I will note that some of how I do things would badly break that proposal.
I have hundreds of packs in various levels of WIP. Not kidding. When I first get an inkling of maybe doing a pack I often do the "gather pics" stage right away. And these many, many partial packs will often not see the light of day for months or even years.
I have almost 60 packs in my "ready to name" directory. These are packs that are ready to be run through the BK naming/tagging tool. If anything I have counts as WIP, it's these. But there are so many of them, and again some may not become released packs for many months, if not years. It's one of the reasons I sometimes publish images of the Ready to Name directory and ask for suggestions of what to prioritize next. And I often enough get the urge to do a pack from scratch that isn't even in that directory. The latest one I released, Yor Forger, went almost straight from gathering to pack. And the one I'm currently working on, which is from the same series but I cannot name it on this forum, is coming together similarly.
I will also say that I have found myself having enough problems motivating to keep my released packs up to date in the Google Doc, I suspect that, given the volume of my backlog, the situation will be even worse.
And another thing is that, if this actually happens, it likely should be organized on the BK home forum as opposed to here. 1) a good number of the packs that people work on cannot be openly discussed on this forum. 2) On the BK home forum you could create a dedicated thread for the effort, while here it would have to be mixed in with all the other discussion that happens on this thread. On the old forum I started a similar effort, but it was a lot less organized than what you have in mind. Mostly just a thread for people to announce their planned packs. Use of it had fallen off, and the thread was lost with the rest of the old forum.
Sample of my current naming directory. Blacked out characters cannot be discussed on F95.