I admit I played this directly in browser on a different site, but if people have played this version I wonder if they encountered the same bugs:
1. Jenny's home address event didn't fire up correctly; now if I go to work on Thursday I get stuck there until next week and no shopping events are triggering (she just keeps coming over every Sunday)
2. Maid's takeover event never fires if your under the wife's patronage. Her obedience is -63 and still never happened.
3. Saturday early morning, if Amanda is not still sleeping in bed, you get completely stuck, not being able to advance time. Think I had to go to work or something to be able to continue.
4. Tennis game with Amanda being very broken. The last option when there's three of them leaves the screen completely blank and otherwise the text and the points don't really match.
5. At some point, when the maid is cleaning the mirror in the bathroom, if u decline to help it keeps bringing the same screen over and over.
6. Several missing images or gifs especially in the aftermath of the Saturday report.
This is all I can remember right now.