... I'm just a guy... chill the f*** out.
May your bones always be full of calcium doc, spoken like a true gentleman, i hope youre doing good, and keep doing this amazing project, take as much as you need my friend, remember haste makes waste


Apr 2, 2018
I wonder if the good doc would be far done from those delays if he were spending a half of the time he answers the "childish behavior" of us in the forum

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
Doc, Based on the written massages by you, it turns out that no one can’t hope and rely on you, depending on your mood, you can betray, change, cheat, fail at the most crucial moment. It’s sad. You need improve your stress resistance.

Oseo Bones

Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 10, 2017
I wonder if the good doc would be far done from those delays if he were spending a half of the time he answers the "childish behavior" of us in the forum
I have some spare time on my breaks, and I've been accused of "lack of communication" if I remember correctly :).
Now, if you were being ironic and actually pretend me to use ALL of my waking hours working... In that case, sir, you are hilarious.

Doc, Based on the written massages by you, it turns out that no one can’t hope and rely on you, depending on your mood, you can betray, change, cheat, fail at the most crucial moment. It’s sad. You need improve your stress resistance.
Almost right you are... You shouldn't rely on no one, be your own man, break the cycle!.
But what I truly meant was that, even if some decide to kick and shout everytime I don't meet a deadline, it doesn't mean that I would create a miracle and finish something I'm still working on just because those same people can't hold their fapping urges.
Take my work for what it is, entertainment... there are no lives at risk here.

Also, if someone believes there are "most crucial moments" while talking about porn games... that's a actually "sad" and also a bad sign. Porn is fun and all, but porn addiction is a worrying matter. I would reccomend taking a break.

All in all, what I'm trying to say is: Chill, it is a porn game. Play it when is available. Don't get caught up in a vice.
And if you are generally unhappy with my way of doing things, there are always a lot of other great devs out there with awesome games, Go play those ones and
carry on.
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New Member
Oct 7, 2017
Y'all need to get your dicks out of your hands and chill the fuck out. Bones, bro...Keep on man. Hope you're doing alright and as a fellow man of culture all I got to say is...Been really enjoying this game and your work. Have a great year!

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
I have some spare time on my breaks, and I've been accused of "lack of communication" if I remember correctly :).
Now, if you were being ironic and actually pretend me to use ALL of my waking hours working... In that case, sir, you are hilarious.

Almost right you are... You shouldn't rely on no one, be your own man, break the cycle!.
But what I truly meant was that, even if some decide to kick and shout everytime I don't meet a deadline, it doesn't mean that I would create a miracle and finish something I'm still working on just because those same people can't hold their fapping urges.
Take my work for what it is, entertainment... there are no lives at risk here.

Also, if someone believes there are "most crucial moments" while talking about porn games... that's a actually "sad" and also a bad sign. Porn is fun and all, but porn addiction is a worrying matter. I would reccomend taking a break.

All in all, what I'm trying to say is: Chill, it is a porn game. Play it when is available. Don't get caught up in a vice.
And if you are generally unhappy with my way of doing things, there are always a lot of other great devs out there with awesome games, Go play those ones and
carry on.
Nah i not play in this game yet so i don't involve in this personally, not your fan or hater) and i dont say about porn games. for now i wait and maybe look on your game in next update. My analyze it's only what i see from massages from you and your fans nothing more.
4.00 star(s) 176 Votes