Well if they're done half as good as Lilly is. That is definitely something to look forward to. Take a moment to gush about her and how well she was done. Kudos to you or the writer or... whoever. If harem wasn't an option, I dare say it wouldn't even matter, least to me. But now onto a question! There is a certain scene, with a certain couple, in a certain club, that a certain person can peep on, with certain dialogue that reads kinda... interesting. Now maybe I've played one too many poon games and am now seeing ghosts. But will there be the taking of other's girls and/or entering into other's relations? Outside of whatever is going on with Wist.
There will be a bit of entering into others relationships but I don't have any plans to have the MC stealing anyone's partner. Might do some light cuckolding as a dominant MC but that would be the extent of it.
And for those curious the current dynamic for development is this: I (Wistala) am the main dev. I commission art piece by piece from
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at her normal commission prices. We have a *sort of* agreement where my game is her main focus and she meets the deadlines I set but keeps her commissions open to the public meaning there is a limit to how much I can commission from her at one time. I do the writing, coding, story planning, sound design, AI backgrounds, everything else myself while occasionally hiring third parties to help with more advanced things. I commissioned an artist named
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to do the animation that plays when launching the game and I hired the
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team to design and code in the GUI and gallery. I am currently working with the Menthasia team again on the upcoming combat system. But the story and writing and all of the small details of the game I do myself. (I just can't draw to save my life and am a self-taught, amateur coder at best XD)