VN - Ren'Py - Onhold - But I'm the Bad Guy? [v0.07v8] [DLGB]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Its just yet another game where everything is standard crap, its also kinetic so a fuckfest where you dont controle anything, fetishes are also just forced on you and for some reason one main focus is anal sex dunno why.

    MC is the standard childish 12 year old pervert that thinks everyone he sees is hot, next you see him in the shower and it becomes just plain idiotic since he has a horse dick, i mean whats point its just cringy and stupid and removes any chances for a Immersive story.

    The weird double personality MC has where you read hes good and bad thoughts talking with one another is just cringy at pointless it simply just dosent add anything to the game.

    The renders are quite low quality and very grainy.

    Animations 1/5
    Very few animated scenes most are picture to picture and the few animated ones arent that good either.

    Girls 1/5
    They are just ugly sorry but there are just nothing hot or cute about em.

    Music 2/5
    Pretty boring music nothing with lyrics.

    Choices 1/5
    There arent any choices its an all out kinetic novel and a pure mindless fuckfest, tons of anal and trap stuff nothing for the stright people even though game is close to 3 years old.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    Going to give this AVN a 3.5 due to it's somewhat unique nature (compared to a lot of other AVNs I've played).

    No real need for bullet points on this one - it does the usual renders/animations/characters fairly well, and all are satisfying enough not to detract from the gameplay.

    It is a somewhat twisted game (from a kink point of view), but enjoyable in that regard if more kinky stuff is what you're looking for (family corruption most notably). It is however, a very short playthrough right now due to being early in it's development phase.

    I'd recommend it if you're looking for a corruption style game, just remember you won't get anywhere near the end of the game until the dev finishes it up (probably years away yet).
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    I'm only at the end of the first chapter and I don't know what's going to happen next. It's also not clear how long it will last since there's no mention of how many chapters there are.

    A description like "An Anthem to the Taboo" seems too ambitious for this game. I haven't encountered such an excessive content so far. I expected the game to be a bit more daring.

    There is also a lot of unnecessary filler dialog in the scenes. More than half of the characters' conversations have no meaning. It also doesn't feel like the main character can really influence the story. You don't get much choice and it often feels like a kinetic novel.

    My request to the developer is that if he's going to keep making new chapters, he needs to stop using filler dialogs so much and give more freedom to the player to influence the story and scenes. The lack of these things not only reduces immersion, but also completely ruins replayability.

    Finally, more music can be used in the scenes. The game feels too quiet and the sex scenes could be improved. It could really use some animation. Everything is very dull and static.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    this game is a massive conn ... 95% of the content is geared up to the trap content and the straight content is hardly anything .. so unlless the trap stuff is your thing dont waste your time its pointless
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the animation and how the plot unfolds. I hope a new version will be released soon (and a Russian translation will be delivered :O) The tags are top, it’s a pity that there are few such games
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So, this is definitely one of those games that's haunted my mind because of that r* scene; I just can't shake it off, and it seems like I never will. It really spans a wide range of fetishes from pedo* and r* to bestiality. The characters are really well-done and feel natural. There's a corrupt storyline that becomes more engaging as it progresses. While there's a certain depth and psychological layering to the story, it doesn’t dive too deep into psychological aspects, yet it’s not superficial, there’s clear manipulation and psychological depth visible in the story and the characters. Special themes like corruption of religion are also present, and the adult content is more than enough. The story is presented with adult content built right in, not just at the end. I recommend this game for the story and for the fap; it's decent for everything. The only time I wouldn’t recommend it is if you're not comfortable with dark and fucked up games. Even I found myself staring at the wall for 30 minutes after making some choices, and I regularly play this kind of stuff, just saying.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the game for about two or three hours or more, I don't know, maybe I was in a hurry to get to sex, and the story of the game was too long for me, and I just kept clicking my mouse and clicking my mouse, and then I opened the image folder in the game directory, and I looked at 5000 pictures, and I got to 1000+ and I didn't have sex, It feels like the game is taking too long.:confused:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    once is not customary I am going to leave my opinion on this little gem, after playing a lot of games here, it remains my favorite, well done
    it would be quite great to make a long series with the same protagonists and in the same spirit
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is obsessed with anal sex. I don’t mind anal scenes, but not at the expense of all else. Vaginas practically do not exist in this game. Everything is anal play with thick thighed butterface girls and little boys with a small sprinkling of very niche fetishes. Vaginas are never even mentioned. You’d think people only had assholes in this universe. Very unrealistic, but if that’s your thing go for it I guess.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A good start. Some will hate it because of quite shocking and disturbing parts... most of it was the one with Lia on the beach.
    But i really like all the part about the mother corruption.
    Graphics are great too.

    Good work !

    P.S : I forgot to say that I agree with what 6ambino said below: Secondary characters can't compete with the main ones, so... the part about the Asian girl is pretty boring and I tended to skip most of it
    Likes: aslop
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Filthy. Horribly filthy. Incredibly smutty filth. The kindda filth, you mom catches you with it, you're out of the inheritance.

    Not the best writing, but points for focusing on the NSFW. Did I mention it was absolutely filthy?
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, very perverted, needs some minor tweaks to make it perfect.
    Riley is perfect, but for Hailey, I wish she didn't suffer from elephantiasis.
    Couldn't hurt if the action was kept a secret a bit longer from the mother, and maybe include some intrigue by the PC to make the husband look bad and bend the story to get things happening his way.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is special...
    Enjoying the slow burn Netori scenario, interwoven with the lolis parts that feel like smacks to the face (can't be avoided), but I think it adds to the whole experience of pleasure though. In the bathroom and the beach scenes when the cuck husband was present were veeeryyy hot. Big respect for the dev to keep pushing with his vision.

    The MILF wife model is nicely done, 10/10.

    The sad thing is that the other scenarios can't compare in hotness and feel like fillers that you just skim past. Especially these with that asian daughter, they are too vanilla and too annoyingly long.

    It's a shame that the bestiality theme is quite undeveloped though. If there will be more progress in this regard, this game could be a masterpiece on my list.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a one of a kind game. The dev is a very ballsy one, because he explores extreme taboo fields.
    Of course this ha s aprice he earns his fair share of negative reviews. Story and MC are quite unique, models are nice, though facial expressions are sometimesa bit on the strange side. All characters are interesting and quite different. There is quite an amount of gay stuff as well which earns the game many one stars. I am not a fan a gay content, but would never give bad review because of it. Plus it is really well done. Hetero part is less, but is quite kinky and explores taboos as well. All in all it would be mor elike a 4 star game, but I respect how daring the dev is and how he continous to build the game according to his vision. Keep it up, there are definitely people who are happy with how things are progressing.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Based in the version 0.567v3

    When you saw the tags, maybe could called you the attention that or the images of the overview. And you decides play it. But when you play this game: you see is boring (I didn't ended of play it for that, but yet I played a lot, and I decided do this review).

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    Coming back to the history: the game tries to tell lore (even the MC have background, just I don't see when this gonna have importance because the game just leave you pieces almost without context) , but the game do it very difficult to do those stories really interesting: more if yours decisions doesn't matter and fills you with scenes who takes a lot of time to end.
    By the way, the game have sometimes errors in grammar too (if you say a kid: okay. But that happen with adults too).

    Later you have the Sexual scenes: the first hours just left you waiting for more (is just fingering, groping, foreplay and others things but with objects) and just later of 8 hours or more of reading, finally your character recieves something to penetrate with his cock (and those are the best scenes what I see in this game IMO, and I'm not counting the gay ones because I don't saw thoses who had mention others reviews, I only get to the part of when Alice decides teaching her to Hailey about the anatomy of the males with the MC). After from there you have more, but surely you are tired of see how the history is just going around to nowhere or is draining your time if you already play it.

    Lastly, the models are good, doing exception with some scenarios of the game. That is the only reason of why I'm rating this game with 2 stars.

    Conclusion: Don't play this game if you only want see the Sexual scenes. And if you don't have problems with see a history who takes a lot of time to go forward and play a MC who is hateful, but in a creepy way, then I guess you can play this game. I don't know. :unsure:
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    What's the point of options/choices? This is a Kinetic Novel as your choices have no impact on what happens, They only affect what you see as I've been avoiding all the gay content but yet in the latest updates the story continues as if I've been going the Riley route. I even deleted my save files and restarted from the beginning but yet not only does it force sharing content with Riley and his mom but all the gay dialogue still happens.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    It started well but lose control after to many branched stories. I dont know the rest (gay stories) but remaining straight stories goes very slow and boring. The girl in the beach seems quite good but somehow there was nothing more than that. The asian girl is also meaningless and boring. There should be more character variety and stealing femaless.

    In the end pushing to much trap content is make this game less playable. Avoiding that with options but somehow it is in front of us anyway.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The game started out interesting, the bad guy arrived in the town ready to corrupt married, single, young, mature women, all of them, there's even a trap for those who like it.

    However, so far, the only sex available in the game is gay, and gay sex keeps repeating, again and again, and no heterosexual sex so far, maybe after the public's rage the dev will pay some attention to heterosexual content again, at least I hope so.

    A big problem is that homosexual content is not optional, we are forced to it, and this is something that only a minority is interested in, it is stupid to force it on everyone.

    There are so many women, but only one trap, and yet the dev only focuses on trap, that's ridiculous!

    I'm honestly disappointed with the game, the game introduced us to many women, showed that they were our targets, but they don't even appear anymore, there is no interaction or mention, the dev thinks so small that he creates one scene or another, and considers that the MC has already done a lot that day, and that's enough.

    The game, as it is now, is a gay game, it should be optional, but it isn't, so be warned.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally when I saw the tags they didn't catch my attention, and more because I didn't see the "animated" tag, but there are some animated scenes (few, and they are appreciated) but there are, and it's good that I tried it, damn, I don't think there was a game that turned me on as much as this one with the girls, more specifically with Alice and Chloe, they are my favorites, you see very little of Alice but I think that gives it the touch, perhaps my only drawback is the subplot with Riley, literally every Every time it comes out I skip everything, I also hope to have Chloe's scenes
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I like the author's boldness, I decided to download and test it because I was in the mood for unusual fetishes that are not easy to find here on this site, and on this point the author gets it right. despite not having so much variety of fetishes, the ones there are very unusual, either you love it or you hate it, in my case I liked it, but there is also a problem that many in the other comments have already mentioned, there is no sex, with the exception of beach scene.. I hate provocations without reward so much, it makes me feel like an idiot, the scene where the mc comes out of the bathroom with the femboy at night right after an incident, and the cuckold's wife appears and then the mc asks to She turns against the wall and she keeps asking "where's my reward"... like she up until then in the game did EVERYTHING he asked, like manipulation on the MC's part, even though she had a little resistance, she turns against the wall wall waiting for the MC to act and he just stands there without doing anything, just looking and thinking "I would take this woman right now, but she's not ready... now's not the time." Damn brother.. he just came in the femboy's mouth but he denies fucking his mother, a hot blonde milf? Like why are we even in this game? The author kind of insults homophobes because the thief scene doesn't involve the femboy, as if the thief didn't want to catch him, but the mc himself denies the hot milf? Wow... I feel like the wind only favors one way here. and the mc didn't even bother explaining "why she's not ready" or "why it's not the time" it was just a big "fuck you" even to the cuckold's wife... it's a thought, I almost thought to follow this game despite it having zero story, but at least it could make up for it in the sex parts, which also doesn't exist,... so in my opinion the strong point of this game, what draws the most attention, is the fact that it has lolis, teen girls, which is a rare, risky and frowned upon tag by many but I love it, so for me it almost made up for the lack of details in the game.
    other less important details are the faces and facial expressions.. there is no smoothing.. or almost no expression in scenes.. as if the model had been taken and just thrown there in the game. It's a game with power, risky, but lacks care, a great game to play once without expecting much, but for me I'm cool... maybe one day I'll see how the game is progressing.