Ren'Py - Bright Past [v0.99.4] [Kosmos Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah still can't play this game even after so many years.

    I think the dev was going for a hardcore life sim with it ups and downs.

    If you want to fap this game is not for you, if you want to listen to music while you scroll around throw maps for hours and doing pointless chores boy you hit the jackspot with this one.

    The models are ugly af
    The grind is unbearable
    The story is confusing like the map and the NPC
    The sex scenes are very few but it will like they are none since you have to grind somewhere between 5 to 38 hours to get 1.

    Just an really awful "game"
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Derek Lamperouge

    Versão 0.93

    This game is even worth a higher score, 4/5, or 8/10.

    This simulation part is well done, and very interesting. I like it this way, (however I confess that I play using cheat, I even suggest putting a god mode for the game).

    My negative criticism for the game is that the game does well a service simulation needs, vices....

    But there are parts that the game gets linear and also and ends up forcing us to do things we do not want to do, just to gain courage, money, or other attribute. (In my case as I said, I use cheat to avoid and continue, otherwise I would have quit)

    I'm playing the full lesbian path, and I would like to avoid almost every straight path, even if it shortens the game.
    I think the dev is doing that now, since some options are impossible if certain points are missing.

    With this I suggest to have the possibility to refuse quests and still gain the attribute, or to find another easier way to gain courage.
    This would close the quests that we don't want to do,
    for example. Playing basketball, putting on makeup and going to the highway, or going to the laundry room.
    I won't do these things, and the quest stays open and irritates me.

    I hope in the end I increase this grade here, because as I said, it is a good game, even though I don't like the female protagonist so much.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I see some low reviews here, based on repetitive actions.
    I can see where they are coming from, when most Ren'Py games are linear novel where your choices barely matter and some people just scroll through the story. This certainly isn't something you can do with this game.

    That being said, this is one of the best open world erotic games in existence. The UI is pretty intuitive, and repetitive events are very minor compared to the mess of other open world games like Girl Life.
    The story hits a perfect mix of freedom and character developement, and the task list really helps with never getting lost.

    The only awkward moments start when one approaches the end of content, when a lot of the story lines have ended, but for a few which then leaves one with a lot of waiting time between those events in those story lines. This however is to be expected for a game in active developement and I couldn't be more satisfied with the integration and planing of these interwoven story lines.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    What can I say, I was actually hesitant to give this game only 2 stars and wanted to give it more, but I really can't.
    The game starts off on a good footing, it introduces some really neat mechanics and features and the characters look good, the story seems interesting enough, and after the intro is done you enter a free roam to basically do whatever you want, except that's not actually true.
    The game is extremely rigid in how it flows and any sense of agency you have is completely superficial, You will HAVE to play the game a specific way to progress, and you will HAVE to do certain acts and actions that you may not be willing to do or see, you only want lesbian content? tough luck, you don't want lesbian content? also tough luck.
    The entire game is intertwined, some characters are only available after certain actions, some actions are only available after meeting certain characters, and the biggest handicap the game uses is your stats, you'll need certain requirements to unlock certain scenes or progress storylines, and how do you get those? by progressing other storylines, sometimes those can only be done if you've already progressed OTHER storylines, or you need certain skill requirements that are lower than the first one but still higher than what you currently have, the game is very counterintuitive and you will not know what to do most of the time, even if you resign yourself to playing all storylines despite not wanting to do so, you'll still find yourself stuck and clueless.
    The game is also extremely grindy and repetitive, you'll find yourself doing things over and over and over, after you've done all of this, you will be rewarded with short unimpressive sex scenes that make you wonder what the hell have you been doing all this for. Overall you'll find yourself having wasted HOURS grinding through the game only to get fuck all in return, I honestly would not recommend this game, even if you use the cheats.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good game with an interesting theme. The processing quality, a lot of repetitive activities is quite annoying and lacks the possibility to develop some things. A cool variant is the purely lesbian orientation, the theme with the boss is cool. It is quite well worked out the progress through the game and intuitive controls. I would have welcomed a more detailed evaluation of the relationships, but that can be added. Otherwise I recommend it to everyone who likes anal story.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game with awesome renders and an interesting main character. It can be a little bit grindy sometimes, but it's surprisingly deep in terms of game mechanics and story progression. Definitely one of the best uses of the Ren'Py engine, in my opinion.
    It's also one of the few female-centric games on this site that does not feel cheap or dumbed down, which makes the generous lesbian content feel much more grounded. If you play it, just make sure to put some time aside - you'll sink hours into unlocking content before you even realize it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It is almost the perfect game. You have quest, you can choose the type of engagements you desire, it has an interesting story, good models, it has a little for everybody and the mix is good i can say :)
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game looks good, but when you end up playing it you realize how frustrating it is. I must say that my problem is not with playing with a female protagonist because I don't mind it so much but because of the overly repetitive grind forcing you to do it. The game tasks are huge and seem endless, and when you get to the end the reward is so low that you feel discouraged and soon feel that you have wasted your time playing this. The game so far does not get to be fun to play over time, as during the mid to late end content there is not much that can offer you, so it is not worth it.

    You live with Valeria and Barbara, at the beginning of the game you have some content from them, which then becomes non-existent. You need courage so that the MC can be more exhibitionist or have sex, There comes a point in the game where this ends up being pathetic, because the courage from then on is useless, the MC needs to get aroused to do small repetitive sexual tasks and as for pregnancy, it has not yet been implemented. The MC also has few variations of clothing to be worn, so what is the point of increasing courage and other statuses if it will become useless by the end of the content?

    There is no way not to say about the grind, the game has several characters to interact with, but there is little or almost no interaction with many of them. The reward as I said is not worth it, and the amount of repetition and boring tasks for you to accomplish is enormous. The game then ends up becoming boring that you have to spend most of your time managing the resources of the MC to be in a good mood, this ends up being extremely tiresome, and you still have hopes that the game will reward you in something that you end up being disappointed in the content you receive.

    The game's story is something you won't care about or find all that boring; the MC dreams of becoming a successful singer, but also ends up falling into the world of prostitution. Not exactly that, but let's just say the game allows the MC to be a cheap slut. I really don't care to have to keep grinding in the story for the MC to be a singer, and as for her becoming a whore, it seems out of the norm. You don't know how boring it is to have to go to the studio to improve your vocal voice, rehearse with the band, practice with the guitar, seriously, what a boring game. I understand that this is the goal, but on the other hand many things have been left out. Do you grind in the basement task just to create a web sexcam studio? pathetic.

    I don't like to give a game 1 star, but this game really stressed me out. As I said, it does not seem to be a bad game but when you play you end up getting very frustrated. The story, as much as I was angry, is okay, but the problem is the mechanics of the game and the high repetition of the grind and tasks being too long. So, I have to say that it is not worth it, because for this game to become enjoyable to play, it is necessary to make huge changes. I didn't even talk about the money, because without a moneycheat this game becomes unplayable.

    The sex scenes in this game are bad, imperfect angles, bad positioning and not much good animation to enjoy. The models are okay, although there is no content with all of them. It's not worth it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I used to love this game.
    It seems to me this game became too large and lost its focus.
    In my opinion it needs a complete revamp to take out the dead ends.

    I jumped the last 5 updates because I lost interest and tried again on this 0.9 update and the first thing I noticed is that the english went down the drain.

    Corruption requirements to advance suck.

    Too lesbian focused even for my taste.

    Devs bite more than they can chew.

    3 stars for the start because I just stopped following it.

    Bye girl, it was a pleasure.

    Thank you and the best of luck.

    Version: 0.9
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the plot of the game and the graphics. I only have one problem, I can't get the stars up. I know that lose many catds, I don't know if I'm right.
    Anyone can tell me how do I do for put stars up?

    Thanks for the game UncleVT.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game to play. On a side note, you could maybe make pricing a bit more realistic. But all in all one of the better games in its genre. Played it for days Yes, lots of content (eventhough its not finished) I will keep track of updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Best game I've played. Models look really pretty. The story is good and kinky. Lots to do and I love the sandbox feel to the game. Sometimes I feel it could do with a little more custimization for Alex ie. going for certain kinks etc but it's perfectly good as it is really. Just waiting for the next update now so I can continue my journey
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the style and complexity, also I really like that the MC is female and exploring the bi thing. Hope to continue with it as I see a lot of potential. A lot of characters and things to do, this can actually be a little bit overwhelming. The text is good to, funny sometimes, but mostly the same as other games.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A mile wide and an inch deep.

    Such a shame as there's a lot to like about this game but it's lack of focus and linearity hurts the pacing massively.
    Where you have interesting catalysts for relationships you're quickly met with endless dead-ends.
    Where you have interesting tasks you're quickly met with arbitrary quota filling grind.
    Where you have interesting characters you're quickly met with a lack of forethought on direction for the characters.
    So you just end up constantly being initially excited but then blue-balled or just plain boner-killed..
    This just makes the pacing just plain not enjoyable.

    I really do believe that the final product could be fantastic but my major concern would be that the dev has bitten off more than they can chew and spread themselves way too thin to realistically ever bring this game to it's full potential and give this game the payoff it needs.

    For now it's a 3 star from me based really on potential more than anything. Could end up 2 star, could end up 4 star. For now I'd advise waiting... although evidence suggests that could be for a long time.

    Good luck Dev.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Initial releases were pretty appealing but as it progressed too many characters whether actually part of the main and sub storylines or npc..Dev does a lot of poor focus for sticking on storyline/quests for example it's been about 4 updates since the revealing of Val being lesbian and longer since for any growth for Jane or Amanda with Alex. When I play a game it's smooth for the transitioning not a cluster which will deteriorate the player base.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Some decent models and a cople of sex scene that feed exclusively on the context. Not bad the writing.

    On the other hand:
    Pointless grinding for overpriced stuff. A hint system that makes you think there is a lot of content when you see all those dots, untill you find out that many of those dots are events are small conversations that wont lead to anything of sexual nature until 2035.

    Pointlessly grinding stats for a lot of stuff taht gets used in 1 or 2 specific events, but when the girl is getting raped, you can not run with all the grinding in speed, can not fight despite all the grind in combat or strength, not retoric to defend yourself, not charm to make your out out of the situtation.

    Pointless grind of insane amont of repetitions (25 vocal training, i think 15 guitar lessons and 15 rehearsals) for concert questline, that has maybe 1 sex scene when training arts adn that sex scene has 1 render, or 2 renders with the same posture from 2 angles.

    You invite girls to the concert and for some reason all you get is a kiss and thats it. It is at least 15 days of grinding for that for a couple of nudes.

    The game is more interesting at the beggining whe you are still unlocking repeatables. Once you are done with Valerie and Barbara the game has pretty much nothing to offer, and Valerie and Barbara dont offer nothing extraordinary, but keeps you going.

    I would say Dev run out of ideas, or decided to stretch the game beyond his capabilities, purposedly or not, i dont know.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game at first. Lively interesting characters, a simple but tasteful plot, adequate quality of models and rendering.

    But the more I played, the more irritated I got. The main drawback of the game is the grind, which is actively supported by the lack of internal logic. Game has unbelievable tons of grind, its kill everything. A box of six eggs for $ 42, a towel for 200, a bottle of wine for 210, a car for 10 towels or 10 bottles of wine, the inability to watch porn more than once a day and the inability to increase lust more than 7 (5 for porn and 2 for an event in the library), while in the cafe toilet, we need 8 and no less. Why, we have a sports uniform sold separately, and sports shoes separately (I never found where to buy it, there are no shoes in a clothing store or on the Internet, then my logic goes on)?

    After 1,5hour game turned into a constant repetition of the same actions without any progress in the plot just in order to save money for food in monotonous shifts in a cafe and first pay a debt of 600 bucks, then buy a laptop for 1000, then cosmetics, then again eggs and cigarettes. then two bottles of wine ... a grind-grind-grind, after which the plot and characters are completely lost. And even cheat mod not helps us well.

    At the end, I absolutely do not understand why you need cards that are permanently activated, if you already have 7-8 lusts, you pick up a card and it burns out for now. Why not make them manually activated at least once from the collection menu, so that the player does not need to memorize locations with maps, then, if necessary, raise the lust to 8, make dozens of unnecessary mouse clicks to return to this location and pick up a map, raise the indicator, and only then ...
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a lot about this game that I like, the story and writing are alright, the girls look great (mostly).... but what destroys any chance of me having fun with this are two things.
    1. The grind, the grind, the almost unbearable grind.
    2. A sandbox game (especially when it's not finished, so a lot of content is missing) NEEDS a proper and working in game hint mechanism, that stops you from constantly hitting a wall, without knowing what you need to do exactly to continue.
    And yes, there are walkthroughs, but honestly, with those I still can't find the patience to grind through this again, especially considering how often my saves just don't work, when a new version hits.

    I know not everyone has a problem with this kind of sandbox gameplay, like I do and some for whatever reason I can't fathom, also don't mind grinding, even if it is boring as fuck, but a hint system wouldn't destroy what those people like and would help me and others who feel like me, so much to really enjoy this game. It's not like you would have to use it (or eventual cheats to pass the grind).

    As it is, I can't rate this higher than 2 stars. It has A LOT of potential, if only some quality of life changes would be implemented.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Great models. Writing include MC's thoughts which for me is a big plus.

    If not for the grind and lack of proper hints and item descriptions it would be a great game. And the mood system is kind of annoying.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent renders, writing, etc.

    All held back by ridiculous grind. Even with a walkthrough the game is just tortuous to play.

    Also, even though it's tagged with Vaginal Sex, its clear the game expects you to go the lesbian route.

    Just a look at the male models can tell you that much. The female models are well done across the board. The male ones, look slap-dash at best.