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Ren'Py - Cabin by the Lake [v0.37a] [Nunu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're into the kinks and fetishes this game explores, it has some great content with some very hot and passionate scenes. There's also a lot of it and plenty variations that are very interesting to explore. The format of the game is pretty different than most in the lewd genre, though, and I imagine that might put off quite a few players.

    It's essentially a puzzle game where you explore the same weekend over and over, unlocking new events and situations for future runs by doing certain and often quite specific things in the current run. Each run is quite short, especially when ctrl-skipping through the scenes you've already seen, so it becomes more about experimenting and trying out new combinations to get access to new scenes.

    It's different and great fun when you figure something out, but can also be frustrating when it doesn't work out. And while much of the content is fairly easy and intuitive to unlock, there's also quite a bit that unlocks in pretty weird and opaque ways, so much so that the dev includes a walkthrough in the game and a lot of instructions about the mechanics, the various symbols and colour codes etc. Without this the game would honestly be very difficult and even with it, I feel many unlocks are annoyingly convoluted and vague. This can lead to runs being wasted because you didn't do one specific thing Friday night that was necessary to get a certain scene Monday morning, sometimes something the in-game guide didn't mention either. And when you're already doing dozens and dozens of runs in order to unlock the content even when getting everything right, the "failed" runs can be pretty frustrating.

    But the characters, the writing, the kinks explored etc. are sufficiently good for me to stick with it. I do hope that the dev opens up the game somewhat, making some of the requirements a bit less restrictive, so it becomes a bit easier to enjoy the great content they've created.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: [v0.34d]
    Surprisingly fun considering how grindy it is.

    In 'Cabin by the Lake' we get the chance to experience the same weekend over and over again, but each time we get the chance to influence the LI's, corrupting them more and more with each repeat.

    Each LI has a corruption level, to progress it you need to achieve a bunch of goals ranging from getting x in a specific stat to finding a way to cheat and win a poker game against said characters. we only have a few 'time slots' to do so, so you get to plan and attempt to reach that goal before the weekend is over, sometimes you'll fail, sometimes you can progress 2 LI's at the same time, either way its takes a while and it is pretty grindy.
    I really dislike grindy games, but this one is built very well, its never too easy so you got to plan a bit, progressing corruption level with a LI can and will improve your ability to unlock the rest, and you get to unlock new scenes and dialogue changes often so it stayed interesting even 5-6 hours in.
    I will say some of the unlocks felt pretty silly and IMO should be streamlined (Lisa's) but overall for the most part it was pretty damn fun.

    The writing is pretty good, the models are... acceptable even though they aren't great and they all have weirdly massive tits, the scenes are good and combined with the nice build up to them they are very hot.
    I did encounter a few bugs when it comes to unlocking new content, but there's an easy to use cheat/debug menu that fixed the issues that did come up.

    I stayed away from this one for a while because of the massive tits and the grindy aspects, now that I give it a chance I found a charming game that I had a lot of fun with.
    I will definitely check it out again in the future.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is no joke the best h game I have ever played. Love the characters and how they behave and the insane situations. Props to the dev. Not even finished and yet so much already, incredibly absorbing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Big fan of the big tits and pretty much every other fetish in this game, but the writing and execution is also incredible. Very excited to see what future updates may hold!

    My only (small) complaint is that the current time loop structure only allows you to go for 1 (sometimes 2) character corruption routes at a time, which can make the game a little slow at times. Other than that the game is an easy 5 stars for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I avoided this game for a long time because usually massive breasts are a big turn-off to me. I don't remember why exactly I decided to give the game a go, but it was the first time in a long time that I skipped most meals and sleep for a day and a night because I was too engrossed to notice the passing time.

    I was pleasantly surprised to find excellent writing and amazing character development. I found that I quickly forgot about the massive tits on characters because I was more interested in their actual characters.

    I found the story unique. You experience a weekend trip normally, gaining the power to make choices near the end, then you start repeating it with your power of choice intact. If your choices cause a heroine to open up with you more, or if they have a substantial effect on the weekend, when that loop ends the past is changed which changes how the weekend goes ranging from small tweaks to dialog, to new or replaced scenes.

    And of course there's something spooky going on; if the time loop and past changing wasn't enough evidence. I was caught completely off guard whefllntlqddktsf-
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Cabin by the Lake is an absolutely absurd game. Not just in the size of its... assets... but also in its ambition. Despite being relatively simple on the surface, the game's central form of meta-progression turns that simple scenario into a spiraling fractal of depravity. It's interesting to see a game which weaponizes familiarity and routine in such a potent way, and it makes unraveling the puzzle of this family trip a wonderful thing to experience.

    You will be underwhelmed at first. You might not like large breasts or the other fetishes at play. This is still one of the most ridiculous feats of scripting logic to have ever graced hentai. I promise you will be surprised by how far you can go, and by the end, wondering how long it will take for a new update to allow you to go further.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great gameplay, boobalicious models, and interesting characters that you want to sex up.

    I love a game where your choices can affect the outcome and the next play through. Especially when every character is boobalicious.

    This gameplay is short, but the fun is replaying it over and over again and changing the outcome based on your choices in-game and before the game actually starts by modifying events influencing the story.

    If you manage to complete a route in one play through, you'll unlock a modifier that'll influence your next playthrough. This unlocks more scenes and better endings.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Tits and Timeloops, the game

    This is one that I find myself checking in on periodically. While I don't find the art style or model variety compelling, the core gameplay loop is one that I enjoy and haven't found to be overdone.

    I also enjoy the dev's two other small VNs and I'm looking forward to their future efforts.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    TL; DR
    It's an actual game which is fairly fun and interesting to play. Has some rough edges, that's why 4*. But, with those edges being smoothed, definitely can be top-rated.
    With no doubt is recommended for playing.

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  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game on the site I've found so far, and the only one I've decided to pay to support. Helps that it ticks all my kinks (huge tits, harem, incest, pregnancy). But the writing is excellent, I feel like I've got to know the characters so well over the last year of development, and the main plot is intriguing and has me hooked.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a fresh take on how it plays out but at the same time it can become quite tedious because of it's gameplay.

    The premise is that the game plays out over 4 days, though the 4th one you can't really do much so more like 3 days. Upon these days the MC is able to interact with different characters which will affect them mostly by corrupting them in some way after this you come to a sort of settings screen where you are then able to activate these new settings which in turn changes the past and makes the present play out differently and by looping the story over and over again the women in the game and the MC becomes more and more depraved.

    For instance one of the girls with the so far most developed route will at first refuse anything sexual but by unlocking more corruption and changing the past she can eventually turn up pregnant in the present because the MC met her months before the meeting and got her + all her friends pregnant at the same time.

    So the interesting part of the gameplay is that by finding and unlocking new things the past and therefore the present will change in the game.

    At the same time however this also means you will have to loop the game over and over again to unlock parts of it especially since the time is so limited you are looking at dozens of loops at the very least if you play with the ingame guide. The story thankfully changes quite a bit and most of the loops will be focused on one or two heroines at a time, so for the most part it won't feel like your just looping the same story. With that said if you are having trouble finding or unlocking stuff you might find yourself looping the same thing over and over.

    Lastly the women are all big breasted and even without the incest patch it's heavily implied that there is a lot of incest as well.

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    In short the game has a very depraved story to tell that just get's more and more depraved with an interesting way of telling the story that makes the game feel unique.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Having played this game since its beginning, I really liked it during the first 1-8 updates, and then stopped playing it altogether since the gameplay progression temporarily became too complex for me to follow.

    Now, 14 updates later [v.023d] , Nunu has made great QoL improvements which once again raise the bar for this game and fixes the original problem that had gotten me disinterested.

    Highly recommend playing with INC Patch. Give the models a chance, they grow on you much like their large breasts ;)

    Looking forward to see where this project goes from here :D
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great concept of game, with it focusing on looping a small story to unlock different outcomes and conversations. I'll love to see how this game advances and gains even more content and different routes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Cabin by the Lake tells the story of a reunion at a lakeside retreat and the dynamic of a group of friends and trying to rekindle relationships after ages apart. Somehow time flows in loops there and things that happened in one weekend end up having already happened in the past the next time the weekend starts.

    The Good:

    If you like huge tits this is the game for you. It also has some supremely wholesome encounters, as well as gripping character development dramas. The sex scenes are also amazing. That said, the biggest selling point isn’t any of that. The story telling and character writing is among the better I’ve experienced when it hits its more sincere notes and makes me get really attached to the characters.

    The Average:
    The looping nature of the game will not appeal to everyone, and it can get tedious to grind outcomes as you can only do a couple of them in a single loop. That said, because some of the things you do are semi-permanent, you unlock so much juicy content in just a couple of cycles and can quickly get back to a branching path to do something different next loop.

    The Bad:
    There is so much text – more than a novel’s worth – and a lot of it remain the same between each loop in the later stages that it becomes easy to hold skip and forget the nuance of certain events when trying to reach others. That’s only bad because the stuff you end up skipping is great content, and it feels like a shame to not read it again.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.20d
    tl;dr: fantastic writing, creative but hobbled execution

    Cabin by the Lake is a Groundhog-Day-esque VN where the MC’s actions in previous iterations of the time loop “opens up” the LIs for more depravity in the next. In my opinion, this is simultaneously a great strength and the game’s biggest roadblock.

    Integrating timeline manipulation as the core aspect of a porn game is a gargantuan undertaking. Having to manage the cause-effect relations across multiple LIs and their events, and then reflecting said changes to “past” events, demands a lot from the developer. I’m happy to say that Cabin by the Lake, having made the sensible choice of constricting its loop to an in-game weekend, largely delivers in this regard.

    Remember the montage in Groundhog Day where the anchor guy was just going by the motions, frustrated by his inability to escape the loop? You will inevitably experience a similar “burnout” unless you religiously consult the in-game walkthrough and follow it to the letter. “Empty” loops where few unlocks happen become somewhat common if you, like me, prefer to play by the ear. To the dev’s credit, some corruption paths have multiple ways to satisfy their conditions. However, navigation by intuition is practically done by chance since there are also events that are dependent on LIs having a very specific corruption level (so if you progressed beyond that, you’d have to fiddle with their corruption levels in the post-game, thereby going back to content you’ve seen before).

    That said, you can terminate your current loop at any time and can access the walkthrough post-game. It shows that Cabin by the Lake is a reasonably well-tested product. This, combined with its stellar writing (an absolute godsend among VNs which, let’s not kid ourselves, tend to have very mediocre writing), leads to a favorable rating from me, even if I don’t particularly care for its primary fetish.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of version [v0.17d]

    Cabin by the lake puts a simple but captivating premise, a family reunion of big breasted ladies in a time loop.
    Straightforward right?
    Well the game is a far cry from that, it’s a tangled maze of choices and tiring repetitive gameplay that underuses the elements of creativity in a sandbox with a time loop, which forces you to dislike what good is left in the game.

    But let’s start with the beginning: You start as a random dude going with your family to a reunion of all your other relatives in a wooden cabin near a lake (hence the title).
    After the game has welcomed you, in the introduction with all the characters such as: the angry sister, the promiscuous aunt, the tomboy cousin… and presented you the “events” (which will keep looping during the entirety of the playtime), the real game finally begins.
    At the end of the vacation, You are thrown into the cabin again (and you’ll be thrown in again, every ending) with free roam and with some hints on how to proceed but with one single clear objective: try to corrupt everyone and get laid.

    Gameplay wise, it is a sandbox with a set of choices per loop, therefore is not grindy or aimless at all, since you can spend actions only where the events or characters are, and the map will show them for you.
    Moreover everything seems not contorted at first, the game expects you to experiment, talk to this girl and receive X answer, what happens if I meet my aunt and talk about my sister?
    What happens if I spend the entirety of the vacation with my cousins?
    Et cetera.
    Seems pretty straightforward right?
    Well no, the game gives you the impression of doing whatever you want to progress forward, but no.
    In reality you will blindly brute force every option, every choice that seems inclined to bring you closer to sex while pressing the CTRL button non stop to skip the lines you may already have read 5 times.
    So it’s a game about trial and error, which is totally fine, but even in hard roguelikes I am expecting some kind of rewards or upgrades, here you may get a corruption world point and an indication that you are going on the right direction… Till you get thrown back again searching for a new solution.
    To be honest there are some gameplay upgrades that change personalities, past actions, events or implementations and things like these are truly accepted, although they aren’t much and don’t galvanize the gameplay loop enough to be truly welcomed; when I obtained them I don’t smile or cheer up, I just sigh, sigh that I can finally progress somewhat through the CTRL adventure.

    Setting aside one moment the gameplay, let's talk about the writing and the story. The story could be defined as simple or bland, nothing happens, you go to a cabin with your relatives, you spend the days there and then you go away, the end. No real big event that you have to stop through repeating the same loop nor incidents nor enemies, you get the point. It's eventless, almost boring but it is meant to be this way, to catch you off guard with some particularly good moments, (or some disturbing ones that just makes turn off the game, if you have played it, you know which one I am referring to!), it half nails this concept albeit, because on one hand you'll be welcomely surprised for the turn of events but on the other you'll still button smash every line waiting for these climaxes to happen and not every twist is as the same quality of others.
    The first half of the game slouches a bit, the second part when most progress is done, feels almost like a different game.
    And this brings me to the characters, they all have a personality and some quirk that either gets twisted or put at the extreme, characters like Sami even if kinda tropey (Aaah a sister that hates you) ends up being wholesome, others like Lin completely miss the mark feeling weak. They all range from interesting, to kinda boring and completely skippable, but this doesn't matter you have to do them all to feel and gain some kind of progress!

    And here I arrive at the biggest let down after the gameplay: the presentation, the models, sprites, the images overall. Throughout the main game you'll meet all the characters in a vn sprite, And almost all will have the same expression and pose during the course of the loop, and sure a few of of them actually have expressions and are actually lively, (Like Alex who has the most poses) or when you do their path they start to wake up from their marble sleep (Like Sami), but most of them will feel and remain still, like statues, that change expressions or show boobs once in a while. And so are the events around these characters, motionless. MC will touch a boob you'll get the description, MC puts his head into the melons of a girl, a black screen and a description, most scenes appear through text and the ones that are actually rendered will be very very static.
    The renders and lighting in general is kinda decent, sometimes average but rarely downright ugly.
    The few best scenes will just be conversations or unpredictable events but on the rest of the dialogues and descriptions, it falls short.

    In addition the writing, is smooth, no errors or hiccups, although not exceptional to justify the many text based scenes, I have no complains.

    Other curious additions that I will give credit, is the progress tab a the end of each loop.
    It will show you the achievements, the unlocked elements and even emails that you obtained after doing X thing.
    (Also it’s not a critique, but I don’t know where to put this, but the intro screen with all the love interests behind a light blue background looks terribly similar to the Weezer album, was it put on purpose? Who knows but now I can’t unsee it.)

    To conclude Cabin by the lake is a vn with some actual interesting and cool moments held back by his slouching gameplay and presentation that although lackluster gets costantly updated, in fact some of these flaws could or will be smoothed and fixed, making the game more enjoyable even to the eye, and this review will probably change, but as for now the game is in a poor state, which even if it encourages me to continue playing more, it also makes me wish it was a better experience.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is what I want more of on this site, incredibly realistic and likable characters with well written dialogue and totally boobtastic proportions. Most games go all in on realism, with realistic looking ladies, or all in on surrealism, with ridiculous proportions and ridiculous writing. This game takes the best bits from both camps imo!

    The only issue is this game leans on it's writing a little too much, with too many scenes describing what is happening rather than showing it. I appreciate the spicy descriptions of undulating tit flesh but some animations to go along with it would be nice. The game also lacks any sound during sexual scenes. Adding in either of these would improve how immersive the scenes are.

    The loop guide is also difficult to navigate, with massive trees of dialogue options that link to other trees with even more dialogue options, all with conditional variables with no guidance on how to get them. This problem will only get worse as the game expands so I think a second look at the UI might be in order.

    I'd like to be able to filter the loop guide, for example a toggle to remove all events that I don't have the proper corruption values to activate would reduce clutter a lot.

    Edit: Another issue is that some scenes require a lot of specific choices to make and are difficult to repeat in a timely fashion. There are also dialouges that you have to play through every time such as the meal events that take up the players time unnecessarily. If you are trying to complete the dialouge tree this can be extremely time consuming.

    One idea is to allow the player to repeat one scene at the end of each loop using the stats/variables as they are during the end of that loop, and perhaps this could upgrade to more uses as world corruption increases. This way you can make those hard to reach scenes require less grind to complete.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    [Version 0.17d]

    Played with and without incest patch and I recommend the incest patch as it tends to make more sense and better explains the relationships between characters and a lot of interactions in game.

    Fair warning, if you're thinking the game will have a lot of sexual content then prepare to be pretty disappointed. The game only has pretty explicit images and animations with one character in this version and it takes quite a while to get there unless you rush through the game and if that's all you care about then there are much better options elsewhere.
    If you don't care about that and are fine with more thigh and upward shots of girls with their massive breast hanging out and quite a bit of scenes described through just dialogue then I highly recommend it. The biggest highlight for me personally was the messages you receive both in and after the end of the loop when you fulfill certain conditions within each run as it felt like a good reward.

    The gameplay is easily the best thing about it though. The loops and trying to find things naturally can be a grind but is very entertaining if you like solving puzzles with help from ctrl to speed through things already seen. Balancing the stats and events to get the scenes you need is very fun but some of them are admittedly too confusing or precise if you're really trying to get everything, but it isn't necessary for the meat of the game. The corruption comes in terms of unlocking levels you select before the run which you can toggle to modify available scenarios with more corruption always giving access to more sexual content.

    The characters themselves are all very distinct both in their dynamics and quirkiness with some development for the characters in the run which usually unlocks the corruption options that modify the past before the reunion. That change makes the characters fairly different and more open in an interesting way though nothing is particularly deep and stays fairly lighthearted, for now at least.

    If an easily digestible sort of roguelite time loop visual novel interests you, then I highly recommend Cabin by the Lake.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the exaggerated body types, love the subtle humor woven into the narrative, love the surprisingly endearing relationships with some of the girls, and really fascinated by the slowly unfolding mystery underlying everything.
    Only real complaint is that the time loop mechanic does get grindy after a time, and some of the scenes are frustratingly elusive even with the guide.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.17
    I haven't gone through the whole game yet, but I was honestly surprised from it. I ignored it so long that I didn't realized it was a game where you were in a loop. With each loop you'll go through multiple choices in the game that'll unlock statuses for each person and help make other choices throughout the game. These statuses can change how the person will act in certain situations and unlock more choices.

    The only downsides I really have to this is I don't see a gallery for any animation I unlocked, there isn't much content for some characters, and I'm unsure how the jealously thing works for a certain character. It would also be awesome to have more statuses as well, but I'll wait to see how this game fairs in the future updates.