Ren'Py - Bright Past [v0.99.4] [Kosmos Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Story so far was interesting. Great job on the models. However, some elements do get a bit repetitive. The constant need for buying, cooking and eating food and earning money gets tedious at some points. Overall enjoyed it a lot with the work done so far. Can't wait for the next update.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a complete grindfest. It is also my first experience ever where I played a game with cheats and it was still extremely grindy. Figuring out what to do next is not always intuitive and the story itself is nothing special.
  3. B
    3.00 star(s)


    Solid game but there are tons of games like this here on f95.
    the progress is really slow even for my standards. After 2-3 hours ive managed to get 5 courage points but for a dam bath selfie you need 10. (also i think i saw a 30 requirement for a BJ). its really grindy.
    The reading process isnt exactly fast either... 20/320 progress after one ingame hour. well..
    but the worst part, for me, is that its boring. IMO, the game should try to pull the player into the game, keeping him interested and entertained but aside 1 gloryhole BJ and 1 bathroom HJ (both times as witnes, not an actor), all ive found was bunch of regular quests (stalk friend's love affair, distribute flyers, meet a band, random hero-like guy in the park that saves the lady from a terrifying and brutal naked man sitting on a bus stop,...) and these two scenes arent nearly enough to compensate. this game needs to add some juice.

    there isnt much to do aside from these reqular quests but its kind of expected as it is an early version so thats not a problem for me

    on the other hand, the renders are good, girls are nice, already plenty of areas that you can visit and obviously you can unlock new ones as the game progress, sexy roommate...

    give it a shot if you want, its not a bad game.. just dont expect anything extraordinary from it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good and challenging game so far! The character design is great, although its quite hard to figure out the next steps some of the time, i had to go to a hint guide, there should be better hints, (See Barbara in the morning on weekends wearing sexy underwear). I cant wait to see whats next and where it goes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice pictures, but grindy and boring AF. Playing for 2 hours now doing nothing than going to work so I can buy a laptop because I desperatle try to find out how to increase the f*cking courage from 5 to 6 or higher. I literly can do nothing else since 2 hours, than work.
    Edit: I run into a CTD-bug within 5 minutes into the game. A bug that is known for a long time (rain-bug).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One very pleasent game !

    -well done and nice playgame, with enjoyable questline
    -Story around this girl is good and dialogues are good
    -Graphics are very nice too

    -should have some more sex scenes with animations , but is not bad overall
    -I just finish :p:p

    Hope to see more....
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is good fun.....oh bitchy Alex can get ^^
    Maybe it is not possible to come forward without the walkthrough document...well I finally needed it badly ...

    Hower...Greate ONE! Looking forward for an update and maybe more clothing for Alex XD *smirks
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a proper game - a sandbox, not just a visual novel. Content-wise it's already pretty huge (at version 0.4.3). The game mechanics get introduced at a comfortable pace and you quickly learn to balance the different needs of the MC. For a quicker play-through, you may want to enable the console to help with money and arousal (thus avoiding some grind). Apart from that, it's a highly enjoyable experience.

    Visually, the game is top notch. The world is huge and feels well fleshed out. The different locations are pretty and the renders utilize quite a lot of "extras" (characters you don't interact with), thus avoiding that feeling of emptiness which is so common in these games.

    The number of NPCs is pretty massive as well, which makes it even more impressive to me, just how much work has gone into making them unique. While you may recognize a few of the DAZ models, I'm sure you'll appreciate the little tweaks that have been made to them.

    Of all the characters you interact with, only one so far has what I consider to be "abnormally large breasts" and even she is fairly reasonably proportioned, especially when compared to other games. (There's also a real dickzilla in there, but my focus tends to be on the female characters.) Overall the characters are varied and well posed.

    Story-wise the game offers a lot of side quests, in addition to a fairly long main quest. Most of these are set to be expanded upon in future versions. The writing is perhaps the only negative side to this game as of now. Don't get me wrong, the story itself is novel and well structured, it's the translation that suffers a bit. There's some strange use of idioms here and there, as well as some grammatical quirks and awkward sentence structure. In other words, nothing really major, but currently the game's weakest point in my mind. With all the other aspects of this game being so well made, this point is too trivial to deduct a whole star.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Bright Past started as a beautiful game with great art, interesting locations, quests, and side quests.

    Whilst it still looks fantastic it has unfortunately turned into My Boring Band Simulator 2019.

    New content is now usually hidden by being triggered by speaking to specific people at very specific times and days of the week.

    Grinding includes working boring jobs, sleeping, smoking, going the gym, getting haircuts, buying groceries, travelling on buses, travelling on trains, cooking food, and managing the mood of the main character. What's fun or exciting about that?

    e.g. working at a casino could and should be fun in a game. But no, no random events or progress, you're literally just clicking to complete a shift and earn a few bucks at a casino.

    The main quests are now concerned literally with the logistics of starting a band e.g. practising guitar, hiring someone to light some fireworks at a gig, finding cover for someone's work shift so they can do some PR for the band.

    Most side quests started as exciting but there is no new content to be able to complete. Dates, secrets, and deliveries of suspicious packages are more exciting than the main quest of finding someone to play bass.

    Suggestions to fix?

    Indicate which characters have new content with an icon appearing above their heads. I don't want to see "I'll come later" for every character. Instead they could suggest a hint what you need to do or speak to next.

    No more time and week day specific content gates. If you need to talk to someone to progress a quest you should be able to find them easily.

    Complete / add content / or just remove the side quests!

    For every new boring band task event add one exciting sexy event.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    • Top art quality
    • Right amount of text
    • Pleasant story (except one event)
    • Very good pace of MC corruption
    • To enjoy the game, walkthrough is a must
      • I can understand that though - to have some interesting grinding in adult game, it would be some adultery - that would break stable pace of MC's corruption
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game in its unfinished state is really fine.
    A bit buggy, a bit blatant, extremely grindy, but still has its charm with attractive models and delicate encounters.
    What it lacks as of August 2019:
    1) interactions with males.
    2) full lesbian, not just bi, character development.
    3) influence on NPCs development.
    4) quitting smoking (or I didn't find a way); maybe simply by purchasing a nicotine plaster, maybe turn it into a quest.0.87 Not anymore! The character can quit smoking by simply abstaining for several weeks.
    5) random encounters valuable for story.
    6) dominant/neutral/submissive routes of development
    7) scroll-back to check the placed order (bypassed by UNREN, but still...)
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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking forward to new content. It's more complex than just a VN slideshow, but without the obtrusive mechanics of some (especially RPGM) games. I guess the reason so few people write reviews is because they are required to be excessively long.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    There are a lot of things to like about this game, especially
    1. The female (and male, sans the absurd mutant penis syndrome) character avatars. They are attractive when they are supposed to be, and different from one another. You never have the problem of trying to remember who this character is.
    2. Attractive and appropriate backgrounds. They are mostly static, but they give a good feel for the areas they are supposed to represent, and there are variations on many of them (like the bus stops) so you have the feel of a living world.
    3. An interface that is intuitive but not intrusive. I don't recall ever having to try to think of how I was going to do what I wanted to do. A good blend of point-and-click and click-on-icon.

    The problem with all of these good things is that they are deployed in the service of a story that is very unclear and a game play that is boring. The player feels like a mouse in a maze, trying to unlock the next mysterious threshold that will make the next "wait for story" event to unfold. What causes those to unfold isn't clear, so the player never knows if they are making progress or treading water. Quest log hints are uselessly vague.

    None of the NPCs are fleshed out at all. 99.9% of the player's intereactions with NPCs will give the player only the choice to "come back later." A few have a few vague hints of backstory (and one, the band leader, has a very-well-fleshed out backstory) and it doesn't seem like the main character is relating to real people, but just puppets spouting lines once some threshold has been reached, after which they are "come back another time."

    I'd rail against the absurd mutant penises, but what's the point? Compared to the bland gameplay and frustrating "quest" system, mutant penises just don't register.

    I remember the developer's Bright Future QSP game with some nostalgia. It never went anywhere, but the player always had a goal and could plan how to meet it. In this game, the player is blundering around blind, just hoping to get a threshold stat or repeat an action enough times to get something to change and some progress to be evinced. The vast majority of the time, the player will be disappointed, and they won't know why.

    If I were writing a game like this, I'd have a LOT more internal dialogue for the MC and a lot more (even if random) dialogue for the NPCs. I'd have a story that was slowly unfolding in front of the MC so that she would have a sense that, while she felt her own situation most keenly, there were other people feeling theirs just as keenly, and maybe she could do something about that. I think that it's probably too late to do that for this game, though, so I will just wish the developer good luck, thank him or her for BF, and move on.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game! Keep going on! Beautiful characters, good story! Nice gameplay, instresting quests. need more girl on girl scenes, play this game only for G/G and not disappointed ;) thanks author for this game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.2

    Seems it´s about a girl who is new in the big city but we have almost no details of her life before. I know it´s one of the firsts versions but at the beggining Dev should put an intro to more or less put everyone in situation, at least is what i think. I only saw when she had sex first time in the past.

    Renders and animations:

    Renders are awesome.
    Female characters are perfect quality and very realistic (leaving aside that almost everyone is a gorgeus model) but male ones i guess cash were lower there i don´t see that quality.
    Animatios: I only saw 2 animations and i think they are very short one of them is literaly 2 frames in a loop, give us 4 or 5 at least.


    The most important THING is that i don´t like Alex because she says she is from a worse neighborhood but is naive as hell. And i saw in the stats she only had sex i time and orgasmed one too so why she becames incredibly wet looking at everyone and has to masturbate so many times at that pace she´d had done it 10000 times now.
    And being so naive even in a normal neighborhood she would be a fucktoy.
    And i can´t get why she is all calm when she has hard sex with Leo if she had sex only one time before in her life and time ago. She have to be so sore down there.

    I like most of characters because i think they have nothing wrong, but maybe the only thing is that I don´t feel them. I mean they have very short dialogues or references to them and i like to see deeper characters.
    Example: Valerie is a close person to Alex but i know very little about her. Some photos that makes Alex remember and her sister thing but ...

    Females are like models I only saw a thing like that when i were in Moscow that seemed like heave with so much angel babies in there XD but is ok. Moscow district for me gg.

    Males dick are humongous i mean it´s not real Rudo have a trunk larger than both of Alex arms and almost thicker than Alex when his trousers are normal.


    I think some activities like reading should be better achievable not doing same thing for ever. but i heard Dev was changing it so i´ll pass it.

    So much dialogues in everything is necessary but especially in sex scenes the are empty. I like to see what she say or thought deeper or what the other person says to convince her or while having sex with her.

    In conclusion it has potential but has some things i don´t like i i would like if dev improve this on the future.
    Like in sex scenes or in meetings Alex reacts to other person smell and other person to yours. Or if you get cum in you to get bad smell but with the option to palliate without going home this cleaning yourself with the wet wipes.
    And other reacting to your cum depending onn where it is.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Grind and unnecessary game mechanics..Dev is trying to fit in a QSP game-like mechanics in renpy format. Creating renders for all possible scenarios is going to be difficult. We will see V1.0 in a decade at this pace.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good fundations with great characters, locations and renders. Enough quests to keep the player interested for the upcoming updates

    That being said, the problem of this game is the same as so many others: It is WAY TOO MUCH GRINDY. Actually it is so grindy you can not play it without cheating otherwise you just become crazy.

    You better fix that quickly, making your game almost unplayable without cheat is really stupid tbh, and such a waiste for all the work you done ! Don't waiste it. I Still want to give 4 starts to thig game because the dev is aware of this issue and is currently working on changing that. So no need to go too harsh I guess
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest games here. graphics are awesome, story makes sense, the girl is both adorable and hot as hell. The corruption is credible and takes time. Its also quite good at play level, not just a fap fest without meaning.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game (v0.18.3 )is:

    + Fantastic Renders

    -Grinding Game Play

    This game has very good graphics,but just doesn't hit the Spot with me,
    don't get me wrong,but I like some rewards after some minutes of game play,and I hate to be walking back and forth in game, just kills the fun for me.
    But I do believe that this game is some fun with a couple of people so have fun with it.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea of this game is really good, but right now, at this point of the development (v0.15.2) I would not recommend to play it. Too frustrating.

    - Playability - 0/10 - Terrible - F***** GRIND. You have to repeat the same extremely boring tasks for HOURS in order of getting money enough or one more point of some stat. BORING. Also, the game is a fake sandbox. Actually the story is totally lineal and there are no choices or different paths.
    - Initial plot - 8/10 - Good - Slice of the life of a new girl in a new town. Can be interesting. Characters and situations are good too. Reasonably realistics. Aceptable writing, but there are not long texts during the sexual scenes or kinky dialogues.
    - Images - 8/10 - Good - Problem is, there aren't a lot of scenes, and most of the scenes are only one or two images and some text. And you have to grind for hours in order of getting them.
    - Updates 3/10 - Poor - Updates are really short in this game.
    - Sex - 3/10 - Poor - Not a lot of sexual scenes, and pretty vanilla right now. No fetishes.
    Maybe in a couple of years, when this game will be finished (if it's finished) is going to be a good game. Right now, the lack of contents, the extreme grind and the fact that all the plots and stories are "under development", the game is terribly frustrating. Spending 8 or 10 hours of gameplay in this game to see only a few scenes of a couple of images or a extremely short animation is terribly frustrating and a waste of time.