RPGM - Broken Reality RPG [v4.2.2] [Rutsah]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing the old version and then the remake, I noticed significant improvements in the unique level-up and perk system, as well as the world-building and characters. I wish there was a way to recover MP besides sleeping though!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, it still lacks a lot of content but it's a big game.
    I hope it will have more trap content and a good history. But for now it does the work, just give this game time and it will be one of the greats in the platform.

    Current version 4.2.2
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The game doesn't really focus on the hentai content and tries to show us the story of Psema; land of diseases, suffering, lies and illusions. The game does a great job on story telling and many other aspect such as:

    -Graphic Design
    It doesn't use basic RPGMaker assets but own customs assets that all have the same drawing style/quality. Those assets makes us feel the games atmosphere.

    It's one of the most crucial aspect of the game. It's deep, logical and challenging. It's good if you like thinking about your own build and trying to improve it. But it's hard to understand when you first try to play this game if you don't like reading.

    This game is full of interactable objects and NPCs that will give you quests and info about everything. You can really lose your hours talking to NPCs or finding secrets notes that deep within Psema.

    -Game Length
    Each class takes about 10 hours to do everything in the game.
    In my first playthrough it took me 25 hours to do only finish 80% the total content that this game offers.

    There are some bad things about the game like bugs, they are not game-breaking only some minor graphical problems. Other than that lack of crafting there is not that much of good items that you can craft so the game really lacks from that aspect.

    This is going to be my first review on F95Zone, so if Rutsah sees my review I want this game to improve itself and tell us the real story of Psema.

    This game is worth trying if you are looking for a deep, fun to play combat and a great story that is immersing.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    The game is very badly implemented in practice,dunno how its supposed to be in theory,probably was good in dev's head,my biggest criticism for this game are bugs,combat system and the fact that the characters look like kids and I ain;t no pedo to enjoy such scenes neither their appearance normally,just why man? I dont see the appeal at all not to mention the ethics question.

    Tries to combine horror elements and simple combat and a VN,personally I dont like the result,hopefully many of those will be fixed.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    After having tried several times, this is simply not worth the trouble.

    You're unable to fight (or win) any fights at the beginning, while I can appreciate being a beginner adventurer, being unable to survive a one on one with the first mob you encounters, is just very poor design.

    The maps, while generally not being huge, are a pain in the ass, due to the game's resolution being so tiny. They're also overcrowded and overfilled with blockers, making it really fucking annoying to simply move forward.

    Having checked the amount of renders available, the game is simply not worth anyone's time, and has a fap value bordering zero.

    If you want to play a tiny ass resolution pixel game with poorly designed classes, combat system, and the ability to lock yourself out of actually fighting right at the start, with virtually no sex scenes, then this game is for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game 2 time, i mean a year ago,, & now

    it not changed much, but additional content & some new mechanics really uplifted it what it was.

    i don't know why many people still pissed from dev, like come on dudes, don't you get bored with same things like grinding like crazy to gain exp or stuff.

    There are very few games in RPG maker category who comes with deep lore with horror & graphic violence . Its not in its perfect state but it can be OG.

    col system need to be balance , quest log glitches too. Lets hope dev finish this project before the reign of RPG maker gets over + people identify its real value like Fear & Hunger
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Fading soul

    Well, game develops further without fixing problems from the start. Balance is trashed, economic is trashed and there are a lot of poor game design choices (like sprites for flowers that cannot be distinguished from collectable ones). The worst part is developer sees no problems at all. It is bad game and terrible porn game with questionable scenes (mostly without art at all)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a mixed bag. This rating is not just based on the game as it is but also on the potential of this game. The game is actually pretty expansive and there is a lot of lore to this game, however as others have pointed out the game is quite glitchy, some of the maps could use a bit of an overhaul as routes are sometimes unneccessarily complicated, a fast travel system would be helpful. Four stars is probably a bit too high, however people should really play this game, and it has the potential to be one of the best games on this site.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The gamer suffers from a lot of poor game design choices
    And has several bugs and problems that will turn away most players.
    So I can only give it a bad rating for now.

    - Battles are boring, not animated, unbalanced and uninspired.
    - For whatever reason the developer thought getting 0 exp from them is a good idea, making every encounter pretty much a time waste.
    - on top of that you have annoying random encounters AND signature once too, why would you take both? No idea, seems not thought out well
    - get ready to be one shot, stun locked or just stomp everything
    by spamming the same overpowered skill over and over again.
    - the game tries to be so many things, but fails in execution of almost all
    - artstyle is all over the place and extremely inconsistent so is the balance
    - story is ok and could have potential, so are some features
    - to many areas, specially the forest areas are a maze like chore

    NOTE: If
    you play this in the hopes of god hentai scenes, then that is silly of you,
    the game barley has anything in that regard...
    and the little is has is of extreme poor quality.
    Just text spam and black screen, or art that is not very consistent
    or appealing to the eyes. Better move on, this game only has pain for you.

    2 stars I can give at most for now...
    I am not surprised the Kickstarter failed on this game.
    The project would have potential if done by a competent developer tho.
    However, the current one seems to try to rush things
    and is unwilling to adapt and overcome some obvious glaring issues.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of potential as a well-written RPG. I played a year ago and was blown away by the creativity. The world to explore was already quite large. Taking me days and days of gaming to reach end of content (Reminded me of vhgame's large world). And there were so many ways to play, that it does feel personalized when the writing reflects that.

    As for the bad news, back when I played last, the graphics were sub-RPGmaker mostly. Though with an interesting style... The latest screenshots look like it is getting a overhaul, so hopefully it maintains the interesting style and way ups the resolution or something.

    Combat seemed a major part of the game (it was with my build, though might be able to get around it? I only tried one class...) It had a steeeep difficulty at the start, though with my tendency to save-scum I went from zero to hero pretty quick. :D
    I think H-scenes had great writing, though I was too focused on just enjoying the game as a RPG, and H-scenes didn't seem to be littered commonly. Things could have changed though, as I see more art is being developed...

    Bottomline: tons of potential as an unrated RPG with a unique world and great writing. Will it be a great H-game? Unclear, but I still look forward to seeing it develop.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful game mechanics with a generic story. Its a very grindy game to reach any sort of sexual content, which is just painful to get to. The game balance is very poor and some of the decision makings are bizarre. For example having to run through starting areas because you are too weak to fight anything, why not make the player capable to fight or skip these areas entirely?

    The only positive is that there are a few good ideas however they are lost in the huge mess.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    A great game with a lot of problems that largely overlap with a bunch of interesting mechanics, but only one innovation spoils everything, they took away the ability to farm experience on mobs, which used to save you from ass balance, not the one when you are interested like in DS, but how in games with bad balance.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    The Lamb Sauce

    First time writing a review.

    World buidling: 5/5
    Very convoluted, intriguing, and dark. Had me read every lore-related dialogue and journals. If you like dark-fantasy, you will like this game 5 mins in.

    H-scene: 2/5
    Below-averge. The game is not certified for fapping as the H-scenes are far in between and are not very appealing (the models are pretty good tho.)

    Gameplay: 4/5
    Like every other RPGM gameplay but the world is more unforgiving - which I like - if you don't plan your paths. (Example: the only way to replenish mana is to rest and you have access to powerful enemies early on so you have to save early on to avoid going against one absentmindly.) There is also no grinding in this game. You level up be doing quests, which are mostly talking and delivering from lv1 to 5. The combat is pretty slow however.

    A solid game and a solid dev. The updates also normally have a decent amount of content.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    starting off this game is way to difficult no way to heal, no money drop from monsters ,quest dont give hardly any money, inns are way to exspensive.The monsters are way to powerful at the start prices on potions are way to exspensive also.
    Likes: Lelix
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing for [v3.9.7]
    As the game is now, I wholly do not recommend it for anyone. It's a tedious incoherent mess gameplaywise, and I'm not sure who the lore is going to appeal to.

    You spend a lot of time either avoiding fights or walking around, waiting for your HP to regenerate, because a single beginner encounter has the possibility of outright murdering you at full health. You don't even have the option to grind for xp or gold to stop being threatened by anything more dangerous than a single rat. This wouldn't be so bad, if not for the game having both random encounters and wandering enemies. The wandering enemies, for whatever reasons, will persistently pursue you even if you re-enter the map. They can physically block off your path and you can't run from fights triggered by them. You also top out at 6 seconds of sprint, so you can't simply run past the quicker ones. The random encounters sometimes drop things you can't kill even at max health, so you're forced to reload a save until you manage to either win or flee. I feel like I'm constantly save scumming just to experience the game as it was intended.

    The game's GUI in general is pretty bad. For example, you have to click through several menus just to access your item list. One of the menus allow you to sort by categories, but some of the categories have duplicates, requiring several extra button presses to scroll past them. Your skill tree(?) under the Temple menu, for some reasons, has a third of its skill descriptions displaced. An entry for the spear will be for the bow, the axe will be for the spear, etc. The quest objectives sometimes either don't properly update or are very picky about what you're supposed to do, despite its very vague description. There's no way to check what a specific Blessing does. The game doesn't automatically tell you what you can't wear or use because of your class choices. Speaking of which, starting the game as the leader (adventurer) class will give you a set of rogue armor and a dagger that you can't use.

    The bits of lore and story I've seen is kinda generic. Basically the continent was recently saved or something. There's a lot of names, history, and political lore that seem to go somewhere, but then don't. Like you learn about why a place is named such and such, but it mostly boils down to "well actually, it used to have no name or was called this, but at some point it became this." They generally all allude to this war, but never actually get into details about why it happened, other than a dragon named Hikari being the antagonist in it. There seems to be only one religion in the world, the it's some form of pseudo-Christianity. But the story gives off strong "religion bad, atheisms good" vibes. Despite the very obviously European-inspired setting, a lot of the important names seem to Japanese for some reasons. You also get odd bits of lore that's really hard to follow, like a pair of twins named Yin and Yang, who are adopted by a prince who happened to come from the same orphanage, and despite being a legitimized prince, isn't recognized by his adoptive father, a king, or something, for some reasons. Like why did the king adopt this dude, and why did this dude adopt these twins? Who the hell named them Yin and Yang? Why the fuck is a nun repeatedly sending a kid through monster-infested territory to get booze for her?
    Also, the culture seems to be overtly racist and sexist as hell. They're not racist to the Asian-sounding dudes, naw, they're just racist to the dark skinned middle-eastern parallels that sells brain-dead, half-monster sex slaves that aren't people, or so the game insists. There's also traditional gender roles and a peculiar stance on homosexuality. There's a recurring joke about women being attracted to stereotypical meat-headed barbarians for reasons I can't fathom. Apparently, two dudes can't just get it on, one absolutely must be a submissive femboy with long hair and soft features. Ironically, there's very little explanations on the why in this area. The slave thing can be summarized as "just because" and the sexism as "because hormones." At first I thought the game was making fun of medieval culture, which itself makes it hard to take the game's lore seriously, but the fetishization aspect makes it feel like a mismatch of genres.

    I get the impression that the game is very confused about whether it actually wants to be taken seriously or not. The less serious bits often break the immersion of the more serious bits, and the more serious bits come in pieces that don't seem interesting or relevant on its own. I'm not saying that the game shouldn't have funny or lighthearted bits at all, but there are times where I have to wonder if a certain scenario is intentionally tone-deaf or if the dev didn't notice the more serious implications. I could go about ignoring most non-quest interactions, but the game dumps you into the world with no real direction or objectives. No matter what, you're basically forced to wander aimlessly, and it quickly gets tiring between the game's large map and needlessly punishing gameplay. Honestly, I'm not sure who would be happy to play this.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Time Killer1981

    I am writing at the time of version 3.9.6.
    Not bad. Enjoyed spending two hours of my life on the game. Why can't I recommend it to everyone? Friends, not all people are fluent in English. Have you played NAMCO's Tales of games? The language is simple, school level. this is a good example of what to strive for. Yes, I understand what I read, but I'm not happy, I'm translating. In general, the author, be simpler, not all are English) But otherwise, everything is fine, I wish you development and say goodbye.

    Пишу на момент версии 3.9.6.
    Очень неплохо. С удовольствием потратил два часа своей жизни на игру. Почему я не могу её рекомендовать всем? Друзья, не все люди свободно общаются на английском языке. Вы играли в игры от NAMCO серии Tales of? Там язык простой, школьного уровня. это хороший пример того к чему надо стремиться. Да, я понимаю то что читаю, но я не радуюсь, я занимаюсь переводом. В общем, автор, будь проще, не все англичане) А в остальном, все хорошо, желаю развития и прощаюсь
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is beautiful, it grabs you and makes you want to explore to understand the world, there is a lot of attention to detail, but I give it 3 stars for the horrible battle systems added by limitation when running (in a world as giant as the one in this game, the fact of limiting the race is a hindrance) and also having to suffer random battles when you can already see the monsters on the map, you can stealthily dodge all the monsters, BUT A RANDOM MONSTER APPEARS AND YOUR IMMERSION IN IT GAME RUINS YOU. A good giant world game that fixes these bugs is the rpg BLACKSOUL 2, but it doesn't have as many characters with as much dialogue as this game. Hopefully one day the running problem will improve and the random battles will only slow down the exploration of this richly detailed world
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has quite a nice theme to it, a Lovecraftian fantasy setting with focus on the more grim aspects of being an adventurer in such a world. While the game is one of the best ive played made in the RPGM, it still has some bugs that need to be fixed. The game is also quite challenging by RPGM standars and if you pick the "wrong" perks, it can be quite hard early game. The game also offers replayability value due to there being different companions avaible to you depending on what class you start with. All in all i think this is a good game with potentiall for being a great one.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game for about an hour before deciding I never wanted to play it again and uninstalled it from my computer.

    The game gives very little direction before thrusting you into a gigantic maze-like path filled with monsters that enjoy killing you with one or two hits. It's not fun.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to rate this higher but I just can't with how artificially difficult the game is. Enemies are way too over-tuned to the point that it's discouraging to want to explore or visit anywhere.

    I spent at least 6 hours on this game to really give this game a chance and I got to level 6 and yes, it really does take that long to level up and explore albeit I took my time. I admit that this game has a lot of potential and it was very fun to explore and do quests but had glaring problems in the process.

    One issue I came across is that in certain scenarios you get a temporary partner for a "dungeon" style mode. Once you start this you can't back out and sometimes its IMPOSSIBLE to actually proceed because of how weak you are or even your partner isn't even that strong to justify the powerful enemies. At this time I was around lvl 2-3 and I understood, okay, I will level up and come back stronger. 3 more lvls at lvl 6, while the companion was LEVEL TWO. I had to rely on RANDOM RNG, to win the encounter I was struggling on after MANY, MANY times (15+).
    The BEST part is that after finally getting it done, there's a PLOTWIST and BOSS fight with a different partner and it was mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to win with a two party with 533 HP against THREE 800+ HP mercs and a boss with 2000+ HP. Oh, and they all deal more damage than you and have capabilities of doing 300+ per turn on you with abilities. The only time you will ever deal over 300 damage is with RNG luck critical hits, and that's never a good combat design if you have to rely on RNG to win difficult encounters.
    I had a similar experience in the mountains with the blonde loli girl fighting the minotaurs but I don't need to elaborate again.

    Worst offender and bottom line, this is an adult 18+ game with barely any H-scenes and I only came across TWO in my time spent playing. (text-based) I was able to have a spanking scene with the loli with CG, but not the one in the preview and that was pretty much it. Overall wasted potential if the game has to be frustrating and harder than dark souls for not more than stellar erotic content. This game can be a fantastic RPG and it might not even need that many H-scenes but even just focusing on that, progression is too slow, there's no direction for beginners and unfriendly, does not make it clear on what you can and can't do/equip, and enemies are too much.