Where are you getting thousands of
beggar raiders? Raiders/sieges are independent of customer populations and happen only once per night at most.
Otherwise, there's a 2% chance that any given beggar gets uppity, so even a single thousand requires you to invite
tens of thousands of them, and banning the more lucrative types who keep the numbers down.
What the exact in-game justifications are, I don't know. I can come up with reasoning supporting both sides, so that's irrelevant at the moment.
And even if it was justified, the constant raids commits the cardinal sin of not being fun.
But the point is that if you're on the ball with security, the
bad security events are
not constant. They need the threat level to go up once or twice (
twice for raids and sieges), and threat itself to accumulate somewhat. Getting a 'threat escalates' event is by no means guaranteed or even likely on any single night. And lower-level events reset threat back to zero.
Keeping goon numbers up
will lower the occurrence of all security events that are not directly related to individual customers. Even during endgame, maxed goons+furniture allow you to employ ~19 girls per night with absolutely
minimal threat increase (10 days to get the weakest security event).
In brief, I do not believe it is possible to get a
single raid or
siege per week with any consistency. Even brawls and assassins are somewhat questionable, and that's assuming excessive threat generation.
Also, what's not fun to you may not be so for others. Unless you have more concrete and
factual criticisms, not much to be done with that bit of feedback.
If raids are going to be constant, they should be more than a "save-or-suck" dice roll.
But they are not. Which is actually one of
my pet peeves with them. Once you've rolled an event, there is nothing else
random in there.
You can also mitigate them. Raids and sieges are their own mini-events with choices and stuff, depending on your MC, your girls, etc. The others... Well, in theory you can mitigate or even eliminate them by hiring enough goons and upgrading your security buildings. In practice, this is so overtuned that you
need max or near-max goons
and furniture for even the first level of mitigation, and the second (elimination) requires a rather beefy MC to patrol alongside the others.
So, yeah... Bad balancing, perhaps, but a single dice roll they are not.
At the very least, you should be able to hire more security. You have an arbitrary cap on how many guards you can hire, but there's no such cap on the threat from gold.
Every 'realistic' building has an 'arbitrary' cap on how much physical security can be reasonably placed in or around it.
You are also wrong about there being no gold cap:
if gt > gold_threat_max[game.chapter]:
return gold_threat_max[game.chapter]
Now, the
actual number of goons you can hire is a bit limiting, but I imagine it's a balancing mechanism more than anything. OhWee's mod had 'extra help barracks' in it, so I imagine one
could lobby for more goons. Or more effective goons, or less threat from girls working part-time, or... But I guess one would need to use the new forum for this, since I imagine Goldo is still not reading this place here much if at all (and with some reason).
Now, if your problem was not
raiders but
beggars, that's different. And the answer to that is to quit inviting beggars and start inviting princes.

And keeping security at 'low' or maybe a
tiny bit worse to get goons to handle the arsonists and girl-beaters with
zero issues.
TLDR: You have tools to mitigate the security situation.
Not using them and then complaining about 'no fun' when the consequences catch up with you is not nice.