Ren'Py - Completed - Braveheart Academy [v2.1] [Chrys]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ah yes. One of better games here but it has some weak points.

    + Many sexy girls with many sexy ecounters.
    + Cute and well made models with lots of well made sex animations.
    + No sounds but some nice sountracks in the background making playing much nicer.
    + Trap and NTR-rape content can be simple avoided if someone is not into it. Turning trap content off will of course disable any shemale ecounters but some of the events will be aviable anyway with alternated versions containing fully female girls. Since I'm into neither of it I really appreciate options turning them off.

    - Game pretends to be sandbox but I think it's some real misunderstanding. Actually it's a visual (sometimes even kinetic) novel with RNG ecounters - only few events with girls are fixed while others appears in random order and player could pick one of the few aviable at the time. So it's more like start event and watch as it goes. Not much of a interactive sandbox, eh?
    - If you want unlock everything you have to carefully plan your moves (getting enough affection before fixed timed events) and keeping eye on days limit. It's seems not that bad but since your decisions are limited to choices randomly picked you'll have to be lucky with RNG or abuse save/load option. Or you can enable easy mode - disabling automatic time skipping so you can run all possible ecounters instead of one (but by choosing this you will finish most content before you reach 1/4 of the days limit and end up with skipping time for the rest of the game).
    - Sometimes you will be forced to play sliding puzzles with time limit. I don't know how about you but I don't personally like playing irritating minigames in the middle of romantic scene in order to see rest of it. You can turn them off in main menu but you will loose money rewards granted for them (fotunatelly most things in the shop are not not necessary anyway). I have no idea what's the point of that mechanic. Unless you really love sliding puzzles.
    - Some dialogues are... I don't know. Out of place? Sometimes characters are talking some random bullshit that doesn't make much sense and neither fits into storyline. And most sex dialogues are actually terrible since characters speak, speak, speak and speak some nonsense all the time. Seriously they often say more during fucking than outside of it. Really? It would be much better if they were replaced with descriptions matching animations or there would be no text at all.
    - While animations looks really nice... Pussy lips are not animated at all. So MC's dick simple passes like a ghost through closed pussies instead of spreading them. It ruines experience a bit.
    - Most characters are not well written. First they are shy virgins who have no idea what sex is about and one scene later they fuck like seasoned whores with years of experience. Doesn't make much sense at all.
    - Some main ecounters are just short dialogues with not much content and story impact and because of this story chains for each girl should be longer.

    Despite all the flaws it's still a really nice game. I personally enjoyed playing and can recomend to check it out.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm disappointed... It seems that the rating is good, and there are a lot of views, and it's not a visual novel, as it were, and there are animations, and the tags are good: anal, interracial, ntr, rape, sandbox, etc.... But where is it all here ??? For the whole game, someone was stuck in the ass a couple of times ... ANAL! All these tags for which I played are only in the bad ending! All the girls just masturbate, with their hands, feet, then suck, well, and then you fuck them in the pussy and that's it ... And if you turn off the puzzles and don't take into account moving around the map, then this is the most ordinary visual novel! What are these fucking visual novels for??? Do you like to watch, watch porn, 3d porn! Do you like to read, read erotic/porn books, comics! If you are making a game, then make a game, not reading, not a slideshow, but a game!!! And the game must be interactive! FUCK!!!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game to play! The stories are pretty well-written, and I appreciate the endings for each girl too. I guess that the "true" endings are only with Rika and Raven, since you will be able to have a family with kids with these 2 routes - not that I complain though.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1005121

    Plain dating sim with okay renders.
    All sex scenes are animated nicely and there are some fetishes.
    Easy mode option and ability to siabel puzzles is great.
    A bit too plain, cut and dry for my tastest.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun, funny, well-thought-through dating sim with some VN elements. The girls are delightful, but also multidimensional. Though they're all Honey Select models, they're visually completely distinct -- different sizes, shapes, coloration, etc. (My favorite was green-haired Blake, who's just ridiculously cute, but also sensitive -- and can be played either as cis-female or as a trap/trans female character if that's your preference.) There are lots of fun side plots, including a dating app for hooking up with other characters (and occasionally the main girls as well). The MC is a fun goof -- neither a wannabe alpha nor a complete loser, you can see why these very different girls would actually find him interesting. His sense of humor is... dad-joke-y, but that's very much acknowledged in the story.

    The minor downside here is that there's a certain amount of grind. There's a minigame that I really didn't enjoy -- but the dev made it optional, so I turned it off. You spend a lot of time clicking around the map, looking for the next encounter. (Oh, and do watch the calendar -- there are special events that require you to have certain affection levels or to have scene particular scenes with particular girls.) The progression for each girl's romance involves memorizing facts about each of them (height, favorite food, etc.) and regurgitating those at the appropriate moment. It ends up feeling a bit mechanical. (I know -- a computer program that doesn't perfectly model actual human behavior! Turing's rolling in his grave.) The thing is, I played for the harem ending, and the similarities in game play was noticeable between the girls.

    Still, the girls themselves are attractive and interesting, the relationship with each girl develops in interesting, occasionally surprising ways, they're all adorable, and, yeah, the sex is good and varied.

    I'd give this 4.5 if I could.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down the best looking game I've ever played. The story is a nice touch, all characters are different in their own way and not much grinding, but the animations, the character design, the quality of scenes are definitely one of the best out there. Couldn't stop playing for couple of days. 10/10
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's ok. Nice girls, nice h-scenes. There's no real story here, more like separate progression for each girls. I think they overpromised on what this game is. It's really is not different from the other games of this type where you basically wait, interact, wait some more. It's have a nice notification system so when and where to find people is never frustrating. The small (avoidable) ntr portion at the end is out of left field and not substantially developed.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite the fact that this review is mostly just me pointing out issues why/how bad certain aspects of the game are it's actually pretty good content(writing/stories) wise if you don't mind bad gameplay that can be bypassed anyway via the options menu(turn off puzzles) and some cheating(edit money to just ignore that system altogether and charm/fortune to eliminate the rng) and are just looking for some decent short stories I honestly do recommend this game. Just keep in mind that short stories are all that's there, they're good but then the game just suddenly ends bringing you to a menu where you can select any ending you've unlocked by progressing with the required girl enough.(Note: the choice at the start just sets the green haired girl to either a normal girl or a trap, you don't miss out on any content by not wanting to see male on male content.)

    The few gameplay mechanics that are in the game were a bad idea
    -The puzzle's just feel intrusive and out of place, can be disabled in options
    -The rng based encounter rates are intrusive, unnecessary, and add nothing
    -The money management is just not a fun mechanic it's unnecessary and you can't really control it

    The inclusion of a simple map that you can't really get lost in, with exclamation marks telling you if there's something that can be found or not in the different segments felt like a decent idea for added immersion, when finding and interacting with the girls, I really appreciated that.

    The girls' stories are entirely linear and entirely unrelated to one another no amount of progression in any girl influences another so rng based splits in the narratives just flat out spoil moments at times. The ONLY exceptions to the "progression doesn't matter" thing are a single choice within Sofia's route where you get an extra option if you've maxed out Raven's affection and a timed event towards the end where the girls perform better in a sports event based on how much affection they have towards you because power of love or something, if you've maxed both Sofia and Raven you get to choose the winner when they compete. (Disclaimer: obviously progression also matters for the endings)

    Lastly the endings are sudden and mostly boring/unsatisfying, aside from the two harem endings, you time skip well into the characters' future and just catch a couple of seconds of their lives where they behave as if they just graduated a few days ago and a cheezy feel good "life lesson/moral of the story" message plays. Out of all the normal route endings the only one that had something memorable was Raven she actually had some character progression going from mellow sad/loner girl to mellow happy/affectionate mom.

    You might be wondering so most of the normal endings aren't great but you mentioned "two" harem endings what about those? Unfortunately the dev wanted this game's totally forgettable cheezy little messages that they've attached to end of all main routes to be the most memorable aspect of the endings so the main harem ending is just a realistic if you take the character's personalities into account scenario of what if the girls find out that you've been sleeping with all of them, well they all love you so although a bit upset they're somewhat okay with it but only if you prove you can satisfy all of them, so an orgy breaks out and that's it(it's implied that obviously the mc can but you don't get to see), the dev lectures you on how they didn't want you to pick the harem ending so that's all you get go pick the regular endings now, and for the other harem ending the two girl harem which is really just an alternate Raven ending where you get with her and one of her friends the three of you decide you all like sex a lot so let's be in a relationship you have sex and that's it, then you get the same lecture as in the other harem ending and it's over.

    Edit: the shaders are weird in the endings that take place in the future, they make the characters look deathly pale which makes the characters look much older than they are, in particular the mc, he at times looks so excessively old/fragile/unhealthy that he could keel over from just old age at any moment, the only character unaffected by the shader at all times is Sofia who thanks to her already super white skin tone doesn't really look much paler during her ending.
    Likes: annoo
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good kinetic novel but not great game.
    Models are cute, animations are nice and there is good variety of scenes. And high score is definitely deserved for the most part. People are correct when they praise this game, but it also has a weak part.
    And this weak part is gameplay. There is nothing wrong with being a visual novel. Problem here is sandbox elements, they kinda make you think this game is deeper (gameplay wise) than it actually is. Sandbox here just allows you to pick which path to go first. Pick a girl go through her scenes, pick next girl. It can be somewhat boring.
    Basically it is good VN but don't except it to be good management/sandbox.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Braveheart Academy [v2.1]

    really funny without being completely nonsensical, lots of enjoyable sex, but also lots of purely "kawai" scenes (which i like), not all the girls are equally interesting, but still respond to different tastes.

    amazing for naughtiness the NTR ending, while the other endings have quite disappointed me, a bit too simple and similar between them

    Very simple game but offers a tasty entertainment
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR - great overall package, safe option for almost everybody.

    - wonderful and diverse cast
    - great variaty of events
    - nice production quality
    - satisfying length

    - somewhat excessive storywriting
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    V 2.1
    One of the best games i have ever played. The characters were made so beautifully. Story wise the dialogues were well written, a little cheesy but fine. But really the girls were pretty well made and the scenes were good too. Enjoyed it quite a lot. Just hoped it would have had more content. But worth playing it from start to end. Thanks for this wonderful game Dev. Good luck with your Ongoing Project too.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v2.1

    I have greatly enjoyed this dating sim game, the most impressive part to me were the girls, each was their own person with unique backstory, interaction and way of living. The story for each branch wasnt bogged down with words, it was neither too short of too long, so i never got tired of interacting with any of the girls.
    The second most stand out part for me was the visuals, damn did they get it right with the renders, the facial expressions and the outfits, a really beautiful looking game. And if that wasnt enough, the animation is also superb, it was smooth as the curves of the girls and i send my appreciation to the devs.

    Amazing game with amazing girls, give it a go.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish all of the games on this site had characters as varied as this one. Each love interest actually feels like a different character instead of just being 15 different versions of the developer's dream girl with different hair colors. The only downside is that it's pretty short.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent entry into the genre - somewhat refreshing models/art design I'd say. Lots of variety, decent pacing. Quite happy overall with the whole thing. I'm generally not a huge fan of the whole school setting but this didn't play too much of an excessive role in things.

    Easy 4 out of 5, maybe even a touch better.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    5/5 for the render n animations
    4/5 for the story cuz i think it create by rushing thats cuz this game was got abandoned tag
    3/5 for the ui or buttom or whtever it calls cuz i cant even exit on the meetn yeet app
    well thats all i can gave out
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, spent a single 13 hour session just jacking it to this and cumming atleast like 7 times. Fully erect throughout. Yes I was playing the game on the normal mode, got all the max hearts endings aswell as the NTR ending. Great game, anyone with the time should check this game out
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the game's strenghts:

    The animations and renders are absolute top class, the models look absolutely gorgeous and sets a standard that not many games can achieve.

    The characters are all varied and unique with enough nuance to them to make them more than shallow npcs. They can have captivating stories but none gripped me too much, in summarization; the character storylines are all good but never great.

    Dialogue between the girls and MC are often witty and humorous, sometimes bordering on silly but never childlike. MC is bascially this semi-aloof persona who approaches everything with being silly or instinctively caring about the girls. It's nice but also comes off as a little boring.

    I'd say the romance trope is the main theme here so if you wanna explore romance plots with gorgeous models that have a satisfying enough story in a sandbox and school setting, you're gonna love this game!

    Kink wise it's a bit vanilla for me but also has elements of more kinky stuff so you're never starved of that. I'd give it a 4.5 but rounding up to a 5!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is really good but too short, i feel like if the dev worked 1 more year on this game it would be at last top 10, the history is good, the girls are amazing covering a lot of fetishes, could have more pregnancy tho, is not a 5 game but i think is closer to 5 than 4.
    also incest would be nice.(mc and sister or cousin)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A top notch harem game with really funny dialogue and a variety of really diverse and attractive characters. (Including a goth and a "trap", double bonus point for the dev)

    Plenty of content of both sexual and non-sexual variety, so you should be entertained throughout. I know I was.

    I really enjoyed the class placement aspect of the game in the beginning as well. Getting to pick your year was cool. Small details like that can only help immerse the player in the game's world even more.

    The lewd content is really good, as well. Even the "bad end" is sure to scratch that itch for the NTR folks out there. I'm not big into NTR, personally, and even I was like, "Woah, that was spicy."

    Overall, great VN. Glad to see it was finished. 4(.5)* close to 5.