Nov 8, 2021
Yes, it does. You need to be in the right position and have the right bits to make it happen.
OK, figured out to actively penetrate. But I cannot find the action to bottom anally. Seems I am exclusively bound to request this action from the partner.

Crew management in general is not good. When transfering crew away , You cannot tell their role or assignment on your ship but see their traits.
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Jun 12, 2017
OK, figured out to actively penetrate. But I cannot find the action to bottom anally. Seems I am exclusively bound to request this action from the partner.
For actions that require the partner to perform actions on you; yes, you have to request it.


Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Ah, was wondering why I seemed to be getting more followers on itch this weekend than normal. Glad to see folks are enjoying the game.

A few general responses:

  • I'm aware that combat is a little clunky at the moment, but it is at least functional, and so I've decided to leave it be for now in favor of the several years worth of written content on my to-do list.
  • There's something of a Paragon/Renegade path in the decision to play out as more of a Liberator (peaceful) or Infiltrator (aggressive) sort of agitator, however those choices will come into play more as various plotlines get finished off.
  • Sexual preference flexibility is a major focus of the game, and if everything's been coded up right you should only need to play through sex scenes that you like - if you want it to be a 100% M/M game or F/F game that's an option. Some specific characters have locked genders, and two species are monogendered, but sex scenes you don't care for are optional. If you want to entirely skip the monogender species you'll still be able to finish the game.
  • Pregnancy content is planned but will be in a later wave of functionality along with a few other things.


May 29, 2020
Is there way to cheat/get more starting traits?

Would like little bit of more freedom in the character creation.
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May 10, 2018
so, dumb question how far will the transformational content go? will it just be simple things like height and weight with perhaps with changes in color? or will you go hog wild with things outta left field like robotication (no clue what this would be called so used the term from sonic)


Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
  • Getting more traits may be a thing that's possible in the future (whether it's unlocking certain specific traits through actions or just earning more points) but it's something I'll be thinking about more down the line.
  • Children will likely only appear at birth and possibly in epilogue scenes. There will be no 'family content' within the main game beyond an occasional offhand mention.
  • The game's transformation content largely refers to the ability to play a shapeshifting character, which means you can change your visual appearance between scenes including your sexual anatomy. In the future there will be medbay upgrades which add some of this functionality for non-shapeshifters. In Carnal Coup I was able to write a lot of scenes based around shapeshifting since you had to be a shapeshifter, the flexible character generator in Voyages limits me from that though. I would like to do more scenes specific to certain species, traits or kinks, but that's lower priority compared to main plotline scenes.


Feb 2, 2022
Seems interesting... except the combat is broken, unresponsive and stupidly unintuitive. I get that you're supposed to use Commands to improve your actions, that actions happen automatically every X turns on a varying cooldown, and they happen when a turn ends and the screen glides over to the enemy team.

The problem is that half the time the commands do nothing. I can select the same type of action 5 times before a turn passes and combat progresses, or I can do a single action. The only sure fire way to make a turn pass seems to be the 'ask for options' command. There also seems to be no way to target specific enemies.

And there's 3 of these stupid things in a row in the tutorial? No thanks. I'll keep this thread under watch and check the game out again next update, because the concept seems interesting, but I'm not wasting more time on it in this version.

Edit: actually here's a suggestion for the next update, put an option in the menu to completely disable the combat sections.
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Nov 15, 2018
Seems interesting... except the combat is broken, unresponsive and stupidly unintuitive. I get that you're supposed to use Commands to improve your actions, that actions happen automatically every X turns on a varying cooldown, and they happen when a turn ends and the screen glides over to the enemy team.

The problem is that half the time the commands do nothing. I can select the same type of action 5 times before a turn passes and combat progresses, or I can do a single action. The only sure fire way to make a turn pass seems to be the 'ask for options' command. There also seems to be no way to target specific enemies.

And there's 3 of these stupid things in a row in the tutorial? No thanks. I'll keep this thread under watch and check the game out again next update, because the concept seems interesting, but I'm not wasting more time on it in this version.

Edit: actually here's a suggestion for the next update, put an option in the menu to completely disable the combat sections.
I think the main problem you might have been having in combat is that the areas you need to click to apply commands after choosing them are weirdly smaller than you think. Definitely needs some polish as things go along for ease of player experience.

The systems are definitely rough around the edges right now, but I'm eager to see where it goes, though I'd reccomend at the very least a more in depth tutorial with maybe some highlights to get it across, I had to mess around a bit before I fully understood how to make things work as some ui elements were not clear in where to interact.


Dec 6, 2019
I played the game as far as it is playable atm. I like it, but...

Explore the galaxy with your own crew and chose all of them to your liking sounds fun.
A real character-customization in a NSFW-Game is also nice to have.

The Idea that you crew is bringing their own skills in the combat is nice. The combat works... but there is to much to click and its hard to understand wtf is going on.

The system behind the 'special times' is also promising. But it needs more detailed descriptions about what is happening, to be 'successful' ;)
In this state the system is good concept, but not really 'useful'.
And that's a shame because it is probably the most interesting system in the game...
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New Member
Aug 24, 2017
TBH the combat interface is not that intuitive. I'm excited for the game, but I can't understand how the combat works, been stuck there just watching at how my ship fires some times and the enemy just recovers for a few min now. Hope it can be improved or a proper tutorial on the first combat can be implemented to explain it.


Apr 13, 2021
I'm having trouble selecting the option of having both penis & vagina as well as being able to both impregnate and bear children. Is this feature not yet implemented or am I maybe using the wrong species?
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Jun 12, 2017
Here's a quick and dirty "guide" to combat:

Your five bridge officers are the only active participants in a battle, regardless of whether it's ship or ground combat, so if you have stronger officers in the rear stations, you'll want to bring those to the bridge and throw the weaker ones in the back.

Initiative determines how many turns it takes before a crewmember can act. The higher the character's initiative is, the fewer turns of downtime they'll have before acting.

Clicking the icon of the selected action will bring up a menu with up to four options for actions. The game will autoselect actions, but you can override the selection as needed.

When it's your side's turn to act, you'll be presented with "cards" based on the traits of your officers. Those cards will boost the effects of a selected crewmember's action, based on the stat(s) of the selected crewmember. Each card used takes a turn. If you run out of playable cards (or don't like the cards that remain) you can burn a turn to draw an additional card.

Your crew will target enemies at random during ground fights. A unit that has its HP dropped to 0 will be unable to act for the remainder of the fight.

Once all of the crew of one side has 0 HP, the fight ends.
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Jun 12, 2017
I'm having trouble selecting the option of having both penis & vagina as well as being able to both impregnate and bear children. Is this feature not yet implemented or am I maybe using the wrong species?
Futa is only available for the Figura and Schen on starting character generation currently, unless you take the shapeshifting trait. For the double-decker of impreg, you can't select it currently. Perhaps in later builds.
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Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Schen can both impregnate and get pregnant (once the functionality for pregnancy gets added).
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New Member
Aug 28, 2021
So...I failed the third combat of the opening, and that's just it? You can't progress after that? What? With this clunky ass combat that is so obtuse it took me 3 run throughs to START to understand how to play? What a fucking joke.


Jun 23, 2023
Gave it a spin, it kind of reminded me of a 2D version of the Star Trek Online game, particularly the crew assignment stuff.

I set my XO as a platonic friend in creation (fem cap, male XO if it matters) and when I go to check on my officers it raises the "Fuck Buddy" flag and only offers bend them/me over and gets stuck after that regardless of either choice.

My only complaint about the combat (given it's a demo I assume more options/tactics will added later) is that it's very slow. I didn't see an option to change the text box/screen scroll speed, but being able to accelerate that would be a nice QoL change.

Another QoL change would be if at your base, when making crew requisition trades, I found myself mostly playing RNG getting an ensign and trading them back for the requisition token until I got one with the look/specie/traits/bits I liked. Rinse and repeat for remaining crew slots. It'd be nice if the trade in for token/give token for ensign was unified in one interface to make Mulligans easier.

I also noted the climax meter for my cap during sex would drop before reaching the orgasm box for most actions never reaching it with only "rub clit" leading to an orgasm despite other groping/fingering/non-penetrative misc. actions/positions taken.


Feb 2, 2022
When it's your side's turn to act, you'll be presented with "cards" based on the traits of your officers. Those cards will boost the effects of a selected crewmember's action, based on the stat(s) of the selected crewmember. Each card used takes a turn. If you run out of playable cards (or don't like the cards that remain) you can burn a turn to draw an additional card.
That's one of the biggest problems with the combat system. 4 out of 5 times, the game doesn't register that you used a skill (or at least doesn't immediately end the turn). And then when you get frustrated and start spam clicking the skills, it also sometimes bugs out and uses two skills when the turn actually happens.


New Member
Aug 24, 2017
That's one of the biggest problems with the combat system. 4 out of 5 times, the game doesn't register that you used a skill (or at least doesn't immediately end the turn). And then when you get frustrated and start spam clicking the skills, it also sometimes bugs out and uses two skills when the turn actually happens.
My exact issue, I would expect that selecting the action you want to perform would open the modifier cards immediately and after a card is selected the turn will end, but it doesn't do that; when I select a card the game does nothing. Only time when the turn seems to advance is when I request more cards.
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