Hi, I'm really curious about what you think of the game now. Your feedback last time was very useful, thanks!
Over all the models are nice. The mystery is set up (a bit on the heavy side, but still there, personally I would rather the whisper lady start coming in later as a slow sanity/revenge break, rather than straight off the bat, you would have to hide the car portion though so probably a moot idea). Character introduction is happening.
Sound would be nice for door creaks and the like.
Main cleanups are the UI and the Text.
Menu Screens, if you move your mouse up and down fast, the white box outline becomes large, and then you get flashing when it moves off it. Might be easier to just remove the white box on hover, and add an icon on the far right of the box. This goes from intro menu, load and save menu, choosing to do the intro. It's bad.
Feb. 26 (instead of an arbitrary date, maybe just read the system clock to get today's date)
Intro seems totally different, I think I remember it was driving first, and then a rpgm like movement system?
Intro some grammar/language needs cleaning up.
Smoke coming from a distance : smoke in the distance.
she gone again : she's
Door going creek : creak
I saw a bunch of them, missing capitalization, saying "here" instead of there, etc.
Your stats screen is a bit large, might want to shrink it from taking up so much room. Also it is Persuasion.
The watch in the top left, using a stopwatch icon is okay, but the intro has a watch in it. So why not an old fashion type icon like it is?
The knock button oddly doesn't have a hover over change. Also if you hold left click and drag it will scroll, it will go back to the middle, just is kind of funny a button moving.
if you go to the save/load menu and click a game, it loads it. Might want to make save/load a bit more separate so people don't accidentally undue all their progress.
Being able to fast forward through already read dialogue would be nice.
Button to hide Text box UI so you can look around.
If you are inside the house and click the ???
When MC is talking it would be nice to know what is actual voiced lines and what are thoughts and what is just narration
The conversations between Anna and MC when she is patching him up seems a bit forced.
MC mentions it was that dream again, but for what we know he hasn't been sleeping for however long he has been roaming.
Inability to save over older saves
Anna as 160lbs? I doubt it. Maybe 130ish
No hover over Michael face thing
No save delete
when you talk to Anna in the kitchen and she says there are 6 people, she mentions Michael/Susan/ and her but says there are 3 others who just arrived, but MC is staying in Charlie's room who couldn't have just arrived in the morning otherwise it wouldn't be his room.
Guessing game ends when you are supposed to go outside?
If you took the shotgun the MC doesn't seem to have it when Anna first shows up.
The change of scene when you tell Michael you are ready to be examined is odd.
The "will remember" text is kind of over the image and an off color, maybe have it come in from the side of the screen instead.
The stats/menu and watch being not "olden" like the inventory icon is a bit odd choice.
Clicking any ??? shows you an inside house door, even if you have yet to enter the house.