I miss the ability to have quick sex with random persons walking around.Comparing UE 4 and UE 5 is easy matter for me, I miss having the ability to change form without having to spend 2 minutes
In the UE5 version, all sex scenes are burdened with tons of terms and conditions. "Consent is the key", blah blah blah.
Fighting is easy, the boss fights are easy too (at worst, it takes a few health potions to manage them).What doesn't make sense to me though, is enemy respawns, it happened to me 3 times that to finish the fight, I had to leave the area, as the dead immediately respawned in the position where I just killed them.
What doesn't make sense to me though, is the very idea of deadly encounters in a porn game.
At least, there should be a choice between having to fight or just fuck the enemies into submission, one after another!
That's what I'd call a fun game.