Ren'Py - Cabin by the Lake [v0.37a] [Nunu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    only thing its missing to get 5 stars is a replay gallery to see what animated scenes you missed. beyond that the game is great. Breast expansion done right, good story and good flow. Could use more animations but I am sure with time that will happen. Game is worth a play for sure.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A game focused around the titular "Cabin by the Lake" where you meet your relatives for a reunion for a weekend...only to end up caught in some kind of timeloop.

    It starts a bit slow at first, and might take some trial and error, but slowly but surely you learn how to corrupt others at the reunion causing each "loop" to become a little lewder with more sex acts/fetishes being introduced.

    The focus is also, in case you haven't noticed from the front page, on big boobs, huge gazongas...just gigantic bahonkaradoos. So if that isn't your thing, probably best to stay away.

    Overall, I'd advice people to get into this game late. As it will give you plenty of times to experiment with each new loop. Because trying to focus on finding new content from update to update when you've already found everything else can sometimes feel a bit...lacking. Even though I know the developer is doing their best and it is unfair to expect a ton of new content with each new update.

    Though with that said, it's always a joy to seeing this updated and I look forward to finding out the mystery of the loop...after fully corrupting everyone at the cabin, of course. :devilish:
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Innovative mechanics, good writing... Overall this one was a surprise. It's not the usual visual novel, this is actually something that resembles a proper game. Excited for what comes next! I may be biased though. Because I like big boobs.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge tits attached to sweet girls, what's not to love? The guide is challenging, but straightforward to follow. The time loop mechanic makes every playthrough enjoyable as you look for how things have changed THIS time. The developer is present and updates regularly.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I had been avoiding this game because I'm not that huge on breast fetishism, but after casually deciding to try it out, I learned how bad I had been missing out.
    The games core concept is playing through the same weekend with unlocked changes again and again. Now, that might sound horrid, and I think it would be if you were fumbling in darkness, but there's a handy, albeit slightly buggy in-game guide to help you (I only ever got stuck on 1 or 2 details).
    In addition, you have hints as to what you are missing and you can see the times at where you could possibly achieve it, which manages to narrow down the search to bearable levels while still feeling like you are achieving something.
    My only minor gripes is that I wish we had some sort of hint for the rewards rather than forcing me to brute-force every conversation tree containing the character and that the in-game guide would default back to where you left it, rather than your current time in the story.
    The story is very enjoyable, it gives you a nice feeling of manipulating the characters, and while I'm not huge on boob fetishes, it's not like I dislike them and they take up (only) about 50-60% xD
    There are a few parts that seemed outside my preference but they were easily avoided.
    All in all a great time-sink, with many different personalities to enjoy (unforunately not body types), but I look forward to future installments with great expectations
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the branching game system, the aesthetics of the game and how it looks all the models of the girls, plus it shows a lot of commitment to the game, especially Alex!
    PS: I would put some more animation in relation to touching the chest of the characters or things like that.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    great idea terrible execution. I would like to give constractive critisisim but this is beyond repair. Looping again and again is really distracting from the story even with the most patient people, even with cheats. I played it for pregnancy content but im no way near it and i honestly cant keep going anymore, my head hurts.
    Still love what you are trying to achieve mr dev, more power to you.
    I hope you find a solution to please everyone and get high rating on your game you really deserve it ,cuz i can see this game is made with love.
    Even if i used cheats after 6hours of play time and still havent gotten what i wished for, i enjoyed my time.
    Im not even into gigantic tits but still liked all the availible characters. They are unique and lovely.
    I will rewisit this once its completed. And Try to run fresh start with no guides and cheats, if i can get a satisfying end withouth losing my last few braincells this review will be 5 stars. Good luck.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give this game a better rating because of the gigantic breasts, but the looping system made me feel like I was having a stroke. I don't know why a game about giant tits has to be this complicated . It's a shame because the girls look incredible and there's loads of marvelous big breast content hidden in this game behind this convoluted looping dialogue puzzle system. Even with you turn on the dialogue map & hints, you're still not exactly sure what you're doing. For example, no matter how many times Alex fucked or sucked me, she won't swallow the cum.

    The characters and plot would fit better in a Visual Novel. Apart from their boobs, each girl seems to have an interesting background that could be fleshed out in a story. I understand writing and coding a visual novel will take more time and energy, but please find a way to make this game feel like you're not just aimlessly fielding through a maze of the same dialogue options over and over again.

    You have to give credit where credit is due. The developer has produced a lot of content for this game and it is frequently updated. Other devs just sit back and rake in the patreon dough with one or two updates per year. This game released in October 2021 and there's already lots of sexy scenes.

    Maybe I am a moron, and this looping system is clearer to everyone else. And no, you shouldn't make it so easy that it's basically a tit slideshow. But there needs to be a more simple way to navigate through this game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Unless oversized boobs are a turn off for you, I'd suggest playing the game at least for 2 playthroughs to see what you're getting into. Surprisingly deep.

    So; believe it or not, from the first image I was under the impression this was a game revolving around boobs. 5 hours later and I'm knee deep in a time loop trying to get my cousin to have more confidence in herself. That said, boobs still are very important in this game, so fret not.

    The time loop aspect is very interesting and very well done, surprisingly. For a game that is still being updated, it also works surprisingly well since even in its current state you can complete multiple playthroughs and progress. It also feeds into my own personal excitement of hitting skip and then noticing the text stops in an event you've seen a couple times because now there's something new to it.

    In the current build, you probably won't see too many in-depth event trees revolving around the parents of the cabin but for the characters already with content you'll be surprised just how far the rabbit hole goes.

    For additions, I hope after all characters are fleshed out they look to potentially add a day that acts as sort of an 'ending' to a character, as well as add additional cgs to existing events. Based off the currently most developed character (Alex), if all characters of this game can just reach that as a standard I think this game could be an amazing cache of content.

    Sorry if the review seems all over the place, just got done with a six hour stint of playing this game non-stop when I just wanted to see tits.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great bones with a good gameplay loop, but it is missing content. This game has the possibility to become one of the best lewd games I have ever played, even though balloon tits aren't my taste. Also it would be nice if the characters would have more expression, currently they look quite stiff.
    Try the game out currently there is already a few hours of gameplay to discover.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    2023-12-15: I've updated my review from poor to good. I do this because in part the game has become slightly less convoluted. It still IS convoluted and this would garner the game a 3 star if not for the following two points:

    1. The author is good at interacting with his patreon community and has kept a consistently good schedule. I've been an on and off patreon in support of this.

    2. Even though the game has a focus on massive mammaries there's a lot of variation between girls.

    The art style is not for everyone, but it works for me and it taps into two specific fetishes of incest and boobs.

    The gameplay loop could be a lot better, but it's manageable.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story with a tight gameplay loop and a fantastic in-game guide to help you get to new scenes. If you're not the type to immediately click away on seeing the banner, give it a try! Only errors I've had are with content that's very new at the time of this post(.10d).
    Likes: Tebix
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    (A review based on version 0.09.) I look forward to updates of this game. I came for the giant boobs and the promise of eventual pregnant content, but I also like the writing and characterization. I'm also a fan of the unusual loop mechanic: normally I'd feel compelled to save at every decision in case I make a mistake/want to see other possible results, but here I can experiment with choices without worrying that I'm foreclosing one path or another.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    (Patch 0.08d)
    Big tits and narrative (and gameplay) with slow corruption.

    It's got potential for greatness. Just need to make the world truly feel more porny the more corruption there is , like changing the world itself , not just the character behaviors.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through all the current content of v0.09d and overall really liked the way this game is both established and the mechanics involved. Maybe not perfect, but I don't see any reason why this game won't continue to be a very enjoyable experience for people who don't mind reading and a slower burn. There is going to be a lot of pressure on the dev to balance new content with keeping things manageable without endless replays, I hope they have a good plan in place for it.

    - The looping of a single weekend idea works really well here specifically because the Corruption system essentially re-writes the characters' histories so every new rank brings them into the weekend at a new baseline. It makes sense why there can be large changes in how events play out based on what the "status quo" moving into the weekend is.
    - Alex C0-C3 is pretty damned well written. I like how her struggle of both liking and hating her body is presented, she's so brash because she needs to be constantly validated that you aren't like everyone else in how you view her body and treat her. Also makes sense why it becomes important for her to both be able to safely experiment but also keep strict rules of engagement to protect her closest relationship.
    - The other characters have some very interesting C0-C1s currently, most of them show a lot of promise to have some large variety moving forwards with how each character develops and what their scenes and fetishes will be like.
    - I like the precedent set by a lot of smaller interactions or decisions having small but noticeable effects later in the weekend. (ex. Alex seeing cum on Lina or lipstick on your dick from Lin and having something to say about it) Makes individual runs a lot more interesting when little differences and asides can be peppered in here and there to shake things up on top of the larger changes of full Corruption levels.
    - Far more personal taste point here, but as someone who gets off on girls getting drenched in cum, the number of times the MC's prodigious loads are commented or focused on was great.

    - This game is definitely grindy already and there's really only one main character throughline present. A lot of work has clearly gone into making it a bit easier, but when Character Corruption levels trigger on specific interactions that can be easily missed or require the whole weekend of particular setup with little variance, I can see this game getting crowded with too much content in too short an in-game timeframe that requires way too many replays to chug through.
    - Alex's C4 felt very out of sync with her previous corruption levels. While the given explanation of "early sexual experience she's eager to explore" does explain C4 Alex's actions, it feels extremely out of character for the Alex of C0-C3, who at the end of C3 nearly has a breakdown about the sexual acts she's already performing. I'd personally prefer C4 Alex to slow her damn roll a bit, but with the aforementioned timeframe of the game pushing things forward I get it's a hard balance to hit.
    - Another personal taste point, but yeah the tits are a little overzealous. Not enough to ruin the experience for me but it's definitely flirting with disaster, especially with shades of Expansion fetish being present on top of it. For a game with characters a lot deeper than the usual EpicLust cast, seeing them with similar bodies is a little jarring.

    Overall the pros outweigh the cons for me, and unlike a fair few other reviews I see here the game being more dialogue and text focused over renders and animations isn't off putting to me. My main recommendation would be to find a way to resolve the extremely condensed timeframe of the game, even just to allow more than one character's main Corruption to be developed without having to worry about missing a single love point somewhere. Off the top of my head using existing mechanics, have the Sunday night dinner be a check of the overall mood against Clara's concern. If mood is higher, everyone decides to stay for an extra day or two maybe? Could give some more room to spread events out a bit and let players spend a bit more time progressing multiple characters at once? Just a thought. Overall this game is quite good and I hope it will remain so as more content is added!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, looking forward to seeing how it continues, love the branching path structures and replayability. Would love to see some animations added in for scenes. Can't wait to see how some of the other characters paths play out.
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    Crimson Fire

    This game is goes out of its way to be repetitive and boring.

    It has a very slow progression rate with you not only needing to corrupt individuals but you need to increase "world corruption" as well to open up scenes. You have to repeat the same dialogue and scenes over and over again to progress and to top it all off you are repeating the SAME fucking 2 1/2 days over and over again.

    The progression is the same infantile handjob to blowjob to titjob, This isn't how adult people have sex. once adults choose to be sexual they don't parse out stages of sex. They bloody well have sex.

    I can't understand why the developer thought this grind fest was engaging and fun. What is the point of choice when your choice not only don't matter but you are required to make the multiple different choice to the same event to progress? Choices aren't choices they are just stepping stones to unlock X so eventually you can get Y.

    The payout is craptastic in the game the amount of time vs fap material is not worth the effort. The game has cheats but even those cheat don't mitigate the grind much at all because you still have to go through the game over and over again in this bloody loop to get access to the content.

    Look if you like unrealistic boobs and pointless grind then maybe this game will do something for you but I simply got bored after a couple of hours and said fuck this it isn't worth the effort.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Looping the same weekend over and over again, corrupting the ladies more and more with each loop, is an incredibly interesting concept, and I must say it was executed incredibly. I nearly unlocked every single interaction in a single sitting (which took me around four, five hours?). Slowly but surely corrupting Alex was a blast, and each time I unlocked a milestone, it actually felt like something changed with her (like her glomping the MC when her corruption was maxed in 0.08). I know the patreons want more Haily, but I really want Alex to completely fall. So far, she's my favorite by a mile. Long story short I love the humongous breasts and the corruption of the ladies. Keep up the great work!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great potential. The creator takes feedback and makes awesome improvements. The scenes and scenarios are interesting and I'm excited to see what will come next from this Time Loop concept. Ever evolving and just full of breasts! :)
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy crap was i bored the first 5 minutes.

    Almost nothing happens as i just watch a bunch of text pop into my face. Models/figures dont do anythign other than just stand still. I feel no engagement whatsoever.

    There does not seem to be any gameplay at all.

    Models of the characters are fine. No issue there. But some animation or more poses than just a still figure.

    I opened up teh game just to see a bunch of boring text, no action happened or anything at all happened.