Can we get a changelog for 5.1? There's none on the page since it's the first release on there likely and if there is one on Patreon it's behind a paywall.
-Adjusted Textboxes, now they'll fully display the text when clicked once, and go to the next line when clicked again (instead of just going to the next line without letting you read the full line.) Just like a VN
-Added Rest button, lowers stress and advances time.
-Reworked rent, it will now create debt when below the pay line, but debt will cap at 100
-Fixed bug where stripper fuck on pole wouldn't give money
-Fixed bug where lap dance anal wouldn't give money
-Wrote and added introduction conversation to pornstar job.
-Added lesbian scene to pornstar job
-Changed code on masturbating on pole to accomodate job system update
-Added a small minigame for a bonus when playing certain jobs
-please do not type "f95zone" while playing the game.
-Added stress lost text on the pole dance fuck event
-Added a daily loss of stats every day, from 0 to 45 when reaching a certain lewd level.
-Added a conversation to Lucy when in the mansion.
-Flipped Conversation sprite
-Changed initial Max Stress from 300 to 200
-Stress lost is now readable when doing the signwaver job.
-Modified crowd code, now it'll give at least one relevant hint if available.
-Lowered Stress needed to upgrade MaxStress from 200+MaxStress to MaxStress + 10% of MaxStress.
-Added a public sex button it's still a beta mechanic.
-Added yurikiss sprite, and added Ollie - Yurikiss aftercare extra event to pornstar.
-Fixed letter size issue on the use item section of the pause screen.
-Hotfix: Game CTD when pressing locked options
-Fixed bug where the lesbian shoot in the pornstar job didn't consume any energy
-Fixed text claiming erroneous stats on the lesbian kiss scene.
-Fixed bug where a WIP sprite appeared instead of Ollie's sprite, also fixed positioning.
-Fixed bug where 2 already written conversations wouldn't be added to the crowd conversation list
-Fixed mistake where Lily's tail would not appear on the 2nd part of the lapdance scene.
-Fixed crowdconversationgeneric6 finishing earlier than intended