Edit: Oh, yeah, Kite80 hasn't been around yet. We got another update about 12 hours ago, some of which was anti-nerfing. Food can be somewhat stacked again, Haggler is back in (most) of its glory and the Headhunter mod is officially supported now.
Hi, is Censorship can be remove?
Yes and no. Girl pack censorship is rare and easily removed, just find and delete the offending picture (and repair your pack in an ongoing save).
Story censorship, not so much. If
someone had the ability and will to use decensoring software, I'm sure it could be made much better. No such swell guy yet, though.
Some of the games might even have had a decensored version and Goldo could update. I just contributed a little to that.
is this game near complete ? 0.2.... game from 2017... before pandemic... after million die(human) game still not done...
It's a hobby, not a job to Goldo. It's kinda like a rich guy buying a farm to relax and mess around with on weekends, and his wife going going "WTF, you've had it for ten years, why is it not an industrial money-maker yet?! Loser!".
Are there any bdsm / bondage related packs?
Most packs
should have some. Maybe even lots, if there's enough source material. From a brief look, for instance Wonder Woman, Raven, Starfire, Raphtalia, Elsa, Belldandy, Sailor Venus all have a reasonable amount.