I mostly agree with you however I more am attracted to the idea that the city becomes more and more lewd due to your actions.
My only problem is that the game is a bit slow and grindy, If they could add a speed function like "The Sims" has, it would be perfect.
Anyone got hints for someone who doesn't want to use cheat engine for getting gold quicker?
Press E to set the game speed to max.
More serously, here are a few things I do to get gold fatser. Maybe you will discover here something you don't know already.
Try to build your city with cluster providing all the services together so that client spend less time walking around a give you their money faster. Put the building housing your girl on the perifery of those cluster so that client do not need to walk more to get around them. But not to far or it will be your girl that will loose time in walking. In that same idea, upgrade you main roads when you get to your second or third inn. If it's not clear wich road are the mains. Press C to hide the building and look where there are a lot of people walking.
For decree, prioritize the ones that reduce shyness as huge majority the girl won't accepte to take any client at max shyness. And even so, the ones that accepte only get a partial payment.
If multiple decree are available, prefer the one that affect a large number of your girl. For exemple in early game the one that reduce the shyness of the housmaid is ten time less profitable that one that reduce the shyness of waitress or beermaid as you may have one or two housemaid for a dozen of waitress.
Also try to get the howl decree of the huntress so you can aproximately safely allow sex to all your security staff which represent a large proportion of your girl and do not bring you cash otherwise. When invaded pause the game and build a trap just in front of each invader, it will give enougth time for some huntress to notice them and bring more force.
Improve your reputation with merchantry to have the trading tent up to sell your stuff. I oftend tend to have too many production buildings as I build them for the one or two girl you get from them.
Hire Sisters of Charity as much as you can to boost your faith as the maximum number of your most profiatble workers (protitutes) depend on your faith. Even if they may take client for free if you don't have temple, remember that merchant only order stuff at your trading tent once thier need are met. So it's better to have a nun to take care of them for free than having them leaving partially satified and without making any command at the tent.