Brothel King - Girl packs and Mods Collection

4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Jul 30, 2018
Am I missing something? I'd swear ALL my girls dislike sex and love anal sex -my brothel is about that-, but now 4 of them have sex highlighted in yellow, as if they were ambivalent about sex. Maybe it's that I didnt pay attention but I am almost sure they had sex highlighted in red, not yellow. Shrug


Jul 30, 2018
The 'Open mind' perk? Or maybe they're just sluts... ;)
seems to be a bug, happened again out of the blue, for whatever reason. It happens with other traits too. It's not common but it happens.

Another bug is that sometimes the game doesnt recognize the mouse when you move it over the Yes option, only the No option highlights when you pass the mouse cursor over it. This happens in some instances like when you buy a slave or an item in the shop, you can't click on Yes. A serious bug.
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Jan 23, 2021
seems to be a bug, happened again out of the blue, for whatever reason. It happens with other traits too. It's not common but it happens.
Highly doubt this is a bug, much more likely to be the game working intended due to stat increases or perks (eg: if a girl's libido increases her attitude towards all sexual acts improves)

Another bug is that sometimes the game doesnt recognize the mouse when you move it over the Yes option, only the No option highlights when you pass the mouse cursor over it. This happens in some instances like when you buy a slave or an item in the shop, you can't click on Yes. A serious bug.
Never heard this one before. Did you have enough money? Could you provide a save? Is there anything special about your mouse/hardware that could help us track it down?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
So, uh, can you be more clear about all this? A save or saves that exhibit the issue would be best, of course.

  • Is the problem that your girls are actually reluctant, but the display colour is yellow? As in, reluctant?
  • Is the problem that they suddenly aren't reluctant any more, but you're sure nobody fucked them? Not even accidentally, during some night event, contract or fixation removal? And no Open Mind, or some weird TK stuff ('Bloodslut')?
Because, AFAIK, the only preference that gets raised regardless of act is nudity. Everything else is tied to some explicit action.

I also don't know what Libido has to do with preferences. Girls are more willing to overcome their reluctance when their libido is high, but the reluctance (and its colour display) should remain unaffected.

The yes_no thing is also puzzling. Especially since there is no such prompt when buying items. :unsure:


Jan 23, 2021
I also don't know what Libido has to do with preferences. Girls are more willing to overcome their reluctance when their libido is high, but the reluctance (and its colour display) should remain unaffected.
Ah, you're right. I confused attitude and preference.
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Jul 30, 2018
Highly doubt this is a bug, much more likely to be the game working intended due to stat increases or perks (eg: if a girl's libido increases her attitude towards all sexual acts improves)

Never heard this one before. Did you have enough money? Could you provide a save? Is there anything special about your mouse/hardware that could help us track it down?
it well could be, but as Jman9 pointed out, when libido increases they perform certain acts that didnt want to perform before, but their preferences remain unchanged.

The girl I like the most, Shann Blake, has her traits and preferences unchanged ever I added her (several weeks ago in real life) and always worked as intended despite performing almost everything on her -brothel and farm stuff-, no bugs in her case -and in most cases-.

Could it be other girls teaching others their stuff? But I highly doubt so, 'cos it happens -not seldomly, but it's kinda rare- sometimes, it it's a bug.

And no, no open minded trait girls.

Gotta send you a save then. Give me a couple of minutes.
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Jul 30, 2018
my most current save, from today:

Shann Blake -my fav- and the other girls have sex highligted in red as intended. Past week -in game, not in real life- I had a girl who I hired who hated sex and loved anal, but then sex was yellowed and I fired her, her name was something along the lines of Vara Kona --a made up name but the game engine.

The Yes or No bug with the Yes never being enabled has disappeared, it seems that restarting the game fixes it, so now I can hire gilrls from the Slave Market and click on Yes.

This is a safe from 5 days ago -real life calendar-. Here you can see the girls' preferences bug in full splendor.

I dunno when it happens, 'cos I am not checking the girls' traits/preferences every single day --I fired them ever since, hence you can't see them in the previous, most recent save.

When I hire them it's because I find out that they dislike sex and have a weakness towards anal.

That day I didnt realise that fact but now you can see in the save that Neesa Sholy and Fanti Kine have their sex preference highlighted in yellow so they should never be in my brothel --I never ever used the "remove negative trait" feature, so that can't be the cause either, in fact I dunno what that option does.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Well, first off, both your BK installation and Trait King mod are outdated.

Second, I checked and both Neesa and Fanti are not interested in sex (preferences at -501 and -383, respectively). So if you have the text displayed in yellow, it's at most a visual bug.

Third, couldn't reproduce the yellow text issue myself. See attached screenshots.

Fourth, if 'fired Vara Kona' means not selling her on the market, I'm afraid I can't access her any more. So what was up with her, if anything, I can't tell.

Fifth, I see 'Teaser' on all three of the problem girls, which looks a little suspicious. But giving that same perk to others changed nothing, so that's likely not it.

Sixth, does 'remove negative trait' mean 'remove negative fixation', or are you referring to some cheat?

Seventh, your save is quite sizeable and advanced. I'm not surprised some hiccups - like buttons losing responsiveness over an extended game session - might happen; Ren'Py isn't all that happy about constantly chugging all this data. :cautious: I suspect you might have kept the same save through several versions as well, which could lead to more hidden issues. Or maybe it won't, who knows?

BTW, have you tried the 'refresh_memory_on_home_screen' option in BKSettings.rpy? Might help a little.

Eighth, you're running Trait King, and (I hope) we all know about _neronero's exemplary ability to produce cute little bugs in all kinds of nooks and crannies. :sneaky:

All in all, I suggest upgrading to the most recent versions, trying again and showing a screenshot with improperly yellow text as well. Because we're obviously not running the exact same code here.


Jan 23, 2021
Besides Open mind (and disregarding actual sex/training) here are a few more possiblilities to consider:

- I see some of your girls worked as a masseuse in the past. This is very risky for your playstyle. When one of her customers rudely asks them to perform a sexual act, your girls may politely refuse them instead of accepting or furiously refusing them. When they do that, it slightly raises preference for that sexual act. Which act preference is raised depends on the job (masseuse for sex)

- Jman mentioned night events: You may have clicked "Accept her" when she approached you during a libido night event without knowing that this could randomly become a sex event. For your playstyle I would advise you to never click "Accept her" when a girl approaches you, just to be safe.

- As Jman said, Trait King may have revealed an unknown trait to be one that raised her preference (edit: In older versions, that is... It was removed in later versions since traits that directly modify preference cause bugs on girl creation)
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Jul 30, 2018
Well, first off, both your BK installation and Trait King mod are outdated.

Second, I checked and both Neesa and Fanti are not interested in sex (preferences at -501 and -383, respectively). So if you have the text displayed in yellow, it's at most a visual bug.

Third, couldn't reproduce the yellow text issue myself. See attached screenshots.

Fourth, if 'fired Vara Kona' means not selling her on the market, I'm afraid I can't access her any more. So what was up with her, if anything, I can't tell.

Fifth, I see 'Teaser' on all three of the problem girls, which looks a little suspicious. But giving that same perk to others changed nothing, so that's likely not it.

Sixth, does 'remove negative trait' mean 'remove negative fixation', or are you referring to some cheat?

Seventh, your save is quite sizeable and advanced. I'm not surprised some hiccups - like buttons losing responsiveness over an extended game session - might happen; Ren'Py isn't all that happy about constantly chugging all this data. :cautious: I suspect you might have kept the same save through several versions as well, which could lead to more hidden issues. Or maybe it won't, who knows?

BTW, have you tried the 'refresh_memory_on_home_screen' option in BKSettings.rpy? Might help a little.

Eighth, you're running Trait King, and (I hope) we all know about _neronero's exemplary ability to produce cute little bugs in all kinds of nooks and crannies. :sneaky:

All in all, I suggest upgrading to the most recent versions, trying again and showing a screenshot with improperly yellow text as well. Because we're obviously not running the exact same code here.
thanks!!! That's very interesting stuff. Dunno what happened but it's quite odd, everything is as it should be in your game... I thought I had the last version tbh, I started like 3-4 months ago with the game, maybe less -I discovered the game 'cos of an update but never played it before-.

No, no cheating, I just wrote that out of the blue 'cos I didnt remember the exact name, but yes I meant "remove negative fixation".

Yes, I always use the same save and overwrite it like every single day -in game- 'cos I am a little paranoid about losing my advance in any game or app or whatever, given some experiences with that in the past.


I shall try the most recent version of the game, but I'd swear I have version 2.0 from it was released -which is how I discovered this wonderful game, my fav on the site-, and never played BK before.
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Jul 30, 2018
Besides Open mind (and disregarding actual sex/training) here are a few more possiblilities to consider:

- I see some of your girls worked as a masseuse in the past. This is very risky for your playstyle. When one of her customers rudely asks them to perform a sexual act, your girls may politely refuse them instead of accepting or furiously refusing them. When they do that, it slightly raises preference for that sexual act. Which act preference is raised depends on the job (masseuse for sex)

- Jman mentioned night events: You may have clicked "Accept her" when she approached you during a libido night event without knowing that this could randomly become a sex event. For your playstyle I would advise you to never click "Accept her" when a girl approaches you, just to be safe.

- As Jman said, Trait King may have revealed an unknown trait to be one that raised her preference (edit: In older versions, that is... It was removed in later versions since traits that directly modify preference cause bugs on girl creation)
yup, but just because I wanted them to know a bit of everything or just to see some new pictures and what would happen if clients asked them to an extra act. However whenever I can, I apply the Escort perk so they convince the clients to have their way.

That being said, it might be some odd bug, 'cos as I mentioned like 95% of the girls dont change their sexual preferences out of the blue, and in fact when that happened they were performing their usual acts or what I have enabled, which is mostly anal and in some cases bisexual.

There are other bugs I've found, trait king related or not:

- some girls in the Visit City part of the game, never become your friends although you are constantly talking to them about their likes/dislikes, giving them money or a present. joking, etc. The heart's icon never grows past certain point nor it triggers the friendship step.

I noticed that bug usually happens when you've talked to a girl -once you know their name- and left the conversation at that, and then you return to the conversation later one -several weeks or whatever, in-game time-.

Not a biggie but there it is.

- Another bug I found -maybe Trait King related?- is that yesterday on the Slave Market a screen there was a girl with an "Anal Slut" trait.

However, upon having anal sex with her, she was ambivalent about it. :cautious: I guess certain traits should be closely related to certain preferences. That doesnt retract from the fact that she could either like/be ambivalent/dislike sex, but I found that odd.

Which are the differences between the new version of the game and my version, 'cos I'd swear I got version 0.2 when it was released and there is a change dated 01-02-2022 but the changelog remains the same?
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I thought I had the last version tbh, I started like 3-4 months ago with the game...
0.2 has seen rather frequent patching for the last couple of months.

Which are the differences between the new version of the game and my version...
WAG: a lot, code-wise. Not much, feature-set wise. But since your issue is a bug, it most definitely could be addressed by changed base code.

Yes, I always use the same save and overwrite it like every single day -in game- 'cos I am a little paranoid about losing my advance in any game or app or whatever, given some experiences with that in the past.
You're not paranoid enough. :p I make (or made) new saves every week, in addition to the quicksave and a daily save.

However whenever I can, I apply the Escort perk so they convince the clients to have their way.
Temptress effects don't work for on-the-job proposals. Or anything other than whoring (or the whoring part of W&W), for that matter.

- some girls in the Visit City part of the game, never become your friends although you are constantly talking to them about their likes/dislikes, giving them money or a present. joking, etc. The heart's icon never grows past certain point nor it triggers the friendship step.
Might be Distrustful girls. TK still has that trait as a trap option. Otherwise, no idea why that'd be. Gift love gains should be uncapped.

"Anal Slut"

That's not really a bug. Vanilla game and TK don't really sanity-check preferences beyond the truly obvious (Naturists not hating nudity and Virgins being inexperienced with sex).

I once wrote an 'adjust_preferences_vs_traits()' function. About 450 lines of conditionals that took me quite a while to come up with. Nobody else has been insane enough to try to repeat that.

So, think of her as an Anal-Slut-in-training. ;)


Jul 30, 2018
All in all, I suggest upgrading to the most recent versions, trying again and showing a screenshot with improperly yellow text as well. Because we're obviously not running the exact same code here.
Just out of curiosity, some pictures of my game compared with the two pictures you shared here from the save, it works as intended in yours, but not mine.

The issue is most noticeable in her sexuality tab, where her sex preference was highlighted in red, originally, and is now yellow.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Ah, I see what your problem is. Everything is working as intended, you're just confusing two mechanics.

There are actually two separate dimensions of 'preference'. One is what is called so in code, shown by hovering over sex stats (as in my screenshots), has a hidden numerical score that's translated into a text string, and is regularly changed via training and engaging in corresponding sexual activities.

The other is what are technically called 'positive/negative/neutral' sex acts, and basically show whether your girl has any positive or negative fixations. This is what's shown in the notebook tab you have open in these last screenshots. It also creates the 'heart/yin yang/lightning bolt' symbols for training, and is only changed when your girl gains (through traits and perks, mostly) or loses (via special training) fixations.

In your case, yellow is neutral, telling you she has no special affinity for sex (or, more precisely, has both negative and positive attitudes). But her 'preference score' is still red, telling her she doesn't currently like it (due to lack of experience or whatever), even if she doesn't have any great psychological hangups over it.

If you want to have your girls absolutely hate sex and love anal on a visceral level, I think you'll probably need to use my Headhunter mod. Because otherwise, fixations are so damn random that getting girls who match your very specific requirements is really hard. Damn, I really need to start thinking about updating it. :cautious:

And you need to be very careful about adding fixations, especially via traits/perks. I think the reason why your three girls went from red to yellow is due to Teaser, which adds one random positive fixation. I guess all of them got a positive, vaginal sex-related fixation (note that a fixation can be related to several sex acts!), and since they now have both a positive and a negative fixation, the result is deemed 'ambivalent' and displayed in yellow.

Basically, your girls still hate vaginal sex (or some things associated with it). It's just that they now love certain aspects of it, too, the dirty bitches. :sneaky: (Watersports and femdom in the above pictures.)
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Jan 23, 2021
So, think of her as an Anal-Slut-in-training. ;)
Yeah, pretty much. She may not have any experience with it, but penetrating her shitbox is more pleasurable than usual and she'll get used to the feeling of dicks in her ass much more quickly than regular girls.

I found out the hard way that traits cannot directly raise/lower preference from the get-go due to the order in which traits and preferences are assigned during girl creation.

The trait's name might be misleading. gruntcy, as BK's unofficial anal consultant, I'd love to hear your take on what else this trait could be called. I could take that on board for future versions (Not "Tight ass", that's already a vanilla trait)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I found out the hard way that traits cannot directly raise/lower preference from the get-go due to the order in which traits and preferences are assigned during girl creation.
But they most definitely can if you call in an adjustment after both of them are done:
            self.generate_traits(p_traits, n_trait)
It's not even going to be hard to integrate, you can define the function in Trait King.rpy, if you wish (changing the type to adjust_preferences_vs_traits(girl)).

Edit: Bonanza made Anal Sluts (and Dirty or Open-minded girls) at least 'interested' in anal, for example.

Edit2: Well, unless they were Prudes, or Naive, or Frigid, or something like that.
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Jul 30, 2018
Yeah, pretty much. She may not have any experience with it, but penetrating her shitbox is more pleasurable than usual and she'll get used to the feeling of dicks in her ass much more quickly than regular girls.

I found out the hard way that traits cannot directly raise/lower preference from the get-go due to the order in which traits and preferences are assigned during girl creation.

The trait's name might be misleading. gruntcy, as BK's unofficial anal consultant, I'd love to hear your take on what else this trait could be called. I could take that on board for future versions (Not "Tight ass", that's already a vanilla trait)
Imho, "Anal Goddess", "Anal Angel" or "Anal ambassador" -pun intended-, "Anal only", could do the trick, I think? My gf in real life is like that, it's not rare.

In regards to what Jman9 mentioned, the fact that preferences can be changed without the player knowing, can defeat the purpose for people who want specific personalities in girls.

That doesnt detract from the fact that the "Remove negative fixation" is a great optional feature for those who'd like to use that. I dont personally use it 'cos I like clear-minded girls which are "vocal" about what they like and so on, so I dont want to change them.

That being said, having some rare girls spawning -not as a trait but as some personality feature- that would only have anal only (or only vaginal, whatever, it's about their personal liking) girls that won't have regular sex no matter what -except brute force is used- would be an amazing feature because they would never have regular sex when working or whatever and could never want to train it either -this happens sometimes in the farm, where girls can spend a lot of time rejecting a certain practice there, something like that, it makes it more interesting, not as something common, but real).

A rare trait like that with a low percentage chance of spawning could be very welcome 'cos you during the mid to endgame, lots of girls will spawn and only a few of them would be selectable if you wanted that super specific type of girl, thus improving the engagement with the game for those who want some unique features in girls.

And those who want to modify that could have the choice of brute force ,or farm training -though a bit more difficult for Gizel, or maybe almost impossible, brute forcing her yourself could be the only way to at least make her work with that, albeit always unresponsive and unhappy)

The thing is that the game is very engaging, the way it's designed. I love how girls seem not to like something or play coy when you are meeting and knowing about them, but then you find out that they love some sexual practice -very real life like, awesome stuff in this game-.
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4.00 star(s) 2 Votes