Your song names for the non existing songs are messed up and your writing skill is too high (don't know how you managed to do that, I'm pretty sure you messed with the variables...)
Activate the console (for instance with the
Unren.bat option #3), press Shift+O ingame and run the following 3 commands:
After that you should be able to write the songs again. (Of course don't know if anything else is messed up in your save...)
Hmm, the original cheat menu is part of the game (the current mod only added the button to get access to it and the english translation)
I made a second version with two new options "Excitement" and "Set orgasm time (mood)", those of course don't got translations for german or russian. (They appear on those versions too, but are in english...)
Also had to add a second page (moved "Put on panties", "Valerie's hairstyle" and "Add/Remove Tatoo" there because I think those options aren't necessarily needed on the first page)
I didn't have time to play through the game (so I'm not 100% if it would break anything, but should be fine), so it's on your own risk if you want to use that version...