This is a link to the first ALPHA test of the Incest Patcher. Please make a backup of your BOTN folder before you run it. I have tested it on two machines and while it works here, I make no promises.
The later version will be open source but for now it's just a compiled Perl exe. (The code needs some work and the source needs proper comments and all my stupid notes removed.)
A readme.txt is included, please read it for details.
In general, you run this in the root folder of your
Breeders of the Nephelym install (where Radiant.exe is) and it will patch the game. There are a bunch of command line options which are listed in the readme.txt and in the program itself (run with --help in a command window). (It does automatically make a backup of the executable it patches and it can 'reverse patch' as well - but again, it hasn't been extensively tested so I wouldn't *count* on it.)
You can send bug reports here if you want.
Please do not spread this around on other sites (such as LewdPatcher) yet, I'd like it to be a bit more polished and tested first.