#### Atago - BK.ini generated by Tagging Tool ####
## This optional file contains advanced config data about a particular girl. Variables you don't need can be deleted.
## The file should be named '_BK.ini' and dropped inside the relevant girl folder.
## Full line comments are introduced with a double hash (##)
## Same line comments must be added using a space followed by a semi-colon sign ( ;)
first_name = "" ; If absent or empty, first name will be randomized
last_name = "" ; If absent or empty, no last name will be used
inverted_name = True ; If True, the full name will display the last name before the first name
creator = ""
[base skills]
## Rank starting skills from 1 to 5 (1 is terrible, 3 is average, 5 is superb. The game will add some variation.)
## Set value to 0 for a randomized skill level
## beauty: masseuse/sex, body: dancer/anal, charm: waitress/service, refinement: geisha/fetish, sensitivity: service/satisfaction, libido: sex/customers, constitution: anal/energy, obedience: fetish/compliance
beauty = 0
body = 0
charm = 0
refinement = 0
libido = 0
sensitivity = 0
constitution = 0
obedience = 0
[base positive traits]
## Reminder, a girl may only have 2 positive traits. Gold traits are considered positive.
## Trait names must be between quotes. See BKstart.rpy for the list of trait names.
## the girl will ALWAYS have these traits (up to maximum nb of traits). Use with caution as it makes girl generation very predictable.
always = []
## The girl will more often have these traits than standard girls.
often = []
## The girl will less often have these traits than standard girls.
rarely = []
## The girl will NEVER have these traits.
never = []
[base negative traits]
## the girl will ALWAYS have these traits (up to maximum nb of traits). Use with caution as it makes girl generation very predictable.
always = []
## The girl will more often have these traits than standard girls.
often = []
## The girl will less often have these traits than standard girls.
rarely = []
## The girl will NEVER have these traits.
never = []
[base personality]
## There are 23 personality types in the game: pervert, rebel, cold, nerd, masochist, meek, sweet, superficial, bimbo, holy, helper, creep, repressed, schemer, prude, princess, pet, easy, class president, tsundere, loyal, yandere, stubborn
## A girl can have only one personality.
always = [] ; Use with care: it makes girl generation very predictable.
often = []
rarely = []
never = []
[custom personality]
## You may include a custom personality for your girl. This requires the inclusion of an .rpy file in your girl pack with her dialogue lines
custom_personality = False
personality_name = ""
attributes = ("","")
generic_dialogue = True
personality_dialogue_only = []
dialogue_personality_weight = 3
dialogue_attribute_weight = 1
description = ""
custom_dialogue_label = ""
[sexual preferences]
## You can choose positive or negative acts which will be generated more often for this girl. Possible choices are: "naked", "service", "sex", "anal", "fetish", "bisexual" and "group".
favorite_acts = []
disliked_acts = []
## You can choose positive or negative fixations which will be generated more often for this girl. Fixations names are found in the 'BKinit_variables.rpy' file
always_fixations = [] ; Use with care: it makes girl generation very predictable.
favorite_fixations = []
disliked_fixations = []
never_fixations = []
always_negative_fixations = []
never_negative_fixations = []
sexual_experience = "random" ; How much sexual experience she has prior to meeting the player. You can choose between the following: "very experienced", "experienced", "average", "inexperienced", "very inexperienced", "random". If left out or empty, a random level of experience will be chosen.
farm_weakness = "random" ; choose between the following values: "stallion", "beast", "monster", "machine", "random"
[background story]
generate_as = "all" ; Can be set to "all" or restricted to "free" or "slave" (the girl will then generate only as a free girl or slave girl)
## You can provide a custom origin or just "random" (if you do, make sure to include the origin description below)
origin = "random"
## Origin description must be written in the girl's own words
## origin_description = None
## If provided, this function will be called when a girl with this template is created, after randomization.
## It must take 'girl' as an argument. It must not interrupt game flow (python only, no ren'py calls or jumps).
## Write the function in an init block in _events.rpy or another custom .rpy file.
## init_function = None ; provide a custom function name that is called after girl creation (between quotes)
## If provided, this label will be called instead of normal city interactions. It must take 'girl' as an argument.
## The regular dialog options can be called from within this custom label by using 'call free_girl_talk(girl)'
## city_label = "" ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)
## If provided, this label will be called instead of a random back-story. It must take 'girl' as an argument.
## See the 'slave_story' labels in BKinteractions.rpy for examples of how it might work (feel free to set up the events very differently)
## story_label = None ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)
## If provided, this label will be called every night. It must take the 'girl' argument. This could be useful to increment some values, run some tests or reset interactions.
## It is recommended that such labels run silent and add a StoryEvent if necessary.
## night_label = None ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)
## This adds a custom button to the regular slave interact menu. Use None or empty brackets if you are not using it.
## interact_prompt = ("Interact text", "interact_label", 1) ; The first string refers to the caption of the button. The second is the label which will be called upon clicking the button. The integer is the AP cost (for UI display only, it isn't deducted from MC actions outside of your label code for flexibility). It must take 'girl' as an argument.
[cloning options]
unique = True ; If True, clones will not spawn, only the original girl. All the other cloning options will have no effect
keep_first_name = True ; If True, clones will keep the same first name
keep_last_name = False ; If True, clones will keep the same last name
keep_inverted = False ; If True, clones will keep the same options for inverted names
keep_skills = False ; If True, clones will keep the same base skill repartition
keep_traits = True ; If True, clones will keep the same base trait options
keep_personality = False ; If True, clones will keep the same personality options
keep_sex = True ; If True, clones will keep the same sexual preferences and experience
keep_generate_as = False ; If False, clones will be generated both as slave and free girls regardless of the original setting
keep_init = False ; If True, clones will keep the same init function
keep_background = False ; If True, clones will keep the same origin and background story
keep_interactions = True ; If True, clones will keep the same interactions options (city and interact menu options)
#### END OF FILE ####