I get its my fault for being vague but you're being an ass you know!
It's what you get for mouthing off at random when I'm around.

I have to be polite to enough idiots who can't be arsed to take a few seconds to think in RL. And, unlike you, I'm also not resorting to swearing the first thing. Small difference, I know.
I meant that training seems really random. I can train obedience or constitution but success seem really out of my hands. Like I don't know what I am doing wrong that makes the training fail. Do I need to improve the mood more? Should I focus on obedience training?
As _neronero said, a lot of it depends on the girl in question. Her personality, her skill level, her
other stats, her love or fear of you...
Much also depends on your MC's skills, notably charisma. At the beginning of the game, he's pretty much a scrub.
Obedience and libido are relatively important to max early, that is true. Constitution, too, but that's for the girl to do things on her own, not really for training her.
E.g. let's look at constitution training. Success depends on her personality vs MC
strength, 1d6 >= [4-strength+bonus], with introverted personalities being harder to train with up to +3 'bonus'. Successful training gives +1d6 constitution, failure
with scolding has a chance to give +1d3 constitution, depending on how good at scolding (i.e. charisma) the MC is. 8 charisma is a guaranteed success, 2 charisma a guaranteed failure. Finally, charisma scales the result upwards by 10% per point, so getting 4 on the 1d6 roll with 4 charisma would be 5.6 (and the game
does track fractions).
Other training regimens have different stat checks, personality interactions and failure conditions. It's all very complicated and varies a lot from girl to girl. This is intimate
slave training, not chopping wood where you can treat all logs as interchangeable.
Now, you're indeed right that the randomness in e.g. that 1d6 is really damn big. I don't really care, because I have my own fork and am very strange in what I consider fun or balanced, anyway.
If enough people do care, you can try lobbying Goldo (politely!). Since he doesn't read F95, you'll either have to go to HHS yourself or rely on people here thinking you have a point and convincing him. Being vague, rude and appearing lazy are not very good ways to get anyone to champion your cause.
I am playing at insane difficulty and it not that particularly bad.
I presume the Taxgirl and the crunch after moving brothels haven't hit you that badly yet?
Now that I think of it. The personality feels like it just changes the initial stats and attributes and does not change how the slave acts.
Personalities don't really change initial stats, unless you mean something else by 'personality'. There are a great many nooks and crannies in the code that do check various personality types and give you bonuses or maluses accordingly. Try beating a 'rebel' girl and then a 'meek' or 'masochist' one and then tell me that they were acting the same.
Its still horrible UX!
I am from a product design background.
That's your problem. BK is not a 'product', and packing/unpacking archives is not really something Goldo has control over. In theory, he
could create a BK 'ecosystem' that does one-click girl pack installation and auto-updates for you. I think it's obvious that this is not how things work in practice.
It's also you being a lazy-ass user. I get it, most people are. But I'm a power user, and I'm really effin' unhappy about you guys giving the powers that be more and more incentive to fuck up my 'UX' up in a lot of places.
To fare modding is particularly a pain in most games but I still think it going to be better for the end user if the experience is streamlined.
If you think unpacking and moving girl packs is 'modding'...
In that field, if the user has to click more than 2 times for something really important is happen, then the design is horrible
Like confirming that you want to overwrite your save?
Installing a single girl pack is not 'something really important'. Installing 100 may be, but if you click
more than 200 times to do that, you need
Some things do take more effort than necessary. I think fixation removal was streamlined one point precisely because it had a lot of superfluous clicking through repetitive text. But not
everything is better with two clicks or less, and even if it is, it is not
free. I know where my choice lies between 2-click girl pack installation and chapters 3-8.