To get what proces you need to open task manager of your firefox, there you have all tabs and what process id they have, go to calculator, convert dec id to hex id and now you know what process in cheat engine open.i open the html file with firefox not the start.bat.
open cheat engine, open process, choose firefox (if there are more than 1 process, you have to try them all. but i think its always the last one)
change the value type to double
start searching for money, stats, day, actions, toys (when in match up game), score (when in match up game)
i open the html file with firefox not the start.bat.
open cheat engine, open process, choose firefox (if there are more than 1 process, you have to try them all. but i think its always the last one)
change the value type to double
start searching for money, stats, day, actions, toys (when in match up game), score (when in match up game)[/
Don´t need try to guess on google chrome. Open the game on chrome use shift+esc and check the id number procces, use the caculator to convert decimal to hexadecimal and localize the process on cheat engine. All value type are double.To get what proces you need to open task manager of your firefox, there you have all tabs and what process id they have, go to calculator, convert dec id to hex id and now you know what process in cheat engine open.
How do i find those values? I'm not that familiar with cheatengine..
you Guys talk of cheat engine but not where to get it so just Bull shit from you