
Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
hopefully enough people are smart enough to go for the first option
loosing out a little content in the short tame is marginal compared to the slowed development long term
Currently on Patreon nearly a thousand subscribers have voted (this is a "pick one" poll so that is definitely the number of people who have voted), and this is where it stands:


May 10, 2022
Sheesh, I've been following this game for a little while on the changelogs and I do hope it exits alpha and becomes a true complete game but on the other hand I'm worried this project will burnout like a lot of other smutgames do.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Sheesh, I've been following this game for a little while on the changelogs and I do hope it exits alpha and becomes a true complete game but on the other hand I'm worried this project will burnout like a lot of other smutgames do.
To exit alpha, they have to enter it first.

In all seriousness though, the devs quit their existing jobs to work on this game, so they do have a touch more motivation than is average.


Jun 3, 2018
hopefully enough people are smart enough to go for the first option
loosing out a little content in the short tame is marginal compared to the slowed development long term
Not to mention all the development in UE4 is gonna be thrown out the window at the end of the day anyway, so might as well get faster development while starting in new content
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Jun 11, 2020
After finally comign around to try the game out, I've got mixed feelings. On the ones side, it looks great - the graphics are amazing, models are detailed and sexy, the story and lore is actually fairly interesting. In general, the game looks great and is definitely the beginning of a really good, high quality product I would happily spend money on.
However I can't help but feel a little meh about a few gripes I have. Only one is major, the rest are sort of quality of life or personal preference things, and I completely understand that the game is still a work in progress, so I'm simply voicing what I'd like to see improved in the final product.

The big thing that detracts from my enjoyment of the game is that nearly all the erotic animations feel very stiff, and a lot of them have some model issues. The motions appear somewhat mechanical, the faces are static or change back and forth between two preset states in a very obvious manner. On top of that the penetration looks off nearly in every case, either clipping through something or in some cases the vagina is spread much wider and the penis appears to just hover. The penis also looks too stiff, as if stuck in a certain motion rather than reaction to the sexual act in view. It's a heavy disconect to the completely free-motion physics it has while in regular gameplay. All this makes the actual animations really take me out of any suspension of disbelief and leaving me unable to immerse myself in the moment, it's just too obvious that I'm looking at artificial dolls making pre-programmed motions instead of actual (virtual) bodies having sex.

The second biggest complaint I have is the combat feels a bit off. Maybe I was missing something, but there seems to be no dodge or avoid mechanic, which wouldn't be bad in itself, but the blocking mechanic feels too sluggish. Attack animations have a long windup and winddown, while enemies seem to be able to strike much quicker, right after recovering from a stagger for example. This leaves me with a feeling that I can't really block reactively, but I have to anticipate attacks, often waiting for the enemy to attack into my block so I feel safe going on the agression. But this doesn't bother me too much - between several healing sources and difficulty modes, even if the combat remains as is, it's not going to be the main appeal of the game for me, but I won't mind it too much either.

And to rapid-fire a few small gripes I have with the game:
I wish the forms menu remembered my choice to hide/reveal locked forms/genitals
I feel like at least a few basic things from the crafting system should be allowed to be created on the go by the player without the need of a specialized NPC
It'd be more natural if the shops had a set amount of currency at their disposal, or only accepted certain types of items. The fact that they have an apparently unlimited wealth and accept everything you want to sell but can only hold so many items feel a little arbitrary.
Being able to wait in place in order to pass the time without the need to go back to camp would be nice, as for example the void puzzle is a little hard to do in the dark, yet it's a bit of a trek to the nearest fast travel point. Typical 'enemies nearby' restrictions could apply to avoid abuse.
I think that balls being a toggle on the member itself rather than a separate choice would make more sense, or at least be more convenient seeing as you can't have small balls with a big member and vice versa anyway.


Jun 3, 2018

The second biggest complaint I have is the combat feels a bit off. Maybe I was missing something, but there seems to be no dodge or avoid mechanic, which wouldn't be bad in itself, but the blocking mechanic feels too sluggish. Attack animations have a long windup and winddown, while enemies seem to be able to strike much quicker, right after recovering from a stagger for example. This leaves me with a feeling that I can't really block reactively, but I have to anticipate attacks, often waiting for the enemy to attack into my block so I feel safe going on the agression. But this doesn't bother me too much - between several healing sources and difficulty modes, even if the combat remains as is, it's not going to be the main appeal of the game for me, but I won't mind it too much either.
There is dodge, I think it's mapped to middle mouse button by default, possibly with direction movement keys. The block is annoying to get right, as if not timed correctly with the enemy attack, it will just fail. I found that most of the time, dodging out of their attacts is much easier and gives more opportunity for counterattack, especially with slower enemies like the skeletons.
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Jul 22, 2017
I'm one of those who actually BUYS games that I find here that I like. I treat this site as a sort of "demo" service. Why? To support the games I like so that they're more likely to get made in the future. So, here's a review, from a customer who is hopeful that the game will get better. Very critical, but it's still pre-alpha so... that should be expected.

Review: Strong attempt, weak execution.

1. Contoller settings suck ass. - You can't even customize every button, and the start button is undeteced for use.

2. No pure human females. Human males? All over. Furry males? VERY rare, (I think only a quest or three) but there. Furry females? All over. Human females? Don't fucking exist. Ridiculous, considering the number of "slaves" supposedly being imported.

3. No reactions to your various forms. Guard still talks about a "person of your status" even after you become a full race instead of a halfling or human. No one is surprised at your void form. Terrible.

4. Drop rates are shit. Just do like Elder Scrolls, (which the game is OBVIOUSLY inspired by) and let us claim all the shit from everyone.

5. Menus are broken. Often if you open the map, you'll get stuck in a weird cycle where the menu screen won't go away but the game is still playing. You then have to save, restart the game, then load. Ridiculous.

6. Most items are not interactable. The few that are, you'd have no reason to think they were. This is bad for it's own reasons - unable to steal equipment from stores, or even pick up shit in the desert. But also terrible as for specific QUESTS you have to pick things up, and you'd not know to interact that way. Check a body for a key? Why, when you cannot check ANY OTHER BODIES IN THE ENTIRE GAME?

This shit is STUPID. Be CONSISTENT. Either we can interact with shit, or we can't. Fucking PICK one. If you aren't going to have bodies and items typically be interactable, then make some VISIBLE DISTINCTION for when they are. Otherwise it's moronic, and leaves us just checking everything and being disappointed 99% of the time. It makes no sense.

7. And this is the biggest issue: You're seem like you're trying to make a sex disguised as a game, instead of a game that contains sex. Focus on the GAME aspect more. The sex can wait. It needs to be EARNED to make the game fun. Otherwise it's just... google. A lot of the sex is too easy. Look at "Bid Brother" for example. So many cried and screamed about how it was a shit game that made "too much" money. You know why it made money? Because it made you WORK for the sex. Yes, the "work" was shit, boring grinding. Guess what? Sex wasn't just handed out on a platter. Delayed gratification is better than instant gratification.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
Drop rates are shit. Just do like Elder Scrolls, (which the game is OBVIOUSLY inspired by) and let us claim all the shit from everyone.
Most items are not interactable. The few that are, you'd have no reason to think they were. This is bad for it's own reasons - unable to steal equipment from stores, or even pick up shit in the desert. But also terrible as for specific QUESTS you have to pick things up, and you'd not know to interact that way. Check a body for a key? Why, when you cannot check ANY OTHER BODIES IN THE ENTIRE GAME?
I'd say the game is more like Dark Souls than Skyrim, at least in this regard. Drop rates are a valid complaint, but there isn't really any reason for every item in the world to be interactable, or for corpses to drop everything, besides personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I'd say the game is more like Dark Souls than Skyrim, at least in this regard. Drop rates are a valid complaint, but there isn't really any reason for every item in the world to be interactable, or for corpses to drop everything, besides personal preference.
Different enemies also drop different things, though there is common loot that most enemies will drop. You won't be getting beast claws or beast entrails from a bloodseeker, but you might get clothing and elixers. Conversely, you won't get clothing and consumables when you attack a beast of sobek (those are the big alligator enemies). Even in terms of clothing drops, there are things specific to particular enemies, such as the inquisitor's garb.


Mar 10, 2018
if anyone can give a download to the latest version 0.3.52 ill be happy
1. Only Steam Versions (Updated Quarterly, next update Late Sep/October)
2. Patreon builds are protected (Contains traceable data, requires sacrificing an account for every update).
3. Megalinks get taken down almost instantly so aren't worth maintaining.


May 6, 2017
7. And this is the biggest issue: You're seem like you're trying to make a sex disguised as a game, instead of a game that contains sex. Focus on the GAME aspect more. The sex can wait. It needs to be EARNED to make the game fun. Otherwise it's just... google. A lot of the sex is too easy. Look at "Bid Brother" for example. So many cried and screamed about how it was a shit game that made "too much" money. You know why it made money? Because it made you WORK for the sex. Yes, the "work" was shit, boring grinding. Guess what? Sex wasn't just handed out on a platter. Delayed gratification is better than instant gratification.
This is easily one of the worst takes that I've ever read on this site. Seriously, fuck that shit.


Engaged Member
Jun 22, 2019
This is easily one of the worst takes that I've ever read on this site. Seriously, fuck that shit.
FR. If a dev sets out to make a game, and the only gameplay they can think to add is "shit, boring grinding", then they probably shouldn't be making a game in the first place (or at least make a VN instead).

Now if only more RPGM devs realized this.


May 28, 2017
I'm fond of how much this game has changed and improved, I didn't even know fucking random NPCs was a thing till this build


Dec 26, 2018
For now only grind i find is runing from one side of the map to other but for now map is not that big and fast travel points are added all over. Would love travel scroll with increase of map but maybe in time. And from what i see in every update it looks like devs try to balance sex/new thinks/gameplay to appeal to all patreon supporters.


Aug 1, 2017
I'm one of those who actually BUYS games that I find here that I like. I treat this site as a sort of "demo" service. Why? To support the games I like so that they're more likely to get made in the future. So, here's a review, from a customer who is hopeful that the game will get better. Very critical, but it's still pre-alpha so... that should be expected.

Review: Strong attempt, weak execution.

1. Contoller settings suck ass. - You can't even customize every button, and the start button is undeteced for use.

2. No pure human females. Human males? All over. Furry males? VERY rare, (I think only a quest or three) but there. Furry females? All over. Human females? Don't fucking exist. Ridiculous, considering the number of "slaves" supposedly being imported.

3. No reactions to your various forms. Guard still talks about a "person of your status" even after you become a full race instead of a halfling or human. No one is surprised at your void form. Terrible.

4. Drop rates are shit. Just do like Elder Scrolls, (which the game is OBVIOUSLY inspired by) and let us claim all the shit from everyone.

5. Menus are broken. Often if you open the map, you'll get stuck in a weird cycle where the menu screen won't go away but the game is still playing. You then have to save, restart the game, then load. Ridiculous.

6. Most items are not interactable. The few that are, you'd have no reason to think they were. This is bad for it's own reasons - unable to steal equipment from stores, or even pick up shit in the desert. But also terrible as for specific QUESTS you have to pick things up, and you'd not know to interact that way. Check a body for a key? Why, when you cannot check ANY OTHER BODIES IN THE ENTIRE GAME?

This shit is STUPID. Be CONSISTENT. Either we can interact with shit, or we can't. Fucking PICK one. If you aren't going to have bodies and items typically be interactable, then make some VISIBLE DISTINCTION for when they are. Otherwise it's moronic, and leaves us just checking everything and being disappointed 99% of the time. It makes no sense.

7. And this is the biggest issue: You're seem like you're trying to make a sex disguised as a game, instead of a game that contains sex. Focus on the GAME aspect more. The sex can wait. It needs to be EARNED to make the game fun. Otherwise it's just... google. A lot of the sex is too easy. Look at "Bid Brother" for example. So many cried and screamed about how it was a shit game that made "too much" money. You know why it made money? Because it made you WORK for the sex. Yes, the "work" was shit, boring grinding. Guess what? Sex wasn't just handed out on a platter. Delayed gratification is better than instant gratification.
may i introduce you to Operation Lovecraft: Fallen Doll , daily boring grind to unlock sex scence
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Oct 24, 2021
Fallen Doll blows. Go from 1 of a very few rooms, back to the lab, choose a sex scene, place it, watch, repeat. BORING.
You're better off just loading a porn.
4.00 star(s) 88 Votes