RPGM - Broken Reality RPG [v4.2.2] [Rutsah]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It’s hard to judge this game because I can’t really figure it out, I played for about 2.5 hours and yet the combat is still complete chaos. Sometimes you do 4000 damage sometimes you do 24. Sometimes you can run othertimes your legs are broken apparently. Sometimes you face 1 enemy other times they’ll spam 4. The one thing I can say about this game is that it is inconsistent. From the gameplay to the combat to the H-Scenes (Which I have yet to find one). The game certainly has potential but the creator’s insistance that it should be challenging certainly doesn’t account for random rng. If you’re looking for a fun game with plenty of H-scenes and interesting characters don’t play this. If you like a long game with interesting dialogue but leave every fight to random chance and walking for miles than you’ve found your game.

    Edit* I've tried going back through and tried a different Build* It helped choosing a different class but the inconstancies still exist. I wish this game well and I'll dig in a bit more but there are core issues in the gameplay itself the biggest being that everything is a coinflip and while the luck stat does help it will never help enough to make you feel comfortable going into ANY battle.

    Edit 2: I came back to the game hoping the combat issues would be resolved and less rng based but unfortunately it isn't. Unless you want to waste your time min-maxing a specific build and then spending hours trying to do consistent damage on what is essentially a coin-flip combat I would say avoid this game until the dev reworks it. There's a difference between challenging and rng, and the dev really needs to recognize that to make this game good. (Don't mean offense but that is the reality Taking my review down to 1 star until this is addressed)

    Edit 3: The creator did adress the issue in a comment, it's clear this isn't his intention to have a system of total RNG, but still the difficulty in this game doesn't come from difficult and well-crafted combat systems it comes from random number generations of attacks and random encounters on the overworld in some areas and actual NPC enemies in others, which just makes combat totally unfun.

    That being said the world, graphics, and story have increased dramatically which makes this game much more expansive and H-scenes are actually becoming good. However there is an obvious lack of Gay/M-M scenes so if that's your thing this game is missing it. The creator says they intend to show how those relationships are frowned upon in the current nation but I don't understand that mindset of not having more scenes because wouldn't the taboo just make those scenes more obvious if not better for the world with how risky yet exciting, they would be? IDK but the creator wants it a certain way so who am I to say.

    I'll take my review up to 3 stars. If the combat and H-scenes are expanded upon this game could easily become a 5/5 for me though. (Maybe also add some difficulty customizers/options after it's complete?)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good RPGM game although crash a lot and have much bugs.
    Combat can be harsh for some classes in the beginning without right perk, but when get used it may just somewhat difficult than other RPGM games.
    Making money is the same, you 'll have really financial problem until you find right monster to farm.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Boombox 221

    This game is not for everyone. Its tough, will take a smart plan, and money is NOT handed out like a tree with its leaves in fall. You will need to take into account your plans for what kind of character you will play as, and play with that goal in mind.

    1. After you arrive at the docks, having chosen your preferred class, talk to the fortune teller and accept her 30 gold price (Low compared to other stuff) Then pick any number of bonus perks. They come with steep downsides, so choose carefully.

    2. Try to avoid combat at first. If you're a warrior class, go for it, but don't expect animals to be carrying money. Their parts you collect will also be worth 1 gold each, so save it for when you can craft them into more valuable goods that are worth more money.

    3. Loot everything. Check cabnets, flowers, barrels, and even stuff lying on the ground. That 180 gold pickaxe in the shop tempting you? Big dissapointment when you find one for free elsewhere. Do not waste money. Budget and make sure to always have at least 50 gold for the inn when you want to restock your mana.

    4. Invest in recipes. I know they're pricey, but you only need to buy them once. Make sure to buy the cheap ones first. Like cooking. Why sell mushrooms for 1 gold when you can sell them for 5 gold cooked?

    5. Explore, but don't over extend. There are a few easy quests available for free in the starting area. Some require only talking, and are thus very easy to get free xp for. Then you can grab yourself some nice extra skills form the temple in your menu on level-up.

    If you like rpg's that don't hand you victory and pat your head like a child, this game may be a nice try. If you like it, cool. If you don't, also cool. I like it, so maybe you will too.

    What class did I pick? Blood Mage. Free healing and antidotes from my spells learned on level-up, and with the spear skill, I can solo fights too. Its not easy, but manageable with a well timed blood bolt for bosses.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    While the game's definitely rough around the edges and has some issues, particularly early on, once you actually get going it's pretty enjoyable imo.

    The Good:
    The writing's decent, doing cosmic horror without being mega edgy or making me cringe is a big plus, and I'm actually kinda interested in what's going on and going to happen next. The character's have been decent, no one really sticking out as amazing, but they serve their purpose. The comedy's not really in your face funny, but I've definitely been amused by some interactions.

    The main character also has a decent variety of options and choices he can make in scenes, some superfluous, while others seeming to affect at least some things. On top of this, you can change your character's past and unlock perks, some of which change or add various dialogues. One of the perks is your character having a ponytail and anytime it's mentioned it amuses me. There was definitely a lot of work and care put into the variety of choices in this game and I appreciate it.

    The maps are good imo, with a decent amount of little hidden loot or items around and most aren't too big or too small. The first big city you get to, The City of Beginnings, is much larger than any other up until then, but that's kinda the point. Every other town you'd been in was more or less a small village and gave a decent tutorial of what how towns work, so when you get to the big one you aren't too overwhelmed.

    The Okay:
    Combat is the area I personally find most lacking. Granted, that may have been due to the build/perks I chose, but so far it's mainly just been me attacking and getting attacked with no real strategy involved. I've just recently gotten my second character, so maybe combat will open up some more now, but so far it's been rather bland. If it was due to my perk choice I find that an issue considering how early on in the game you choose perks you don't really know how combat "should" be.

    The Bad:
    One of the other reviews mentions the lack of MP healing in the game and it's something I have to agree with. If you have a mage build with no alternative way of regening HP and your damage is only good when using skills, I'm honestly not sure how you're supposed to progress. This is especially true since at the beginning of the game, the blood mage has no weapon to use. Maybe you aren't supposed to progress and you should have chosen different perks, but that leads me to my next point...

    Certain perks can completely ruin a build without realizing/knowing they will until after you've taken them. I'm lucky that I save in multiple slots and have backups so when this happened I just reloaded to a couple of minutes beforehand, but considering how early you can take these perks and how so far I've found no way to remove them, it's an issue, especially if you only use one save slot.

    Finally, the fact that monsters can be encountered both on the overworld and randomly by walking isn't really fun imo. It makes backtracking a lot less desirable and makes the actual areas where you fight monsters feel a lot larger and more tedious than they really are. Some way to bypass those random encounters (maybe ala repel from Pokemon) would make exploration a lot more fun imo.

    Edit: Originally the negative section talked about crashing and glitches the game had and I even had a warning at the beginning due to how often battles crashed, but since this review was written, the dev has significantly improved this. I've not had it crash once on my current playthrough and only had it minorly glitch out a couple times, so kudos to the dev on that.

    Overall, there are issues with the game, and the fact that they're most prevalent at the beginning can be a big issue, particularly to newcomers. I'm lucky enough that the build I chose was more than good enough to progress, so they didn't affect me nearly as much. I played through about twelve hours of the game and honestly have enjoyed it so far. It definitely feels old school, and a bit too obtuse and punishing like those old games are, but once you know what you're doing it's pretty fun.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Played this game a few hours, completed some quests, none of them was interesting, met some characters, all of them was grey. What i learned? Mages suck, found 0 mp potions or any other consumables to restore mp. Without mp u cant fight at all. Dropped this game because literaly cant play further. I saved game after i found mother's chosen girl, but i cant win 3 pale monsters without mp. I cant even rest or turn back. Im realy tried to achieve any sex scene, but had absolutely nothing. And large ammount of crushs ofc. Don't waste ur time guys, its unenjoyable. This is my first review at this site, coz i cant keep silence, start of this game was soo promising, such dissapoint.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 440241

    Another RPGM walking simulator. And I do mean walking as running has a stamina bar that depletes very quickly. Enemies provide no money and far too little experience to be worth fighting. Quests are a bit of a pain to find and until you do there isn't much direction for finding where to go next. Game desperately needs a map and a walkthrough before it's really playable.