
May 30, 2017
This is more of continuation of the walkthrough found on pg2 of this thread and starts when you unlock Morning star.

Morning Star
-Go to the Temple recruit Primula an elf + info dump
-Go to the Library, gives you access to the catacombs
-Go to the catacombs. They are 3 routes:A,B and C. Enemies here seem to hit pretty hard so be prepared.
--Route C is where the destroyed temple of Innocence is.
-You will meet a demon and he will offer a deal either take the deal or not.
--If you accept his deal he will ask for an elf and you can choose to agree or disagree
--Agree and return with Primula as your companion Fight your way through route C and get the scene with the demon.

After you get the scene and choose to decline the deal, go to library and find information about demon banishing weapons
--You learn of a demon slaying sword and armor where given to a creature in Oestrimn Lake.
--Go back to widow's Peak and go to library to investigate about the lake creature
--New lake area should be on your map south east of Morning star go there and speak the right words or battle some monsters if you are wrong
--Speak with Lady of the lake she will tell you to kill some monsters if you want the weapons This gauntlet type situation so prepare
--Enter the blood forest and fight 5-6 monsters, then you get the option to keep fighting or runaway
--Keep fighting if you runaway the lake lady just says"you haven't done what I asked" and you continue fighting anyways
--After another 5-6 monsters you go back to Lake lady and receive info on where the demon slaying weapons are.
--Check your map 5 new cave areas should be on them

--Primus sells an old book for 3500 gold I have no clue what event it is for but I bought it anyways
The 5 caves
-Each cave is gauntlet of previous enemies roughly 3-6 monsters per cave each giving some item at the end
--north east cave: an ornament
--south east cave: a helmet
--north west cave: an edge
--south west cave: a breastplate
--central cave: a handle
After retrieving the items you will go back to widow's peak to get the swords reforged
-Equip your new sword and armor on your companion lets go back to Morning star to kill that demons ass
-After killing the demon we get a story/info dump
--You can speak with all your companions and ask if they are afraid just extra story bits
To the west
-Head over to the final area
-Meet the big bad and make a choice
--If yes you get a scene with Dhalia, Carex, Rayda or Primula changes depending on who is your compaion at the time
-After get your scenes and choosing no, kill the Evil Stone. This is a hard fight your gonna want to have ton of healing spells
-And thats it roll credits
-After the credits there is a little dialog where you can say goodbye to your companion.

Also about the supposed Eloise cameo I never got that scene even going back to investigate goblins and no clue what the old book does so if anyone knows feel free to tell me.


Dec 5, 2017
This is more of continuation of the walkthrough found on pg2 of this thread and starts when you unlock Morning star.

Morning Star
-Go to the Temple recruit Primula an elf + info dump
-Go to the Library, gives you access to the catacombs
-Go to the catacombs. They are 3 routes:A,B and C. Enemies here seem to hit pretty hard so be prepared.
--Route C is where the destroyed temple of Innocence is.
-You will meet a demon and he will offer a deal either take the deal or not.
--If you accept his deal he will ask for an elf and you can choose to agree or disagree
--Agree and return with Primula as your companion Fight your way through route C and get the scene with the demon.

After you get the scene and choose to decline the deal, go to library and find information about demon banishing weapons
--You learn of a demon slaying sword and armor where given to a creature in Oestrimn Lake.
--Go back to widow's Peak and go to library to investigate about the lake creature
--New lake area should be on your map south east of Morning star go there and speak the right words or battle some monsters if you are wrong
--Speak with Lady of the lake she will tell you to kill some monsters if you want the weapons This gauntlet type situation so prepare
--Enter the blood forest and fight 5-6 monsters, then you get the option to keep fighting or runaway
--Keep fighting if you runaway the lake lady just says"you haven't done what I asked" and you continue fighting anyways
--After another 5-6 monsters you go back to Lake lady and receive info on where the demon slaying weapons are.
--Check your map 5 new cave areas should be on them

--Primus sells an old book for 3500 gold I have no clue what event it is for but I bought it anyways
The 5 caves
-Each cave is gauntlet of previous enemies roughly 3-6 monsters per cave each giving some item at the end
--north east cave: an ornament
--south east cave: a helmet
--north west cave: an edge
--south west cave: a breastplate
--central cave: a handle
After retrieving the items you will go back to widow's peak to get the swords reforged
-Equip your new sword and armor on your companion lets go back to Morning star to kill that demons ass
-After killing the demon we get a story/info dump
--You can speak with all your companions and ask if they are afraid just extra story bits
To the west
-Head over to the final area
-Meet the big bad and make a choice
--If yes you get a scene with Dhalia, Carex, Rayda or Primula changes depending on who is your compaion at the time
-After get your scenes and choosing no, kill the Evil Stone. This is a hard fight your gonna want to have ton of healing spells
-And thats it roll credits
-After the credits there is a little dialog where you can say goodbye to your companion.

Also about the supposed Eloise cameo I never got that scene even going back to investigate goblins and no clue what the old book does so if anyone knows feel free to tell me.
Getting the Eloise cameo is largely down to luck, I'm afraid; the only requirements are -have the old book, -have completed the goblin quest, and -keep searching the goblin caves, and eventually you'll get the scene. It can just take a while.

Also, a slight addendum to the walkthrough: if you choose to run away from the monsters in the blood forest, after talking to the lady of the lake and fighting some more of the monsters, you'll get a scene with the monsters and the lady of the lake.


Game Developer
Dec 18, 2017
I'll let you guys know now, this one took a bit to work on.

At first everything came out in parts, but then for the last section Nikraria handed me what turns out to be the final quarter of the game.

It was a fun journey, but both he and I got burned out on this one.

Oh, and the Eloise scene is actually something I added in with Nikraria's approval. Hope you like it.
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Todd Stewart

New Member
Jun 13, 2017
So I double checked on the patreon and there are supposedly arrows on the companion screen that allow you to switch companions, but I'm not seeing them. Can anyone help me out? I've talked to and recruited Rayda and Dahlia but only Carex shows up in the companion page, and if I get Rayda first she is overwritten and I can't access her page anymore.
The arrows are really tiny at the bottom of the page in the book
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Sep 9, 2017
Tip for anyone still playing this game: using smoke bombs on encounters will count as though you beat it, so they're really handy for the "gauntlet" encounters.
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Active Member
Mar 24, 2020
Hey, I have a Problem here... I don't have the Option to sacrifice one of my Girls... I have only a "Kill him" Option. :/ Pls Help.
No one has answered this. Is sacrificing one of your girls still an option? After defeating the shaman, I also only got the option to kill, even though the walkthrough says you can sacrifice a girl for info.


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
I'm still in the first town and I'm short on money the whole time. Is there no other way than grinding through the goblins? I have the feeling I do not get enough money from the caves to buy healing. Of course there is no money left for better armor or weapons. So how is this supposed to work?


New Member
May 24, 2020
Is companion damage output tied to their health? Because after hitting about 75% health my companions stop doing damage to basic goblins. Still using basic bitch weapons because that magic shit is expensive yo.

NG Creative

Jul 28, 2021

Borderline [Nikraria] : Only NSFW Scenes MOD - By NG Creative


After seeing there is lots of grind in this game i thought of making a mod for this game which will only contain the h-scenes and there is no grind, no gameplay, no wastage of time in investing the characters and all.
Cut the crap man!!!.

You directly get to see the h-scenes and you can enjoy the show from third perspective without investing in the characters, just like porno.​

Tested only with the skip button but you don't have to. All bugs removed looks smooth to me.

How to Install:
1) Make a copy of the game
2) Use unren to unarchieve the rpa packages,(if you had already did this no need to do again)
3) Open the game folder then delete all the files & folder existing inside the game folder
except the images folder.
4) Then unzip the file given by me file named (Borderline Only NSFW Scenes MOD - By NG Creative.zip)
5) Copy all the files & folders from the extracted mod zip and then paste that to you game folder containing only
images folder.
6) Enjoy !!!

If you enjoy the mod, consider smashing the "(y)like", so that I will get to know that someone enjoyed it.

You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Download :
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Dec 4, 2018
No one has answered this. Is sacrificing one of your girls still an option? After defeating the shaman, I also only got the option to kill, even though the walkthrough says you can sacrifice a girl for info.
I know it's quite too late but option appers after i try every dialogue options with companions. Not 100% sure is this a case though. Hard to check when event is random .


New Member
Jun 10, 2018

Borderline [Nikraria] : Only NSFW Scenes MOD - By NG Creative


After seeing there is lots of grind in this game i thought of making a mod for this game which will only contain the h-scenes and there is no grind, no gameplay, no wastage of time in investing the characters and all.
Cut the crap man!!!.

You directly get to see the h-scenes and you can enjoy the show from third perspective without investing in the characters, just like porno.​

Tested only with the skip button but you don't have to. All bugs removed looks smooth to me.

How to Install:
1) Make a copy of the game
2) Use unren to unarchieve the rpa packages,(if you had already did this no need to do again)
3) Open the game folder then delete all the files & folder existing inside the game folder
except the images folder.
4) Then unzip the file given by me file named (Borderline Only NSFW Scenes MOD - By NG Creative.zip)
5) Copy all the files & folders from the extracted mod zip and then paste that to you game folder containing only
images folder.
6) Enjoy !!!

If you enjoy the mod, consider smashing the "(y)like", so that I will get to know that someone enjoyed it.

Download :
dont see an images folder?