Ren'Py - Cabin by the Lake [v0.37a] [Nunu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.06d

    It has potential and I like the direction it's going. I like the models, I like the girls, and I like the mechanics. It could do with some more show and less tell when it comes to the sexy scenes, like instead of just being told the MC is kissing someone of groping them that it would show it as well but this is v0.06 so I'm cutting it some slack.

    For now it's a 3 out of 5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great visual novel style game, but with the twist that the past playthroughs affect the next playthrough. Similar to something like time loop hunter.

    It'll be challenging for the developer on the writing side to connect all the story bits especially as all the characters are developed. Since at some points there are more permeant changes to character behaviors between runs and in the run there are many flagged events.

    If they are able to pull off the interconnectedness and keep adding more content for all the characters this will end up being a great finished product.

    The in game event map was a smart move to include rather than relying on a separate walkthrough.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    You repeat the same weekend with a couple of girls, corrupting them in the process.

    I really like this corruption mechanic and that the loops are quick and fast. One of the best part is the inbuilt guide, keeping track of visited choices and also showing requirements for different choices.

    Unfortunately for now there is only one character that has more than a few scenes and makes use of this mechanic.

    I am looking forward to next versions.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great after your first playthrough, the first run is confusing because the game plays different than your usual sandbox games. After unlocking the first corruption point you will get a hang of this - just use the scenes guide in game, it helps a lot.

    Art, characters and their personalities are great, just like their breasts.
    If you are not a fan of big breast you shouldn't even be here after looking at the cover.

    The only bad aspect of the game is the current amount of content, there is one (almost) fully fleshed out character and two somewhere in the middle while others have just a bit, not enough yet.
    Tthe content with Alex is great though so the game is enjoyable even this early and with how frequent the updates are and how far it has progressed in just a few months, there is no reason to be unsatisfied.

    Overall 5/5, just need more.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Girls/Women faces looks attaractive.
    + We have animations.

    Bad Points
    - Its lack of images for certain scenes, there is a lot of text but literaly zero facial feature change to show what happends in those scenes. You are literaly seeing same renders DEV paste same backgrounds as a png file. For example MC ask one girl ''Can i touch your tits?'' she says ''yes'' you saw text ''Oh its to soft.'' etc but literaly zero thing changes in that scene, where is picture im touching her tits?!
    - We have animations for sex scenes but they look pretty bad...
    - This game developing since 2021 and let me tell you someting: we have very little content and its more like maximum 3-4 month worth content, heck i have even seen some demo's with more content than this. I'm talking about content BTW, not ''texts''
    - Loop idea is good but execution of in this game is poorly made.

    For The End
    Well what can i say? Loop thing is classic good thing but execution is poorly made, having lack of images doesn't makes any sense and literaly cuts whole content and just gives you text and with other negative points makes this game terrible. I think its have potencial to became 3 star game or someting but without remaking whole game i dont think its possible.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, you can see it more like a visual novel, at the beginning it could get hard to think in ways to unlock the scenes but you realize it after a pair of loops, plus is less than 200Mb .
    For developer: Pls add scenes for the blondes
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge Boobas, time travel and general debauchery, whats not to love.
    Novel concept of a groundhogs day cycle with gradually changing world that can be infinitely built upon, however i do worry about the somewhat limited amount of 'scenes/interactions' you get through a cycle, especially with the mandatory repeated scenes.
    I am extremely positive and hopeful tho, as the initial release had a bunch of content, and general annoyances are already being addressed with new systems and mechanics in place to help navigate the cycle flowchart.
    The models are also strike a good balance for me as they are exaggerated but not so much to be unrecognizably human. I do also just like cartoony huge boobs.
    A possible idea is some sort of scene repeat/replay option for when you are trying to 100% your chart and you want to get all the obviously bad answers lol
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.03e

    I just wanted to try this game out because of the ridiculous size of the women's jugs. There are games with a variety of jug's sizes, there are games with rather small jugs aso. THIS game features the XXXXXL version and therefore the biggest jugs I have seen in any game for some time. Completely off the charts, with women who at least have minimal alterations of their generic faces.

    The main reason why I gave this game only 2 stars is the fact, that it LURES you with big jugs and even raises your expectations ingame by announcing some "quality time" with the ladies, but FAILS completely by actually NOT showing the scene!!!

    You see some static pics of unclothed jugs, then the text goes like "I'm gonna bury my face into these melons", and then... black out. No scene at all. No loop, no animation. It feels like the MOST important part of the game is still missing.

    I'm still not sure whether to laugh hard or cry even harder because of the bold "fraud" of the developer.

    What a failure > 2/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely excellent game that's a top-notch match for my kinks and my preferred game style!

    I love the time loop concept, I spend a ton of time rewinding to try different routes in this sort of game anyways, so being able to progress while doing that is straight up incredible. The interactive trackers that show you how each scene can play out differently add a ton to that, too, and I look forward to all the scenes receiving one.

    The main girl (Alex) being all about her own boobs is super hot, and I love how she sorta lets you use her without actually wanting anything to do with you. Her kinks are straight up incredible, too. I'm not that into the twins' kinks, but my girlfriend likes marking, so I'm trying to like it for her sake anyways, so even that's a plus.

    I can't wait for more progression and more characters to have some content. The girl on the farm is particularly exciting for me.

    Anyways, loved this game so much I signed up as a patreon immediately after finishing it! Well done, Nunu!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Huge Titties? Points for that.
    Kind of a grindy feel that damn near needs a clean walkthrough? Points off for that.
    Jugs this big am I hoping for some lactation content? You bet.
    It's not good, it's not bad, if you like big boobs it's your niche, if you like clean fun game play meh, could be better so... 3 stars for now, being optimistic a WT eventually comes out and the big boobies stay and become more plentiful.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is okay but the story line is stunted with no hint of a goal. The MC asks to touch titties but there is no titty touching graphically. The dev lost me when the story started over with no warning. I am not a fan of overly large boobs but regardless of their size they add nothing to the story. It's like Echoes of Lust without anything between the book covers.

    I'm thinking the dev created the models but didn't have a story for them so he (or she) threw a bunch of words and scenery into a pile of code, added the models, gave it a title and uploaded it. It gets one star for the girls and one star for the effort.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: This is both the most and least deserving 1 star I'm probably ever going to give.

    I cannot recommend staying away from this game more. The process of playing is quite annoying. You can just endlessly flail hoping to accidentally hit new stuff by chance, or you can constantly be checking the poorly integrated guide and still spend hours getting not-quite-nowhere. To add salt to the wound, the payoffs are little more than short teases.

    The scenes often have great ideas behind them, and come with pretty good writing to boot. But by the time they sell you on the concept, you've seen the handful of renders and are sent back to grinding.

    The reason I'm giving this a 1 is as a warning. To the right person at the right time, you can get drawn back in to this fucking mire.

    "Surely, this time, I'll just use the guide a little better and breeze through the rest of it. Surely, this time, at least one of those cool-sounding scenes will be worth it."

    But you can't, and they won't. But you'll rediscover this massive disappointment after burning way, way too much time on it. Again.

    Just don't start. At least those other 1 star games will only waste a few minutes if you feel like confirming their shittiness. But this time, just trust me. Don't risk it. Don't get stuck hoping this game will ever be worth playing.


    It's kind of strange mixed bag.

    If you're going to try it, enable transition skipping. It's miserable otherwise.

    The graphics also look... pretty nice, but they're also simultaneously too simple. There are barely any different poses, and you usually just see the same model in the same position all the time. Occasionally they might change clothes though, I guess.

    The writing is actually surprisingly good for a game like this. You get some seriously good and very real-feeling discussions. It's really nice.

    Yet... Three stars is being kinda nice. The whole cut-rate groundhog day thing (seriously, the MC isn't even aware of it) is just miserable. It starts... okayish. Then it just gets unbearable. Even spamming the skip hotkey, it's just... no. It's not fun doing the same stupid shit over and over and yeah. Even the hints you do get aren't enough. Not because they're so bad, but because so often there's just nothing new to do even if you obsessively checked the hints.

    So, yeah. It's just contradictions all around. A game with fairly nice models that ends up mediocre graphically, and a game with some extremely good writing that's simultaneously got no notable story and is just full of boring repetition.

    It's a weird one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    High hopes for this game: mega tits is a fetish that doesn't get many games, and fewer that really do it well; uasually its a side note of one character, or inextricably combined with other fetishes, whether you like that or not.
    The art is Excellent: huge tits are usually an afterthought, or don't the work & refinement of other forms.
    The progression (so far) is a nice middle ground where you progress thru every scene by re-enacting the same period over & over, which is different & a nice balance of complex choices for personalities, but also simple, straightforward & quick progression.
    The game progression also gives an easy sandbox freedom to choose what content you view, which is deeply appreciated & unfortunately unusual given the wide array of fetishes most games provide for -tho alternate text sections w a toggle for turning off applicable fetishes is always appreciated.
    i have great hopes for this game, & hope it gets completed - far too many of the very few games for this fetish fail early.

    Now if the "titty Norm" brigade would go back to the hundreds of other games that cater to their preferences, or target any number of outright amoral or criminal fetishes that proliferate without argument here, that would be nice.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Bobby Boucher™

    Another game ruined by being a sandbox. The women are hot but the constant loop is draining for me. In the case the game needs to be a sandbox because there’s no a lot of things to do. It’s an infinite loop of doing the same things over again only to see little progress made. I can’t fathom why this style of play is fun and exciting.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 139786

    Holy shit, this game is amazing. I was skeptical about the time loop mechanic at first, but after playing through a few loops, I found that it works surprisingly well, and there is new content almost every time. The writing is very good, despite a few typos, and the characterizations are strong. Alex is a very sweet character who does the breast expansion fetish very well (to say nothing of the monster!), and I've never seen a predator/prey sex relationship in a game outside of paranormal romance novels, much less figured out why people like them, but the writing in this game makes it clear what is going on in the prey's mind, which I found sexy and educational (even if that character doesn't have a ton of content yet).

    Here's hoping for more content, pregnancy, maybe lactation?, larger boobs, and more sweet corruption into cum hungry sluts.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic new game, tons of potential with "time-loop" style mechanic, especially since a more contained game is a stronger one. It can combine multiple threads with the experience of slow burn, while also being easier on development so updates are more efficient. I'm surprised it hasn't been done more!

    Really looking forward to new releases, I haven't been taken with a game this quick in a while!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This hits a lot of what I like in various games I've played here; harem, corruption, and huge knockers are big ones I'm always excited to see. Really enjoy the pacing, the writing is solid, and I like that reactions feel logical for what you're doing vs where the character's headspace is at.

    The repeating world state is unique from what I've played as well, really curious to see how far everything gets pushed. I can already tell this will be one of the three games I look forward to the most for updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This one's got some promise, I think. The models will definitely not be to everyone's liking, but hell, nothing is. The game seems to work a bit like a time loop, where the decisions you make each time gradually increase the "corruption" of the girls and the world in general, allowing you to get farther with them the next time around. The biggest issues with this are knowing what to do in what order and remembering what you did last time. It's not always clear what will give you a result without the walkthrough, and that really takes some time to decipher. You will probably be skipping a LOT of repeat dialogue. An in-game hint system would be really, really appreciated.

    I will say, however, that what really makes this game for me is Alex, the character with the most development so far. I'm kind of in love with her. She was written with this overwhelming sense of affection and her interactions are full of cuddling and smothering tits and this strangely comfortable intimacy that is really appealing to me. She's sticking in my brain right now and I want MORE.
    So yeah, I'm interested to see where this game goes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    From the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that this one will be big if they add animations! The models are great already, now the game just needs content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    V0.01a. Super strong potential for the game with models that are more competent than those in the majority of its peers, provided the body shapes are to one's personal taste (they definitely are to mine). I really like the time loop premise that gives it a majora's mask-but-lewd-VN feel. Dev seems to have good ideas and plans on how to move forward with development.