
Active Member
Jan 28, 2022
If the Creator is listening I have some suggestions(these don't go in any order)
1. A lovense system, to connect whatever you're using to the scenes of the game to match rhythm and motion of the scene.
2. Encampment Bosses that provide a better challenge and loot with unique loot.
3. Capture events that happen if you’ve been beaten in an encampment like being sold as a slave, kept in the camp and kept as a breeder, relies on a collar that makes you weaker once removed you can escape.
4. Slave capture, knock out an enemy and transport them to your camp and reduce their willpower to send them on expeditions to gather resources and money. Willpower affects the likelihood of escape and the efficiency of gathering.
5. Boss capture, Capture a boss after beating them and enslave them, break down their willpower and assign them to the only thing they know and profit from it.
6.Enhanced pregnancy, A wait period before you know your pregnant builds on suspense and wonder, So instead of it being you know right after the scene it's more like” I wonder if I'll get pregnant?” with High fertility it's more like “Gods I know I'll get pregnant from this!” also an internal view that plays
7. Motherly instinct, After your child is born you can visit them in the nursery and play with them, interact with them just be there buy them toys to play with. Maybe even nurse them like a mother would.
8. Jobs, Making money besides looting by working at a bar serving drinks watch out for drunk patrons, working at the nursery some males are looking for a hot thing to breed like you, Take a job at the ranch managing the centaurs and keep an eye out for the feisty ones.
9.Round 2, After a scene continue on for longer, you can go however long depending on you carnal instinct level going longer grants more XP
10. Free cam and POV, get a better angle on the action or enjoy looking into the eyes of your lover.
I concur with many of these suggestions. As Carnal Instinct is supposed to be a kind of "sexy Skyrim", remember that actual Skyrim exists with Lovers Lab sex mods that get extremely elaborate and do things like this. It's not quite so easy making everything in UE5 as it is letting the nth version of Gamebryo practically automate away much of the pain, but it's worthwhile in the name of fun.

I'll respond to select points that are noteworthy.
To (3): It's a mechanic that can get strongly hardcore and glitchy depending on how it's implemented but the concept is fun. This implementation typically struggles with disallowing the player from unequipping the bondage gear and correctly managing the enslavement status. The game has a cap on save files which generates issues when systems like this break because the player would need to roll back to an earlier save unless a smart debug tool is available. I say the developer should fix their state management bugs right now -- as I mentioned earlier, the mismanaged pregnancy state effects are a sign of a lack of handling for states and stat changes.

To (6): This is a more stylistic change but doesn't sound so bad to implement and really adds a lot to the feel of the event. The game implementation is super lazy about it right now though -- when scenes abruptly end after a cumshot you just know the pregnancy chance procced a "successful pregnancy" even when your character is already pregnant. Typical early dev jank.

To (7): Ohhh boy. It's lovely so long as the player doesn't have enough babies to fill the entire province. That's the whole point to game mechanics like anonymous caregivers taking away your children -- they're built with expectation that the player will have way too many kids. It can be done by keeping an array of X recent children on file and talking to the stork to visit a random entry of the array. Not sure if they'll be removed from the array over time or if theoretically a game save with the last pregnancy being game-years away will always spawn a permanently frozen-aged child. There's jank around this kind of stuff.

To (8): It may as well be ready considering the taberna seems to lack a server. Note that a lot of these features are female-player oriented. I think it'd be funny to see a lounge-lizard cougar kind of woman prey on a male player character. The UE4 version had a few events (noted on the game's wiki) but it was always transactional instead of risky, like alternative ways to pay off crime bounty.

To (9): Carnal Instinct stat feels underutilized since it maxes quickly so this is a decent idea. On a relevant stats note, later weapons should have higher crit chance boosts because the Fate stat's crit boosts are weak to the point of useless and the Fate stat overlaps with Carnal Instinct stat too much since they both boost fertility and virility. Alternatively nerf crit multipliers and give Fate stat better crit chance boosts.

Related to crit stat efficacy, it's smart that the developers have blunt hammer weapons specialize in crit by having better crit chance and multiplier since their moveset is slower and more narrowly aimed. Though from what I've seen, the difference is still too minor to justify using blunt weapons. The developers seem afraid to give players too much crit chance, and what I've seen from various games over time is that crit mults shouldn't start at 2.0x because it's too high to easily balance crit chance availability around. The base mult should be closer to 1.5x, which lets the weapon stats have more variety and control balance better.

Heavy melee weapons are very interestingly balanced from the two-handed sword I got to use. Because melee damage is additively boosted by strength the weapon can't just focus on damage output because damage is arbitrary from this additive. So heavy weapons typically have movesets with longer reach and wider sweeps, which is smart. Although the 20% movement speed reduction from having a heavy melee weapon out seems too cruel, it's compensated by the fact that a shield worn on the player's back contributes its block stats when the player blocks with the melee weapon as if they blocked with their shield instead. It's a highly effective gameplay solution. The blunt version of this would probably have high crit chance and multiplier but a narrow and short aimed moveset.
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New Member
Aug 7, 2017
how to fix inverted camera on gamepad in UE5 version of this game... its frustrating.. help somebody


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
any news on patroneon?
If you click the Patreon link in the first post of this thread, it's very easy to see that the latest post is a month ago, because Patreon shows a preview of all posts you don't have access to as a form of teaser to get people to subscribe. That isn't specific to carnal instinct, it's just a basic part of how Patreon functions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
This isn't news, per se, but they just did a global ping on the discord to solicit ideas for sex acts to include in a more general rollout of content:
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Edit: Apologies for the accidental notification, I keep forgetting this forum makes use of @ user formatting when I copy out of discord.

Edit 2: It is worth noting that their discord is publicly accessible and the second channel mentioned in that message is available to all users in the server. Anyone here can join in on that suggestion-fest. Just keep in mind that mentioning F95 or similar sites can and will get you banned from their Discord.
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Jun 13, 2018
Does this game have any futa NPC on male PC?
IIRC from the wiki and guides, most scenes that have PC as sub getting penetrated want female, there's a lizard guy who will only top male PCs, and i think the only futa NPCs that will top either male or female PC are those cheetah sisters.
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Jan 21, 2021
Player pregnancy currently exists in the UE5 build, though there's a bug that leaves the pregnancy debuff on the player permanently.
Oh great... another game that switches to UE5 mid development, new builds with bugs and let me guess, UE5 build is completely different, is missing tons of features, scenes, quests and runs worse than UE4 build?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Oh great... another game that switches to UE5 mid development, new builds with bugs and let me guess, UE5 build is completely different, is missing tons of features, scenes, quests and runs worse than UE4 build?
Going into an off-topic argument about UE5 is just begging for another swath of posts to vanish. Here's the short list and then you'll get nothing more from me on the UE5/UE4 thing:
  • The devs spent a year working on the UE5 build before releasing the first version, just like they did with the original UE4 builds.
  • Similar to the above, the UE5 build currently features about the same amount of content as the early UE4 builds, though it has far more in the way of mechanical features than the early UE4 builds had.
  • Team Carnal was very public about the UE5 build and the switch for the whole time it was a work in progress. The first announcement for it happened a year before we got it, back in July or so of 2022.
  • The developers opted to switch to UE5 for a variety of reasons, including UE5's development pipeline working better with their workflow and UE4 no longer receiving official support.
  • There are multiple features in UE5 that never existed in UE4, including vehicles, mounts, and pregnancy.
  • Every new build of this game has had a significant number of bugs, because team carnal isn't exactly the best about code logic and finding edge cases. That is true of both UE4 and UE5.
  • The UE4 build's features and mechanics were by and large a demo/testing area where you could just find and use things. In UE5, much of the game's content is actually earned by doing things ingame. This includes things that were previously accessible from the start, like the transformation system.
  • Currently the UE5 build has more explorable map than UE4 ever did, but it has fewer quests and very little in the way of sex scenes. The developers are in the process of fixing the latter by rolling out their dynamic sex system, but the current build does not have that yet.
  • The region and NPCs from the UE4 build are things the devs plan to bring back, but that area was evidently intended to be accessible mid-game and so we're currently locked to an entirely different portion of the map at the moment.

Chef Lazarus

Jan 2, 2020
Question, in Act one for the unreal engine 5 version. How do you play as a male? I got to the character adjustment screen, but it won't let me click on male lol
After you Boss called Demigod or whatever u touch the shrine. see the foot icon where currently set as formless then u see two square one for formless and one for human, then switch the Gender on the bottom, i think there is only Human Male right now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020

Hi All,

We're currently working toward the release of the Kravenrook update, though that hides a lot of the precursor work going on behind the scenes.


We've had a lot of requests for an updated roadmap. Whilst we do have an internal one, we're now working on the visuals for a new patron-facing roadmap - giving you an idea of what to expect and in what order.

Unreal Engine 5.3

Because we just love updating the engine so very much, we made the move to 5.3.

All joking aside, it brought through some major improvements we couldn't miss out on (mainly visual/performance improvements).


Gameplay Overhaul

We felt that some of the gameplay was feeling a little flat so there are a whole host of new improvments that will ship with the Kravenrook update.

Minor elements such as immersive UI and damage numbers (toggle in menu) complement the new softlock system. We've also improved parrying and added dynamic camera effects to execution moves.

Animation/Mesh Upgrades

In preparation for DSS 2.0 we've upgraded our rig, enabling some better deformation out of the box. This new rig takes advantage of the new breast, butt, and tummy jiggle-bones. All of these bones are also enabled for dynamic jiggle effects in-game.

Additionally we're midway through the process of rebuilding the body morphs from the ground up. This cascades through to clothing and allows "underwear pulled to the side" during scenes, as well as many other essential improvements to our clothing system.

These improvements resolve the long-running issues with cocks not showing when clothing is equipped, and now full "packages" will be visible - bulging beneath any revealing clothing.

You can expect to see some more "dynamic" poses for scenes in future, including the one pictured below, and particular improvements to the scenes involving exotic NPCs (Naga/Centaur/etc).


Solo Play

Along with the Kravenrook update we're adding the first set of "solo play" options. These enable players to 'keep the curse at bay', even if they don't feel like getting down to business with a partner. For now other NPCs won't react, though this won't the the case for long (I'm sure Damaris will be thrilled if you make a mess on the Taberna floor...).

These can be triggered anywhere in the world from a new radial menu, for all body types and for male and female genital options. PSA: The world carries on around you, jerk it at your own risk.

Toys will arrive in a subsequent update, allowing additional solo play options.


Ambient 'Quickie' Scenes

To help flesh out the world - forgive the pun - we're in the process of implementing some flavour content that sits outside of DSS. This adult content can act as an introduction with some NPCs, but mainly it enables players to indulge in brief trysts. These "quickie" scenes will become available based on the players CI level, meaning that the greater your carnal knowledge, the more opportunities you find to use it.


Around 1/3 of Mehden Island and 1/4 of Heifers Reach has been redesigned based on player feedback. There's now an introductory NPC that helps guide the player through part of the initial area, as well as all the new POI (point-of-interest) content to make the zone much richer.


Exactly what the title suggests; we're in the process of integrating Lovense at the moment. It will drop along with DSS 2.0.

Patron Only 'Behind the Scenes'

The next patron-only post will delve into some of the new features questlines that are in-development, including The Gilded Fold (Slavers Questline), as well as a look at how the upcoming mechanics for capturing/selling NPCs for sale to the cabal (or in fact for your own purposes) will work.

Because of the "a bit of everything" nature of the groundwork at the moment, this post only covers a portion of what we've been cooking. We've used the increased time between updates to do an awful lot of housekeeping and cleaning up, fixing shedloads of minor development issues that could have become big problems over time.

Thank you for your support, and yes, we do intend "danger wank" to be an achievement eventually.

Team Carnal Instinct


Mar 4, 2021
Going into an off-topic argument about UE5 is just begging for another swath of posts to vanish. Here's the short list and then you'll get nothing more from me on the UE5/UE4 thing:
  • The devs spent a year working on the UE5 build before releasing the first version, just like they did with the original UE4 builds.
  • Similar to the above, the UE5 build currently features about the same amount of content as the early UE4 builds, though it has far more in the way of mechanical features than the early UE4 builds had.
  • Team Carnal was very public about the UE5 build and the switch for the whole time it was a work in progress. The first announcement for it happened a year before we got it, back in July or so of 2022.
  • The developers opted to switch to UE5 for a variety of reasons, including UE5's development pipeline working better with their workflow and UE4 no longer receiving official support.
  • There are multiple features in UE5 that never existed in UE4, including vehicles, mounts, and pregnancy.
  • Every new build of this game has had a significant number of bugs, because team carnal isn't exactly the best about code logic and finding edge cases. That is true of both UE4 and UE5.
  • The UE4 build's features and mechanics were by and large a demo/testing area where you could just find and use things. In UE5, much of the game's content is actually earned by doing things ingame. This includes things that were previously accessible from the start, like the transformation system.
  • Currently the UE5 build has more explorable map than UE4 ever did, but it has fewer quests and very little in the way of sex scenes. The developers are in the process of fixing the latter by rolling out their dynamic sex system, but the current build does not have that yet.
  • The region and NPCs from the UE4 build are things the devs plan to bring back, but that area was evidently intended to be accessible mid-game and so we're currently locked to an entirely different portion of the map at the moment.
the only thing im kinda bumbed about is that we arent getting a dss scene for the inquisitor. that was the only thing i really wanted out of ue4 before its last update. other then that i can be patient with unreal 5, a good portion of the map is done, most of what they're doing is just adding the content and fleshing everything out. do they plan on adding the characters from ue4 to ue5? id like to see a couple make a return.
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